Elemental's Fury

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The sea was gently rolling in onto the beach, leaving white bubbling foam along the coast when Nayasha awoke. She shook her head in an effort to clear her clouded mind and slowly details began to return. Nayasha was a sorcerer who lived in a lovely white tower only a few hundred metres from the beautiful beach she now lay upon. She normally was a huge fan of the ocean and loved to watch the sea from her window up in her room but today she just didn't get such a thrill from it. This was because as a sorcerer she was supposed to wield mighty magic and have many rare magical artefacts. And while she did wield magic... well enough, and she did possess a few magical items but none of them were very great. So in an effort to gain a bit of power and reputation she had moved to the beachside where a lost sea temple containing a powerful artefact in the shape of a pearl was rumoured to be located. The problem was that the magical artefact she had been looking for the last two years had still eluded her until just a few hours earlier.

Nayasha crawled further up onto the beach out of the rising tide and gave a groan as the memories of the last few hours returned. What had started as an excellent adventure had turned completely rotten. She had found the temple but lost her spell bag and was forced to swim all the way home rather than teleport and to make matters even worse she had accidentally swallowed her pearl when the whole temple began to collapse and she had needed two hands to push something aside. She dragged herself to her feet and looked down at her usually flat stomach, a small bulge now resided there and the feeling wasn't one she'd call pleasant. She still wasn’t exactly sure how such a huge pearl had fit in her mouth and she’d swallowed it rather than suffocate but that was a mystery for another time she gave another cry of frustration and stomped up to her castle.

Nayasha stormed up her tower and sat down on her bed, not even bothering to change out of her red bikini. She sat there for what felt like an eternity before she moved over to the window and spat partially in anger and also because the taste of salt water made her feel sick. She reached for a glass and used a tiny water spell to fill it with water. No matter how much she loved the sea she couldn't stand the taste of salt water. So with a large gulp she downed the whole glass and relished the cool sensation of it running down her throat as it washed away the sea salt.

Her thirst quenched she sat back down on the bed and reached was about to reach for one of her spell books to see which ones could be used to extract the pearl when she caught a look at herself in the mirror. A tall woman, somewhat tall for an elf, looked back. Her well tanned skin a giveaway to how many days she had instead strolled down to the beach and sunbaked as opposed to studying usually and long raven coloured hair which was usually tied up neatly into a simple ponytail had come loose in the escape attempt from the underwater temple so that her hair covered most of her back as it trailed down.

Nayasha brushed a curl from her face and peeked closer to the mirror. The long spent nights had left their marks on her as darker shades resided right under her oval silver eyes. She had been rummaging through old texts like mad these past few weeks and sleeping hasn't been the top priority for her. Nayasha moved her hands in a small arc and cast a rejuvenation spell on herself, making her dark patches disappear as well as all the slowly appearing bruises she had got. No cure compared to proper sleep but it would have to do she thought to herself as she sat down back on the bed and picked up a book at random.

Suddenly, as Nayasha was reading through her book about extracting spells she heard a splash and a gurgle of water. She peered down over the cover of her book and spotted a small water elemental, about the size of a cat. "What in the Fates name?" she asked out loud. She stood up and moved over to the elemental to get a closer look at it, however as soon as Nayasha approached the elemental it began to run around her in circles. How odd, she thought. It is almost like it's looking for something. But what could an elemental be looking for? Her thoughts were stopped as suddenly the elemental stopped before right before her. Nayasha looked at the elemental then leaned down so she was close to the elemental. It looked like every other water elemental she’d ever seen, a rough humanoid shape composed of semi transparent blue water with no defined facial featured.

"Now look y-!"Her query was cut off as suddenly the water elemental leapt at her face and flowed down her throat. Nayasha hacked and coughed for air as the small elemental disappeared down her throat but in a moment it was gone, she could now feel a heavy weight in the pit of her stomach.

Nayasha spun around as if expecting to find the elemental behind her but all she heard was a distinct sloshing noise from her stomach. A thought crept into her mind. You don't think? she asked herself. She gazed down and looked at her stomach and almost gave a shriek, her stomach, once flat and then with a small bulge now thrust out a good half a foot. She looked like she had swallowed a soccer ball for the Fates sake!

Nayasha was a little concerned about what had just happened but she suddenly felt a pulse of magical energy come from her belly. She heard a second splash behind her and she spun around so fast that her stomach took a moment to catch up. It was another water elemental; this one was the size of large dog. Nayasha clamped her hand over her mouth as the elemental approached. As it approached the elemental seemed to tilt it’s head and look at Nayasha in a curious way, almost as if it was trying to figure out where something was. Nayasha took an involuntary step back, her heart beating fast and loud. It was looking for something and that something seemed to be… inside her?

But before Nayasha could wonder about this any further the elemental made its move. With an amazing show of speed the creature ran behind Nayasha and before she could turn around or even guess as to its purpose she felt something press against her swimsuit bottoms, it then forced itself through the material and up into her ass. A cold chill swept through her as she felt something cold and wet pressed inside her rear and she hear the distinct sound of running water. She cried out in surprise as her hips started swelling outwards. Her ass was getting tight and she could feel the water still coming, forcing some of the water into her belly as well. Within moments there was a snap as her swimsuit bottoms fell away; her widened hips and larger ass had snapped the elastic on both sides, but by then the elemental was already gone.

Nayasha was silent for a moment as she looked down at herself, her stomach looked like she had recently swallowed a watermelon and her ass was so big that if she sat down on a chair she wasn’t sure she would fit in it, let alone get out. But Nayasha was less concerned about sitting and more about what was summoning the elementals. I just need to think carefully, I’ve never heard of elementals attacking like this. Entering their target. But it's like I'm not even a target, more like an obstacle, impeding the way to something.

She gazed down at her belly. "Could it be possible that the pearl is drawing them to itself?" she wondered aloud. "And a new elemental appears only every time the first one goes away? So let's say this pearl summons a water elemental and then that elemental is drawn to be with the pearl. Hence the bloating." Nayasha almost smiled, she had solved the puzzle and figured out what was happening. "So the water that reaches the pearl is then used to summon greater elementals, and since that attempt to enter my stomach wasn't so successful I doubt that their will be any increase in elemental size or maybe not even enough to bring forth an elemental at all." she said hopefully.

At that moment two loud splashes were heard behind her and the bare bottomed Nayasha turned with a look of fear on her face. Only metres from her two elementals the same size as the first looked at her. Nayasha covered her mouth with one hand and the other she planted over her swollen rear to deny access, there was a loud amount of sloshing from her cheeks as her arm hit with more force than she intended. The elementals this time seemed to know the score and approached slowly and carefully the nervous elf sorcerer. Nayasha wanted to cast a spell but with her hands occupied and her mouth covered she couldn't do a thing. Well at least all the holes are filled, she thought dismally to herself.

The elementals approached still, getting dangerously close. Nayasha backed away instinctively and she ended up with her back against the wall. Worried she looked at the sloshing creatures one at a time, unable to find a way out of this mess. Quickly one of the elementals closed the gap between it and her and placed it’s liquid frame close to Nayasha's face. She whimpered quietly as it did and held her mouth tightly shut. She had her behind and mouth firmly shut, but there was still one place the elf hadn't taken account for. With blinding speed the other elemental rushed to her and lowered it's body down close to Nayasha's crotch and before the lady could react it decided to enter her.

She could feel the cool water rush into her lower entrance and her eyes flew wide from the feeling of the intensely massaging water, letting out a moan that could be heard from all over the tower. As she took her right hand down away from her mouth the remaining elemental saw it's chance. Nayasha was silenced as the watery body entered her mouth and rushed fast down her throat. She gurgled both from pleasure and from shock as she felt her body expand once more from the amount of liquid entering her.

Her already large belly pushed out larger and larger along with her chest and behind, for it was obviously getting tight for the elementals to fit in her. When the creatures had entered her completely the young sorceress groaned from the encumbrance and flopped on her broad water-filled behind onto her bed. "Ughhhh... I don't think I can handle any more...." she heaved and rested her hands on her taut round belly.

Nayasha sat on her bed in silence for a minute; the changes to her body were starting to take a toll on her mind. She could still feel the tingling sensations as each of the elementals had thrust themselves into her body. Nayasha leaned forwards in an attempt to stand up but was met with strong resistance. Her huge stomach blocked her efforts and sloshed violently in response to her constant effort. Eventually she fell back onto her back to recover. She paled slightly from the effort but when she realised that unless she removed the water soon she would face even harder tasks. She opened her eyes in horror, which she realised she must have closed, when she suddenly had the realisation that more elementals would soon be coming. She was on her feet in seconds, trying to maintain her balance.

She finally stabilised and realised she could hear a faint stretching noise, she looked in concern for what was making threats of bursting her eyes darting constantly. With a sigh of somewhat relief she realised it was her bikini top. The water elementals had obviously filled her stomach and were now searching for vacancies in other areas. It could be worse, she thought to herself. This was her last rational thought as she heard two splashes just in front of her. Two large elementals had appeared and were calmly waiting for acknowledgement.

She looked up and with a cry that made the birds from the nearby forest take flight she shuffled backwards to pull away, running into her chair in the process and falling into it. Their was a large amount of pressure on her thighs and a sudden amount of audible sloshing as they squeezed through the arm rests and finally spread out on the seat, making an impressive hourglass shape, trapping her in the seat. She bucked violently for a few precious moments as she tried to free herself but nothing succeeded and she only stopped once the two elementals approached. She stopped struggling to get out. She started to rip apart the chair in desperation.

The elementals were larger than any of the previous ones had been and there were two of them, as they came to within a few feet of her Nayasha shut her mouth, then covered it with a hand. She then laid her hand over her very exposed lower front in memory of just before as her rear end was fortunately covered by the imprisoning form of the chair. She was safe, in only for as long as she maintained this ridiculous pose.

The elementals looked at her from their spots and Nayasha stared at them horrified in return. Her mind screamed for help, but she didn't dare to open her mouth in fear of the elementals gushing into her mouth. So she sat there, eyes wide from horror and hands covering her possible entry points. The things slid closer to her and placed themself on both sides of the woman who had troubles in keeping the elementals on her sights. Again she tried to nudge herself out from the chair, but her bloated frame was stuck there for good. Nayasha thought that if she'd stayed still long enough the things would give up eventually and leave her be. For a moment it actually seemed to work, since the water elementals, each the size of a man, twirled slowly around the chair obviously looking for spots to enter the lady.

Then, when it seemed that Nayasha could finally get rid of the creatures, they surprised her with an unexpected act. In a last ditch attempt to get to the pearl the elementals strove for the only point on her body that went into her, her nipples. The water passed through the bikini’s material effortlessly and began to build within each of her breasts. Nayasha was shocked but also alarmed at the feeling that went through her breasts and was about to move her hands when she realised that was what they wanted her to do, trying to get her to open her mouth for them. The worst part about this was that the elementals had to enter a lot slower than they normally did. This caused the normally fierce but quick experience to instead be drawn out and the electrifying process was almost too much for her. Even if this was against her will it felt miraculous.

Her breasts began to press even tighter against her now small bikini, the straps digging into her and the strong steady feeling in her breasts was really… heavenly to say the least. Oh why did they have to be such big elementals? And why did they have to do this so slowly, her body called out? The water could be heard sloshing within her chest and already they looked like someone had removed her breasts and had attached basketballs there instead, albeit water filled ones. She suddenly found it difficult to breathe as her bikini top reached its limit but with a difficult gasp she inhaled deeply, resulting in a sharp twang and a sudden realisation of how breezy it was up in the tower. She would have blushed if her face wasn’t already glowing so much from what the elementals were doing.

Larger and larger her breasts grew, moving constantly as the elementals took up more and more space, their cold bodies massaging her nipples as they passed and flooding her body with sensations as they moved about inside. Her breasts soon reached beyond watermelon size and were so large that they covered her stomach almost completely and Nayasha was almost bucking out of the chair in reaction before the elementals were fully inside her. Finally after the several minute long process the elementals were in her breasts, her thin elvan form a mere memory. Instead all that remained was an enormously bloated sorcerer, who was naked and stuck in her chair. Nayasha was about to attempt to dislodge herself when a long creaking sound could be heard followed by a crack, the added weight of the new elementals had proven to vast for the chair to support and Nayasha’s swollen form crashed onto the floor amidst broken chair legs and arm rests.

That’s it. I can’t survive another one of those things doing that! She thought. I have to escape now or I’ll fill the room before too long! She shuddered at the thought and that image seemed to give her enough energy to (after rolling around and clambering up the side of the bed) stand. Wobbling with every breath and making so much audible sloshing as so think one was at the ocean side again Nayasha started to carefully make her way down the stairs of the tower, jiggling every step of the way.

After a few minutes of slowly descending the stairs Nayasha began to wonder why another elemental hadn’t appeared yet. Normally there was only a brief break between one and the next, though the last one had been quite lengthy she supposed. Maybe it takes longer the more times it’s activated? Or maybe it’s just charging up for a real big one. she thought grimly. No sooner had the thought entered her mind when her whole body began to glow, the water inside her rumbling as it charged the pearl for it’s next activation.

With first a single ‘plop’ of a water droplet falling to a slow constant dripping Nayasha heard the water. She turned to face the side of the tower’s wall and craned her neck to see what was happening, she screamed. Water was slowly materialising in midair and falling into an already large puddle on the step. As she watched the water materialisation increased rapidly. What had been a quick succession of water droplets was now a fast running tap and speeding up every moment. Nayasha could only watch in horror as the elemental was constructed, this time however instead of a humanoid appearance it was forming something much larger, it could only be and elder elemental. Nayasha screamed again and ran down the stairs at an increased pace. The elemental gave chase, still growing larger every second.

Nayasha’s mind was a flurry of panic, an elder element was said to rival the size of a small house on the odd occasion. She was so scared that she actually reached the bottom of the tower and didn’t realise it for a few moments and stared out at the sun in a stupor. The cold touch of water against her ass cheek jolted her awake however and with a burst of speed ran towards the forest. She gazed back and spotted the elemental, it was now fully formed, it’s lower half was floating a few inches above the ground, the water moving around in several small hypnotizing circle patterns while the upper half remained that of a humanoid. The elemental was a good three metres tall and two if not three times as wide as a standard human and caught up with her just as she reached the first tree of the forest. The water elemental extended one hand which stretched out so far as to catch Nayasha’s legs and trip her, barrelling her into the tree and stunning her momentarily. Nayasha quivered in fear as she faced the elder water elemental, she was caught and couldn’t escape. Her spell scrolls were locked in a chest in the tower and even if she had a few with her, her bloated breasts made it impossible to make most of the signs needed. So it was with a fearful cry she felt the elemental’s cold watery touch.

The elemental was far too large to simply force it’s way in as the other’s had so instead it channelled several funnels of water into Nayasha from multiple entry points. Nayasha cried out as the first one went into her rear, it’s fast moving pace giving her such a burst of unexpected pleasure her fear was almost washed away. She could feel the water pressing against the ass, stretching it wider with every moment with part of the water forcing her thighs to thicken as well as it searched for any available space. Nayasha closed her eyes and gave a long moan of pleasure despite herself.

As the next funnel of water entered her via her crotch her eyes flew open at the new sensations, every moment was bliss as the water pushed past her lips and flowed into her body. It was then she realised that the water wasn’t actually entering her stomach any more, it seemed odd her stomach was content to stay at such a small size in comparison to her body, almost as if she was with a single child, instead it seemed to build in her breasts, enlarging them slowly but surely as the elemental continued it’s work.

Nayasha gazed over at the elemental and was concerned to find that the elemental hadn’t seemed to have shrunk much at all, whereas her own breasts were already hanging dangerously close to the ground in her standing position. But before she could focus on this issue any more the elemental attached it’s last three funnels to her, it slid one into her mouth and attached the two others to her nipples. Surprisingly Nayasha found that unlike the very first elemental she didn’t need to breathe. It’s actually conscious enough to cast a water breathing spell while doing this? How odd. She thought distractedly. However as the rate of flow and pressure increased on all five of the hoses Nayasha’s remaining concerns were washed away as she felt her body start to surge outwards, with her breasts receiving the most attention.

The water had stopped coming in a constant flow and instead the elemental was sending single large surges into her, each one causing her to climax from the wave of sensations. Not only that she could see her own body swelling visibly with each surge, growing larger and larger and emphasising her already ridiculous hourglass figure. While she could see her butt she felt each cheek being pressed against from her breasts which now reached the ground and almost obscured the sight of the elemental. Her butt would have been twice as wide as she was she guessed in between climaxes and her breasts rivalled a pony each. But the elemental’s still there and only half it’s original size at least! She thought in fear. I don’t know how much more this body can take!

It was then she felt what she feared had been coming. As the surge hit her and she climaxed her body didn’t grow any more. Her flesh had reached it’s limit, instead her flesh started taking on a reddish hue and her flesh began to shiver constantly. But the elemental didn’t stop it continued to pump wave after wave of water into her, her body starting to groan in protest while all she could do was ride each wave of pleasure before the end. Then it came, the final push, the elemental retracted its funnels of water and Nayasha gathered enough of her wits to watch what was about to occur. The elemental was now almost the size of the last one, hardly a drop or two in comparison to what was already inside Nayasha now. But it would be enough. Gathering itself into a single ball the elemental floated in midair for a moment before hurtling itself at Nayasha’s face.

Suddenly there was an explosion of light and the lingering smell of singed clothing in the air. Nayasha could only see a faint trail of rising steam where the elemental had been earlier and then to the right a figure wearing a dark grey overcoat and pointing a wand at the steam. The figure lifted it’s wide brimmed hat a little to get the full scope of the elemental’s condition before turning to face Nayasha.

“Quite a close call there, elf.” The figure said and then gave a light laugh. Nayasha’s ears drooped, she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that the worst was yet to come.

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