Ball at Poolside, A

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Tina was finally on her long awaited vacation. On her first day off, she decided to go pool side. She arrived at the pool with her lounge chair, drink and a romance novel she had been looking forward to reading. She looked out at the pool...beside a few kids in the 3 foot, the pool was practically empty. This is perfect...she thought...I'll read a few chapters of my book, relax in the sun...then go for a swim...Tina unpacked her stuff and opened up her lounge chair under a nice shady umbrella.

She sat down and lounged back...She had barely finished a page of her book when she heard the voice of a little boy crying out...

"Miss ?"

Tina looked up from her novel.

"Excuse me...Miss?...Could you please blow up my beachball?"

Tina thought for a second...She was about to turn down the little boy when he gave her one of those long sad puppy dog faces. How could she refuse?

"Sure..." she answered, "And what's your name?"

"I'm Bobby."

"Well, nice to meet you Bobby...I'm Tina." She said as she shook the child's hand.

"Thanks Tina!" the boy clamored out as he handed her the beachball. "It's a real big one..."

"I see!" Tina exclaimed in a childlike way. Tina found the valve on the beachball and took a few puffs into it. After a minute or so the ball started to take shape. She took a few more short breaths, pinched the valve shut and sealed it up...

"There you go."...She announced.

"Could you blow it up some more?? It's supposed to be a giant beachball...Please???" Bobby whined.

"All right I'll Inflate it a little more." She said somewhat annoyed. Once again she put the valve against her lips and puffed away...Bigger...Bigger...Bobby urged her on.

"It'll Pop..." Tina said out of the corner of her mouth.

"Bigger... C'mon Tina...make it bigger..." The boy begged.

Tina shook her head and continued exhaling into the hose. The beachball was now over 3 foot round...Tina paused for a second to catch her breath. She then inhaled to take one last blow...As she exhaled into the beachball...a gush of air escaped from it's valve. The air quickly shot into Tina's mouth. The beachball quickly deflated...and in no time, it had inflated Tina... big and round !! Tina's trim figure had swollen into a huge circular beachball.

"Wow!!" Bobby shouted in amazement. "How'd ya' do that?? Without waiting for an answer, Bobby picked up the inflated Tina and ran toward the pool...

"No...Bobby!" Tina shouted. "Stop!"

Like most little kids, Bobby didn't listen. He jumped into the 3 foot, clutching The Tina-beachball in his tiny mitts.

Bobby's friend yelled out..."Hey that's not your beachball!"

"I know...This one's a lot cooler than my stupid ball!" Bobby announced excitedly. He picked up his new toy and served it to the other kids.

"Hey you kids...Stop that!" Tina cried out.

"Hey Bobby...Uh...Your beachball is talking!!!" Little Vince laughed.

"I know...It's Tina !!" he answered.

"What??..." Vince and his brother looked at each other puzzled.

"Nevermind!" they shouted as they returned the serve...Tina's inflated balloon body soared high in the air, way over Bobby's head.

"Well go get it Bobby!!"

"I can't... My Mom said I can't go into the 6 foot without her." As the boys argued who was going to retrieved their new talking beachball, Tina helplessly drifted into the deeper water.

As she drifted along in the water she thought to herself --- Thank god I'm floating...I don't swim real well in deep water. Her feeling of relief soon changed...

By the time her spherical body came to stop, she was in the 12 foot. Noticing this she called out for help.

"Help! Help me!" her squeaky voice called out. It was desolate in that portion of the pool. A male life guard looked down and noticed the large beachball floating all by itself. But where was the voice coming from? he wondered. The lifeguard jumped in to investigate. Swimming around the deep water he only saw the giant beachball. He picked up the ball giving it a little squeeze.

"Thanks for saving me." Tina let out.

"Hey, you're not a beachball...??" the lifeguard said in a puzzled voice.

"You''re a girl!" he paused a second, rubbing his eyes. "A pretty girl...and...and you're inflated... just like a pool float!"

"I know... see there was this little boy and well...he asked me to blow up his beachball..." Tina started to explain.

"Relax... your safe here with me !" the lifeguard retorted. Just then, a maniacal look came upon his face. "You know...It really is a shame to let a nice floatation device like this go to waste. A," he said with a sheepish grin. He took a quick look around. Nobody else was around for a good distance, so he plopped himself on top of Tina's round inflated body and used her as a pool toy. His entire body covered her soft beachball-sized figure. Tina called out for help, but to no avail.

While riding on top of Tina's balloon body, the lifeguard got a little excited. (Little wasn't the word for it.) He sighed as he pulled aside a piece of Tina's bikini bottom from the crack of her behind. Quickly he pulled down his Speedo's and...well... continued to ride Tina. (If you know what I mean.)

"You were losing air...So I figured you could use a little pumping up," he lamely joked. Enjoying himself tremendously, he finally screamed out in ecstasy. "Oh Yeah !" he bellowed as he came. Just then...he heard a small pop.

The air started to escape from her tight, round body. Tina's beachball-shaped body skipped across the water at a rapid pace as she started deflating. She hit the side of the pool and her body lifted into the air. Tina's head banged into the side of a diving board.

Tina lied by the edge of pool apparently unconscious. Panicking, the lifeguard pulled up his suit, hopped out of the water and ran to the pool's medical office to find a doctor.

"Doc...Doc..."The guard called out. "Get down to the 12 foot...A young lady...uh...shot out of the pool and banged her head on the diving board." Just as quickly as he had finished his sentence, he took off running.

"I guess he's going for some more help." The doctor thought aloud. The doctor gathered his bag and headed over to the pool. A couple of nosy spectators noticed the doctor rushing toward the diving boards and decided to follow along. As the doctor arrived, Tina was a bit groggy but conscious. About four people gathered around...

"I hear you had quite an experience and banged your head," the doctor spoke as he tried to comfort his patient.

"Yeah..." Tina answered meekly.

Little did the doctor know of the real events leading up to how she bumped her head. "We better get you to a hospital, just to be safe." the doctor suggested. The spectators gathered closer to Tina.

"People, please pread out. What this young lady needs right now is some fresh air."

Tina's eyes opened wide...

"NO...NO MORE AIR !!!"

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