
Ms. Bouncer - Daily Grind

The shrill beeps of the alarm clock jolted Amelia awake in her bed. She blinked in the morning sunlight as she sat up and hit the OFF button with a sleepy arm. Last night at work had been a doozy, with Jerry apparently thinking that bringing a bottle of Sprite near sensitive equipment wouldn’t end in disaster. Turning to look at the calendar on her wall, Amelia scanned for the day’s date. 21st, 22nd, 23rd… wait! Today was the 26th! Amelia pumped her fist and smiled. It was the beginning of her two-week vacation! And that meant loads of time for patrolling the city!

Average: 4 (5 votes)

One Night Lifts

She saw her from across the club. Red hair, a shot glass in hand. There was a wild look in her eyes, but what stood out the most was her bust. Sally didn’t know how, but this lady had a bust size triple the size of her head. And she didn’t even look weighed down, she was walking and chatting like it was nothing. Her tits just swung around like it was nothing, it was like they were weightless. Before Sally could think deeply about it, the redhead caught her gaze. She smiled and raised a crooked finger, beckoning Sally over.

Average: 4.7 (15 votes)

Thin String

As the afternoon breeze passes by, you muffle another moan of pleasure. Tethered to the ground only by the string around your ankle, you lay atop your helium-filled cock and balls, aroused beyond belief. Below you, sitting in the shade provided by your ballooned bulk, I lounge nude on a towel, my curves on full display to the world. I don’t care if a passerby might see us, if one would even be out here so far into the countryside. Besides, you have much more pressing concerns than potential spectators.

Average: 4.7 (21 votes)

Flirt and Flight

There’s a kind of comfort in expensive bars. For one, it’s perfect for if you need to be both alone and outgoing at the same time. After all, only the couples went to expensive places, no suitor or frat boy would bother with something so out of their league. For Julia, this was the perfect place for her current situation. She was outgoing alright, her curves alone accomplished that. Two taut breasts sat upon her chest, wider than her torso and protruding from her body by at least a foot, possibly two.

Average: 4.6 (27 votes)


Inflation Types:

"This is such bullshit."

Tia was the very definition of "statuesque," standing just over six feet and fantastically fit.  Though as head of the college cheerleading team she would have to be, as well as a competent and firm, yet compassionate leader.  At the moment her firmness was coming to the fore.

"Tia," one of the other cheerleaders said, "we drew straws.  You lost."

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Meditations On Popping VS Floating Away

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“I'm telling you, letting them float away is vastly underrated.”

“Be that as it may, it still can't beat the feeling of having a boy pop from under you.”

“Oh come on, it's not that good.”

“It is! It totally fucking is that good."

“is it really?”

Average: 4.1 (15 votes)

Mr. Gullible Inflated

While substituting, Mr. Gullible inhales his favorite gas, "Frazilium," until he begins to float away


Mr. Gullible Inflated
Average: 4 (3 votes)

The Bus Stop Pt. 2: Useless Lesbians

Wayne had been in some odd situations in his lifetime, that much was certain. Being inflated like a balloon, carried home like a cheap toy, tied down to a balcony railing and left to float in the breeze, however, certainly took the cake in his opinion. Even now the sensations of both the air swirling around inside him and the pressure it brought as well as the feeling of every cold winter breeze magnified against his taut, sensitive skin still felt indescribably alien to him.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Santa Claws

Julie sauntered through the doors of the Christmas Shop like she owned the place. She blew through the aisles of the shop, past Christmas trees, tinsel, massive air blown inflatables in the shape of snowmen, santa, reindeer, past a balloon counter and into the back room of the store. 

"Morning" she said jauntily to Christie, the manager. Christie was sitting on the staff room sofa looking worst for wear. "Oh boy... Christmas party... Ugh" she croaked, and chugged a glass of water, followed by a couple of headache tablets.

Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Bus Stop, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“It was fucking garbage, Wayne.”

“Hey, cmon, I liked it.”

“Oh, you liked a mindless action movie with scantily clad Hollywood women and explosions every 5 minutes? Stop the presses!”

This argument between Wayne and Sylvia had been going on like this from the moment they walked out of the theatre right up until now, as a promising anniversary date was slowly turned sour by the Hollywood machine.

“It's not my fault if you can't appreciate the nuance and subtext of a movie like this.”

Average: 4.4 (16 votes)
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