Magic Touch, The

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(or, "A Ping, A Poke, A Puff, A Pop")

Nakana had the dictionary definition of a "bubble butt," and she showed it off in skin-tight, light blue jeans, riding snugly in her crotch, clinging to her petite waist all the way down to her boots. Her dark brown skin glistened in the afternoon sun. Her curvy breasts strained at her white blouse, her long black hair jostling on her shoulders as she exited the school building.

She was, in short, the object of attention from male and female schoolmates alike; yet while many eyes followed her, no person did. There were rumours about Nakana, rumours that deterred even the bravest of young men from approaching her.

It was only when she walked through the car park did a young man, overcome by curiosity as much as desire, stepped away from the tree he'd been leaning against and strode alongside her, stepping quickly to keep pace with the long-legged young beauty.

"Nakana, right?" he asked. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "I'm Traff. From chemistry?" The girl kept walking. "You know, there's a rumour around school about you."

She stopped suddenly, causing Traff to screech to a halt as well, almost losing his balance as he did so. "Is that right?" she finally said, after regarding him a moment.

"They say you're a witch," he said, grinning.

"And you don't believe it unless you see me do some magic."

"Well, yeah," he admitted. "What can you do? Want me to pick a card, any card?"

She paused for a moment, looking in the distance and then back to the young man. "Well…I can do this."

Her long dark index finger touched Traff's shoulder.


It was a sound not unlike air suddenly filling up a rubber tube. Where Traff had stood only a moment before now floated a balloon caricature of his former self.

It happened so suddenly that Traff had to blink repeatedly before getting his bearings. His body was stuffed tight and round, yet he felt lighter than air, as if he'd become a helium-filled blimp.

Nakana's full lips pulled back into a wide smile, exposing her pearly whites. "How's that? I just turned you into a balloon. Convinced?"

Traff was convinced. But he didn't immediately respond. He hovered in the air, his eyes looking up, looking down, but unable to look around, for he was so filled with helium that he no longer had a neck, appearing more like a rubber ball with a smaller rubber ball attached to it where his head had been. He squirmed slightly but managed to produce only embarrassing rubber-like squeaks.

"Uh-huh," he muttered through his puffy cheeks. His squeaky voice surprised him, sounding like he'd been inhaling helium, his mouth sounding stuffed.

"Well, then," said Nakana, waving at him playfully, "ta-ta." She began to saunter off.

Traff was momentarily distracted at the sight of her tight bum walking away from him. "Wait!" he squeaked. "You can't leave me like this!"

She stopped but only half-turned to him, as if expecting only a moment's delay. "Why not?"

"I don't want to be a balloon!"

"Oh, is THAT all?" Nakana asked, turning her full attention to him again. She reached out with her hand and poked his fragile skin with her finger.


With a painless spark, the look in Traff's eyes turned from fear into pleasure.

"There!" said Nakana victoriously. "Now I made you WANT to be a balloon! Happy now?"

"I want to be a balloon," he said dreamily.

"Nakana!" a female voice called out.

The pretty young black girl turned to see a blond, 20-something teaching assistant, Miss Ambrielle. Her high heels clacked along the asphalt as she approached the scene, her big, black-rimmed glasses doing little to conceal her attractiveness or her current annoyance. "What did I tell you about using your magic powers on school grounds?"

Nakana looked at her floating, bloated schoolmate and then back at the annoyed, bespectacled blonde. "He WANTS to be a balloon," Nakana explained simply.

"I want to be a balloon," Traff repeated dreamily in his high-pitched voice.

Miss Ambrielle's sparkly green eyes blinked a bit as she absorbed the scene. "Ah," she said, self-consciously adjusting her glasses. "Oh!" she repeated. She almost seemed a little nervous, her hand brushing down her tan skirt. "Well, all right, then," she finally concluded. "I guess it's all right, if he WANTS to be a balloon."

"I want to be a balloon," Traff repeated.

"Yes, yes," said Miss Ambrielle, and loudly swallowed. "All right, then. Just, ah, just be careful not to pop him. OK? Don't pop him!"

"No, mum," Nakana agreed.

"Well, then, I guess I'm off. Off!" Yet she paused, her gaze jumping from the balloon to Nakana and back again. "I'm off," she said again and walked away, slowly at first, and then as quickly as her legs could carry her within the confines of her tight-fitting skirt.

Nakana watched Miss Ambrielle leave before turning back to Traff. She put her fists on her hips and tilted her lovely head to the side, clearly considering the possibilities.

"I wonder how big you COULD get before you popped," she thought aloud.

Traff's eyes widened. "Wait! I want to ALWAYS be a balloon! I don't want to pop!"

Nakana sighed and gently poked Traff again.


"I want to pop," he confessed.

Nakana put her hands on either side of Traff's globular body. She leaned in, enough that he could faintly smell her feminine perfume, feel the warmth of her breath, and, most wonderfully, the pressure of her pert breasts against his taut skin.

Their lips touched. And then she blew.


On his lips, Traff felt a kiss. But in his body, he felt a thousand air hoses blowing into him at once. It took only a few seconds to double in size, until he was no longer floating but rather touching the ground with his expanding belly while the rest of him spread out into the open air.

He expanded so fast, grew so large, spread so thin, that he lasted only seconds.


Nakana opened her eyes and smiled at the vacant space now in front of her. She sighed in satisfaction and turned away.

And she nearly collided with Miss Ambrielle, the attractive blond T.A.

"Mum!" said Nakana, hiding her smile away.

"Nakana," Miss Ambrielle began scoldingly, but she stopped. She pulled off her large glasses and gave her blond hair a toss. When she spoke again, her voice softened.

"Nakana," she repeated, "I want to be a balloon, too."

And the smile returned to Nakana's face.

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