Tonight was going to be a special night. The children were gone to safe places where she didn’t have to worry about them. She had the day off so plenty of time to relax and be ready for her special love to come home.
First she decided to buy some special lingerie. She went to a special shop that sold exotic lingerie. She found what she wanted, bought it and took it home to try on. There was a warning tag on the side of the clothing. The warning tag read: “A special spell has been cased on this garment. It will bring happiness and eternal love. With this spell there are side effects. The most severe side effect is as follows: Wearing this garment could cause inflation of different parts of the body. Different people it affects differently. Please be careful not to over inflate.” She read the warning and decided it was a joke. How could this garment cause inflation? Since that shop was weird, it had to be a prank.
The lingerie fit perfectly and made her feel very sexy. She decided to wear it underneath her shorts and top.
When her special love arrived home, she gave him time to relax and get comfortable. They talked about their day for a while and got caught on the news of the day.
It started to get dark outside so she set a candlelight dinner on the table. They sit and enjoyed the delicious meal. Then she decided it was time to spend quality time together. The lights were dimmed only candlelight was present. The television was turned off and the telephone was placed off the hook so they would not be disturbed from the outside world. She wanted the evening to be theirs without any interruptions.
She went into the bedroom to slip out of her shorts and top so she would reveal her sexy lingerie. She could hardly wait to see if he liked the way she looked. “Oh may”, he gasped, “you look beautiful.”
They made love over and over. She was so engrossed in their bond that she didn’t notice that her belly was swelling. He asked her if she was feeling alright. She responded that she was fine. “Why do you ask?” He told her that her belly was swollen and he thought that she was sick. She went to the mirror to look. Sure enough it was swollen but only slightly. “It doesn’t hurt or anything, so I guess I’m fine.” They continued to make love. She looked down after this love making session and noticed that she belly had grown again. This time it looked like the fabric on her lingerie was going to rip open. She thought about the warning label and decided to take the garment off. Maybe that will stop the swelling.
They made love again and her belly swelled again. This time she looked like she had a basketball in her belly and when they made love she could feel a bit of pressure. It will go away she thought since she was no longer wearing the garment. “Make love to me again”, she pleaded.
To her surprise, when they made love again, she grew bigger. “What is going on?” She said out loud. He didn’t have any answers for her. He had no idea about the special lingerie.
You would think that all that swelling would make her stop but it was like an addiction. She had to have more of his hard cock. He was beginning to worry about her, so he asked if they should stop. “No way” was her reply.
Again they made love. She could feel her skin stretch as each drop of cum went into her. Her skin was getting tight. She was now the size of a half inflated big beach ball. All the nerves in her body were talking to her. She would feel him rub his hand over her tight skin and it sent chills up and down her.
She still had not had enough. They made love again and this time she was the size of a huge beach ball. “I have to look at myself!” was her reply. She looked in the mirror and her skin had no wrinkles at all. Instant face lift!!! Her stomach and breast were huge. “Touch my skin and feel how smooth it is” she told him. We have to make love again to see if my skin will stretch any further.
This time her skin could take no more. Her skin was so tight that she felt as if you touched her, she would pop. She was afraid to breath or move. He rubbed her skin and it sent chills beyond belief. It was like her nerves were on the outside of her body. “Your rub is turning me on so much I have to have more!” She said.
As they made love, she held her breath. “Hold me tight” she told him. She could feel the cum stretching her body until