Door Woman 2: Door Woman's Sister

Date Written: 

Guys, I don't know what I was doing but I had to, had to, had to, had to, had to get this out. Hope you enjoy.


Door Woman 2: Door Woman's Little Sister


The door woman, Alexa Pittman, stood in the door -- again. This was her second time supervising the little girl, and she had busted after the first. 

Luckily, they were able to save her with nanomachines (as they were able to repair everyone), and she was none worse the wear -- though her arm was in a sling, and she had to walk with a bit of a step in her gait -- otherwise, she was fine. Except for her pride. Her wounded pride had led to a bit of more-eating-than-usual, which led to a bigger stomach and a bit of a bigger body -- it helped ease her into the doorframe, however. She had become a bigger woman -- and she had a bit of a thing to say about it, as well.

"Well, well, little girl," she said, crossing her arms, fitting herself into the door, "it looks like I'm back. And you won't be getting out this time."

"Tee hee hee," said the little girl. "I don't know what you mean. Are you referring to what happened last time?"

The door woman's face creased with a frown.

"I know, you feel sorry for what happened to me," continued the little girl. "I'm a young little girl -- I can't get out alone. But I know you won't let anything like that happen to me this time. You're too responsible for me!" The girl winked at the woman and crossed her arms at her all-knowingly.

"You'll be surprised to see what I've brought in this time," said the woman. "Actually."

The girl seemed genuinely surprised -- something else? She thought it would be same routine, different sort of story... not exactly.

"Introducing my little sister," Alexa said. "Alexa 2. Or as we call her, Alextrandria. Or you can call her Alextra. Just Alextra, okay? It's simpler."

The little girl rolled her eyes. "Okay. Just get on with it."

The woman waved Alextra in.

The guest made her way in -- by opening the window. Yes, it looked like the door woman... but she was smaller. Like a foot smaller. This was her little sister?

"But she's about 18," said the door woman. "Say hello to Alextra. Or as we shall call her -- the window woman."

The little girl, surprised, waved. Oh crap -- they had the door and the window covered. This would be more difficult -- and was certainly more unexpected than she had thought -- but it shouldn't be impossible.

The little girl swallowed her surprise and said: "Hello, Alextra."

"Hiiii!" waved Alextra back, coming in and shutting -- or should I say slamming! -- the window behind her. It shut with a BAM! 

It put an end to all the introductory stuff.

"And now that Alextra is in," the door woman said with a sisterly smile, "I think we should get down to business. You're staying in here" -- she pointed to the little girl, "-- and we are not letting you get out. At all."

"Got it," said the little girl.

"And I don't want any stuff from you," the woman said. "And you know what I mean."

"Like the gum I tricked you with last t--"

"YES," the door woman said. "That kind of thing. And I won't fall for it again."

"But how about your sist-" the little girl said,

"No!" Alextra said. "Not fallin' for it. My sister told me all about you. We've got you covered." And Alextra put her hip in the window. She was pretty much covering it now.

Damn it, thought the little girl. "Well," she said, putting her feet on the little table, "I guess you girls have got me canvassed. Have you got something to eat?"

"Nothing besides trick gum," the door woman said.

"Oh. Well I won't be having any of that."

Alextra giggled at her, looking down at the girl.

"...What's that all about?" said the girl, thumbing her thumb at the woman in the window.

"Nothing much," door woman shrugged. "She just likes to play around."

"Hm," the girl said. Gum won't work this time. Gotta try something else. "Soo," she said, getting up, and the other two girls got to action stance a bit, ready for her. "Easy, easy, you two. I just wanted to ask," she said, walking around, "about the relationship between you two. I mean, I hardly got to know your little sister. Nice nails, by the way," she said, pointing to the door woman.

The door woman took this. "There's nothing much to say really, nothing much to tell. She's just like me, but younger... and a little shorter." She said, putting her eyes to the side a bit.

Alextra giggled. "I'm not that much shorter. You should see me when I do that thing."

"Shh!" the door woman said.

Uh-oh, thought the little girl.

"So what thing are you talking about, window woman?"

The window woman let out a sly smile. "Welll, I don't know if I should tell you."

"Don't tell her." Said the door woman.

"But if you insist," Alextra said, "I can blow myself up."

"What?" said the little girl.

"SHH!" said the door woman.

"Yep!" The window woman said proudly, putting her hands on her hips, ignoring her 22-year old sister. "Just like a little balloon."

"Wow, really?" said the little girl. "Wow, you must be quite something. Care to demonstrate in front of me for your bigger sister?"

"No," the girl said. "I'm not a sucker. What do you take me for?"

"Hm," said the little girl, sitting down. "A sucker. And I thought I was onto something."

"Well not with me," Alextra said. "I'm just as stubborn as my older sister. And you will see."

"Hey a demonstration would be pretty good though," said the little girl. "Just once? For me?"

Alextra took a deep breath in. "Well," she said, "if you insist..................NO."

"Oh, drat," said the little girl. "Well, what do you two do for fun? I bet you have a pretty fun time, one of you being tall and the other short. Do you tell jokes to yourselves often?"

The two girls scoffed at her. They were pretty sure she was trying to rile them up. She was. But they had expected this. Among other things. The only thing was that... one of them was taller. And one of them was shorter.

"Well," the door woman said, "it never gets into any of that. But haven't you got something better to do? Watch TV? Eat some gum? Do nothing for a while? We'll be here for a while."

"No," the girl said. "Just gawking at you."

"Hm," said the door woman.

"Tee hee hee," said the window woman.

"Shut her up," said the girl.

"What did you say?" -- Window woman.

"Shut her up" -- the little girl.

"Shut up!" said the door woman.

"Me or her?" said the girl.

"Her!" Pointed the window woman at the girl.

"HER!" Pointed the door woman at the window woman!

The door and window woman stared at each other.

"Some kinda difficulty happening between you two," said the little girl. "Mind if I help out?"

"SHUT UP!" Said the door woman AND window woman.

"Shut up." Said the little girl.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Said the door woman, wiping spittle from her mouth with her good hand.

"What did I do?" Said the window woman. "Why should I shut up?" 

"Because you're being annoying" -- the door woman -- "Just shut up and watch over her. And be careful, 'cuz you're short."

"What's that s'posed to mean?" Said the window woman, leaning over to look at the door woman.

"It means you have to lean over to get a look at the door woman," the sly little girl said. "And that you're too small for all that talk you're carrying around. WAY too small for your britches. And way smaller than your sister..." She sat back to watch the fireworks fly.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" The little said, and started to huff, and puff --

"No!" The Door woman said. "This is what she wants!"

"Shut up!" said her little sister, puffing up. "I'll do what I want!"

"Still 18 and still immature," the door woman said. "What are you going to do if she bursts you -- or gets out?! Are you crazy?!"

"Yeah, are you crazy!" Said the little girl.

"Be quiet!" Said the window woman, huffing and puffing again. She had gotten a few inches taller and her sides were starting to swell out. The circus belt she was wearing -- the one she wore to make her look taller -- stretched a bit wider, and a bit higher.

When she said little balloon earlier, she was right. She would be able to get about 7 foot up, 7 foot around. Not that big, not that little. But big enough for the little girl to pop her.

Alextra's circus belt popped off. "Ungh!" she said with the effort, as the inflation made her push her out even more. Her knee-high platform sandals fell off as she floated into mid-air and the buttons on her overcoat popped off.

"There you are, little girl!" the window woman said. "Now you see who's tall!"

"Not really," said the little girl. "You're about 3 feet around. And it's hard to see you from down here. Can you come down here for a second?"

"Don't do it, it's a trap!" said the door woman.

"I know!" Said Alextra. "I'm not coming down there. You're going to pop me. I'm going to stay here and prevent you from leaving, especially since I'm a couple or two feet taller. Nobody's getting away from me."

"We'll see about that," the girl said, pulling a hair pin from out of a curl...

"Oh no," said the window woman, her eyes widening, her face paling...

"Oh yes," the little girl, and threw the miniature dart at her.


And that was what happened to Alextrandria, the second heroine of her story. She'll be back too, I'll mind to tell, but for now we'll just look at her tattered clothes and tattered pride.

"That was too easy," said the little girl, turning to the door woman.

"We'll get her repaired," said the door woman. Shaking. "We'll get it done. And you won't be leaving."

"But oh, I will," said the little girl, pointing up. "Window?"

"Oh, GOD," said the door woman, quivering with rage and anxiety.

The little girl raced over there. The door woman got a start but the little girl knew what she was doing, and the door woman was larger, and heavier. 

The girl propped up a ladder she had hidden over there -- it was more like a stack of shelves, but it would do it -- and climbed up it.

"Oh no" said the door woman.

"You're all alike, you know that?" Said the little girl, pointing to the remains of the door woman's sister. "All say the same stuff," she said, climbing up. "Shut up," she mimicked, "Oh no," she mocked. "But I'll tell you what."

"And what's that?" said the door woman, shouting up at her.

"I don't let you say any more. Because before I go, it's "bango" for you too. Baby!"

The little girl threw something down at the door woman. What was it?

It felt like it had attached itself to her. The door woman felt around -- it had landed on her back. Oh god, what was it?"

"It's the little nano-machine," the little girl said. "That your sister was wearing. I want you to go out like her."

The door woman scrambled for the machine but it was too tightly latched on.

"Looks like it's a good fit for you," said the little girl, and got the little remote control. "Wavy-wavy!" she said, waving the remote control in front of the door woman.

"Urgh," Alexa said. She couldn't reach the girl -- too bad for her dead arm -- and couldn't reach the nano machine -- too far back there and again, can't detach with one arm and a clingy nano-machine.

"Buh-bye," said the little girl, and pressed the button. You know, the green button. It says "Inflate," in green letters.

"No," said the door woman, expanding a bit. "No!" she said. "NO!"

"Yes!" The little girl said. "Yes! Yes!" And with each "yes" a press of the button. The door woman only got wider and wider. Taller and taller. And she started floating up.

"Sayonara, door woman!" the little girl said. "Hope to see you and your little sister next time!" And she would, leaping out the window. "Bye-bye!"

"Uh oh," said the door woman.


Author's Note: 

This is the second in the door woman series. I had to include the introductory statement at the top because I feel this was not proofread but as I said I just had to get it out. Call me crazy but it felt like the world needed more Door Woman. At 2:30 today: This morning.

Anyway, see y'all later. This will not be the last of door woman or Alexa Pittman that you will be seeing. *Sleep!*

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