Aerostian Conflict, The

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And in local news... URA forces have captured an Aerostian city where leader Yukami Sakino Hirose was rumored to have last been seen. The Aerostian leader has been accused of heavy war crimes and was last seen…

The monorail was speeding along, its morning passengers listening to the televisions placed in its car. Jennifer wasn’t paying attention to the news. She was too excited. She was finally graduating St. Mary High and nothing… not even the war was gonna interfere with her day. Staring out the window, watching the city pass by, she sighed as she remembered that night…

She didn’t remember much… fire, rubber, panic... all were abundant. She sat outside, silent and crying as the crews went back into their building. All she wanted was her mother and sister. Where were they… what was going on…? She cried… and cried… and cried herself to sleep as the night faded.

Two days later she was visited by one of the police from the scene. Every fiber of her being hoped for good news, only to be dashed as the officer handed her two small boxes. One box had the name of her mother while the other had her sister’s name on it. Tearing up, she opened each box… seeing each almost halfway filled with rubbery shreds. She thanked the officer, closing the door as he left. She placed the lid on each box and sat down… crying until the tears ran dry.

The train stopped to pick up its newest passengers, and a young girl stood next to Jennifer as she reminisced. “Mornin’”, she said to the girl, overly polite because of her graduation. The girl just stood there… looking at the window like Jennifer had been. “Oook…”, turning back to her memories as the train moving again.

Not long after, she found out that her building was hit by an Aerostian soldier trying to kill URA troops stationed in there. Sixty-six civilian casualties and three military casualties were counted, her family included. How could someone be so cruel? Killing so many innocent lives just to get to a few people? Jennifer shook her head sadly as the train neared her stop. She smiled, trying to get rid of the sadness and remembering that today was the day she would be a free woman. No more pencils, no more books as they say…

Lost in thought, Jennifer didn’t notice the girl next to her was slowly growing bigger. It was fast as her belly quickly filled up, her entire midsection rounding out in a matter of seconds. It wasn’t until her ass had finished merging into her belly that someone finally noticed…


The first screams led to a panic in the car, knocking Jennifer out of her thoughts again. She turned to see the growing girl and stared speechless. Fear enveloped her as a mad dash for the doors was stopped by said door sealing shut, a failsafe to protect the rest of the train. People started pounding on the doors as the unknown girl lost her limbs to her ballooning body. Jennifer backed away slowly, creaking sounds coming from the girl, her face a stony mask of focus as screams and sobs echoed through the car. Deep creaks were heard as the girl shivered once and a final scream rang out…


The explosion knocked passengers into the walls and onto the floors, all going silent as a grey cloud filled the car. Jennifer had landed on her back, her head hitting the window she had been looking out of. Trying to regain her senses from the blast, she found it almost difficult to move. She was exhausted… or at least felt like it while her thought process returned.

Now instead of screams, moans and whimpers filled the car. Jennifer turned her head to the sounds, quickly seeing the reason for the whimpers. People were bloating up… quickly becoming as the girl who popped had. Jennifer was no exception as her belly started swelling up. “No…” she said to herself as her body started rounding out. Not like this… not today.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she realized her fate. Loud moans and stretching noises were heard throughout the car as several passengers were almost completely rounded, rolling with the motion of the car. The feeling itself… it hurt, like something was trying to push her apart from the inside, trying to contort her body against its will. Her skin stretched, becoming painfully oversensitive as her top cut into her rapidly growing breasts. Another loud moan turned her head to the other people in the car…

Jack and Katie had just been engaged a week ago, both of them looking forward to their lives together after their dream wedding. Now the couple were rolling helplessly inside a car… knowing their dreams would stay just that… dreams in their final moments. “Jack…” Katie managed to squeak, rolling in front of his face. “I know…” he grunted in response. The couple looked helplessly at each other… then locked lips in their final kiss…


The scraps fluttered down as a young girl tried to talk to her mother, clueless at the situation. “Mom… Mommy…?” She called for the balloon that used to be the girl’s mother, meriting only a loud groan in return. The train shifted as it turned and several people started rolling towards the side, the girl and her mother included. They only stopped after hitting the side of the car, several people getting squished between the wall and other people. The young girl herself was being sqeezed between her mother and the wall, her rounded body bulging to the sides as the force of her mother pushed into her.

“Mom… stop… it hur-” BOOM!, as the young girl’s body succumbed to the pressure…

BOOM! Her mother joined her floating shreds.

It happened like that all over. Pops and bangs followed moans and groans, the air quickly becoming thick with rubbery shreds. Jennifer cried out in anguish. Why her? Why today…? It wasn’t fair. She wasn’t part of the war…

Tears dripped down her face as she rolled again, this time coming to a stop in front of a window. Looking at the scenery passing by, she wished she could have one more day… just to enjoy the peace of the city one more time. The pain became excruciating as she moaned in tune with her skin. Just a few more seconds… her body was being pushed to the extreme… deep, ominous groans emanating from her. “Just a bit longer…” as she could have sworn she saw her old home pass by, her body reaching beyond its limit…

Earlier today an Aerostian soldier popped herself on the B line monorail in an act of resistance against URA occupation. The explosion is suspected to have caused over forty civilian casualties including women and children and is the latest in a spree of Aerostian attacks in retaliation for the capture of the city of…

Johan dumped the bag out onto the conveyor belt. Rubber scraps and shreds sprawled out and floated onto the belt as it moved towards the fires of the incinerator. He had long since become detached from his work… a necessary evil as it was found to be far too troublesome to separate one former person from another. He didn’t argue, sighing as he grabbed the last of the bags from the train, pouring them out on the belt. He watched them slowly move down, waiting as they burned and shriveled in the fire before shutting the belt and incinerator down.

Before he left though, he bowed his head and thanked the people who he’d just burned out of existence. It was cruel irony that their deaths gave him a job… and it was for that he was thankful for as he left the machinery in the dark, tired after a long day’s work.

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