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I don't know what it was about her. I saw many seemingly more attractive females every day. Certainly many more less stupid and bitchy as well. That was why I never quite understood the deepness of the stirrings she brought forth from me. That strange pause that replaced the normal flow of space and time. suddenly there was a connection that was never made, a time that didn't exist. Why her? The question was maddening.

Her description is not particularly stunning. She was very tall, towering over most of the males at over six foot. Fake blonde hair that was perpetually pulled back in a permed pony tail... Hair that would have been better left down the sides of her round face. Glazed over blue eyes that longed for anything that had a dick that would get within fifty feet of her. Her body itself was fairly pudgy, would have been much more so if she had been of normal height. Yet the pudginess was in all the wrong places. Her breasts were nondescript and not especially large or small. Her ass wasn't especially large or shapely. And her gut pushed forward ever so slightly, not making her look especially fat but not skinny at all. Her legs were round and strained the tight jeans she favored. A superior smirk was planted on stupid face and she drug her feet wherever she walked as if the burden of lifting them was just too much.

She hung out with whoever could better her popularity and slept with whatever crawled in desperation to her domineering, slovenly body. Such was the portrait of Donna, a sure misfire from the cannon of life. Maddening, I tell you. I left for college and promptly forgot the people of my high school, especially Donna. Never thought once about her. On summer break I was working at the supermarket and the portrait of lazy, pleasure seeking femininity slithered by--multiplied by two. She had to have gained 50 pounds in about a year. She was filling out jeans several sizes larger with her now shapely ass and thighs. Her stomach bulged over her jeans into the tight gray t-shirt, her breasts perky and large, where once small oranges had resided now grapefruit reigned. The transition was so immediate.

My mind had not witnessed her for so long that the change shocked me. I stood there, out of my mind, attracted to this... wench. Still, I had seen other girls from my high school who had gained weight yet none had effected me in such a way. I craned to see her butt wobble in her jeans. Yet I had seen better, larger rears. What was it? What was controlling me like this? Making me want something I detested so strongly? I thought of this as I lay to rest that night from a hard day of work.

Then I looked down at my arm, at the burn mark there. I had the unfortunate fate to be at the same table as that train wreck in my high school shop class. She had stupidly threatened someone else at the table with the soldering iron, a low powered one but still a real threat. I offered my arm and told her that she had better go ahead and do it. I glared up at her stupid, cow like eyes and she stupidly obliged me. I continued to glare as the iron smoldered my skin, uncaring as to the pain. She pulled away eventually, but the damage was done. A permanent scar. A raised area on my right forearm that would forever remind me of that stupid cow. And now I had seen her stupidity and laziness multiplied by her appearance.

And all I could do was react in this manner. Maddening. What kind of world makes a man behave like this? What law of nature brings about such things? I must have a few crossed wires in my head. Then it occurred to me. I was branded. Forever forced to be reminded of her and her stupidity. Punished for it. Marked for it. Made to want after that which only multiplied and spread like a plague, like the expanding bulges of her towering body. Damn it all. It was time to do something about this.

The next time she came into the store I feigned illness and was excused. I never left or didn't show up because of sickness. My manager looked at me quizzically as I made my way to the front. There she was, shooting the breeze about everything and nothing with a cashier. As she walked towards the exit I peeked out and there it was again. The stirring, like a gentle slap in the face. I walked towards my car, peeking occasionally at her to see which car she got into. She stepped into a dilapidated ford and started the engine. The car was further evidence of her laziness. Squeaky belts and tapping valves, a poor vehicle with the misfortune of an uncaring owner that beat the hell of everything and everyone around her. Hopeless. I got into my car and followed her.

It was dark outside by the time she had arrived at her house. Apparently, she was too lethargic to glance in the rearview either. After following her on old, seldom used roads for thirty minutes I had grown afraid that I would be discovered prematurely. I continued past for a bit and got out of the car quickly. Now was my chance. She exited her vehicle slowly, pants pulling tight around her newfound girth, belly bulging out between her shirt and pants in the process of standing up. I approached like a coiled panther, sneakers padding delicately but with great power as I moved on her. My time as a football player in high school paid off. I leapt from the ground as she drug herself to the door of her house, bag of groceries in hand. With the grace of a gazelle I brought her down as I covered her mouth with a telltale soaked cloth. For Donna, the world went black. My world was alive.

The stirring stayed and I surveyed my surroundings. I soaked in all the details: the dark house that said no one was home. The contraceptives and candy that fell out of her grocery bag. The smirk that died on her face as she went out like a light. I reveled in her helplessness. I had many plans and all the time in the world.

I drug her lifeless form to the car much like she drug her feet. Uncaring and emotionlessly-yet not without an intensity that was only growing. I picked up all of the dropped objects then thought for a moment. Her car had practically begged to be put out of its misery on the way over and I obliged it. I drove it to a nearby ravine and set it in neutral, pushing it over the edge. Its gas tank ruptured on impact, creating a fireball that warmed my face and mind. No one would be looking for Donna any time soon. They would all think she had burned in the wreckage until someone took a much closer look. This bought my all the time I needed. I whistled as I strolled the mile back to my car.

When I arrived the trunk was making noises-that is, the object inside the trunk was making pounding noises. I laughed at the prospect of my unwilling fare getting the most exercise she had probably ever gotten in her life as I started the engine and drove away. We came to the abandoned barn in about thirty minutes, her pounding a driving beat in the music that was playing in my head. I exited the car and put her bag of groceries inside the barn with the rest of what was prepared for her. I donned a ski mask and opened the trunk. Her gagged and tied form looked incomprehensibly into my steeled, determined eyes.

"Surprise!" I yelled as I brought the thick wooden shaft from a broken axe down on her head. Once again the world that revolved around Donna had gone black as the night around me. I found another person dragging her body into the barn as I watched from my own eyes. The very eyes that were connected to the person dragging Donna. Why? I don't know. I don't think I ever will understand myself.

I removed several small stones from my pocket as I laid her like the rag doll she was in the center of the large, empty barn. Empty like my feelings. I was so very detached as to her fate as I sat down, cradling her head in my lap, removing the gag and opening her mouth. I forced the stones down her throat one by one and felt the bump on her head. Now she was marked as well. The very contact increased the stirrings tenfold. Everything was coming together. As much as it pained me, I removed myself to the edge of the unkempt building with cracks through which wind whistled and the clouded moon was visible. I removed the ski mask and reveled in my preparations. It was all coming together. All together complete. Satisfaction near at hand. A stirring of a different kind occurred. The sleeper awakened, ungagged.

"What? What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?!" I let her go on like this for a bit, her voice and questions reminding me her mental lackings.

"Enough," I said. "You are now my property. I have marked you as mine. And now we are finally together the only way it could be. With *me* at the helm, calling the shots, making the marionette dance and sing."

"What's a marionette? Let me out of here you weirdo."

"Shut up. I don't have to take anything from you, you thickened, bulging testament to human failure. My time is at hand." With that, I stepped forward into the moonlight. She gasped and cringed. I raised my forearm to her face. "See this? You remember that one? It does a lot to a man to be reminded of someone so detestable so often. I carry you around on my sleeve instead of a heart. Tonight, however, will make up for all of that."

"You going to kill me?" she asked through teary eyes. Her overused makeup was running down her round cheeks.

"Quite possibly. But you'll be as detached from that as I am soon." She looked at my quizzically, uncomprehending. "I've inserted several stones down your throat, a route frequently traveled I'm told."

"Stones? And what was that last crack? You're crazy," she slathered.

"The stones were a gift from a friend. I had him 'conjure' them up for me, you might say. I have one of them for each area of your body. Breasts, ass, stomach, face, legs, etc... They respond to my command via this board," I said as I held up an unfinished piece of wood with several symbols on it. "I have only to touch the proper symbol..." I reached for one and she gasped, her face blushing and round legs wobbling as the most pleasurable sensation she had ever felt wracked her nether regions.

"Ooooooo..." She said as she wobbled on the floor.

"They react exactly how I wish them to react. I do believe I didn't tell you that that particular part of your body was also under my control. I can also alter the condition of those parts..." I said as I reached for another symbol, Donna gasping on the floor. She sat bolt upright as her chest, already sticking prominently out because of her arms being tied behind her back, began to slowly bulge out further and further. They pulled her already tight shirt even tighter as the became honeydews. The board may as well have been hooked to me. I was bulging in a different place, but no less drastically. Her pleasure was also my own as I watched her gaze, open mouthed at her perky breasts, now watermelons that were testing the seams of her shirt, nipples pointing out accusingly at me. The stretching ceased as I removed my finger.

"Mmmmm..." Donna hummed to herself as she stupidly enjoyed the sexual gorging she was receiving, uncaring of the stressed nature of her breast skin as I magically stroked the pleasure symbols again and again. I left my finger there as I approached her top-heavy body. I untied her hands and feet. There would be no resistance now. On a spur of the moment decision, I removed the rubber band that held her hair back. Her dyed blonde hair fell around her mewing, round face, framing it perfectly. I touched one of her enormous breasts with my free hand, feeling its wonderful tightness against the cloth of her abused shirt. she reached back and rubbed my pants right where the bulge was. It made me want to fall into her right there-No. Removed and controlled. I stepped back quickly and went to work, like the phantom at his organ, I played Donna beautifully. As I pressed, her large round ass became slightly larger and rounder. Tighter than seemed possible in her jeans. She gasped with pleasure as her ass creaked out to the size of twin basketballs. I let her legs fill out a bit, becoming turgid tube balloons down to swollen ankles. Next came her gut, the result of laziness and gorging. It bulged even further over her pants, getting to be about a foot from her body. Her breasts began to swell again with the rest of her, her shirt groaning as she did but for a different reason. Her arms began to bulge out of her shirt sleeves as her shoulders and arms filled down to bulging wrists. Donna's clothing was like everything and everyone she had ever been around in her life-used and abused beyond any level that seemed possible. I stopped everything there with her clothing on the very verge of bursting from her. She could barely move she was so swollen. The three foot wide breasts rested atop a larger beach ball stomach. Her ass and legs forms an enormous V, her pink panties showing through the splitting seam up her backside. Her foot wide arms stuck stiffly out at her sides as she lay there, aware.

"You know, now that I have your attention I'd like to bring something up," I started. I removed the contents of her bag and brought them before her wide eyes and gaping mouth. "Everything you do, everything you touch, everything you're even around is a testament to your pitiful nature. Candy and contraceptives. Useless. You're so fucking Goddamned useless!"

"Whaaa..." was all she could manage. She was in shock. Her brain, nothing of great consequence, had overloaded.

"Forget it. And forget you." I pushed her pleasure button again. It was all she understood. She moaned and bounced a bit on the floor. It was too much for me. I leapt onto her body, her clothes tearing right off as she deformed under my weight. I pulled the remains off. Her eyes shot around and her mouth kept gaping for air though she seemed to be full of plenty. She felt like a large, bulging, latex balloon. There was give to her yet and I would find out exactly how much. I got off and started expanding her again, her turgid breasts squeaking out to five feet each. Her easily eight foot wide stomach was starting to absorb her back and extremities. I pressed the symbol for her face and her round face, so beautifully framed by her loose hair, became rounder as her cheeks and double chin became more and more pronounced. Her eyes soon had to squint from all the growth. Her ass was a monument to hugeness as her hips were now seven feet across and merged with her stomach. She became a ball soon. A titanic, moaning, bulging ball. Her breasts obscured her inflating face and her stomach reached to her elbows and ankles.

"I always thought you were too full of yourself. Now you have a reason, you lousy bitch." I pressed as hard as I could on all the symbols and the sphere that was Donna grew to her hands and feet. Her breasts were gargantuan, mounted on the top of the sphere and her ass formed a gigantic, bulging area with a crevice on her rear. Her pubic mound was stretched wide across the bottom, the source of the incredible pleasure she was feeling. The tension appeared to mount quickly as her hands and feet were absorbed to her fingers and toes. Her body stopped growing even when I hit the symbols. Still, it seemed as if air was still entering her as her body groaned and shook in the center of the room, over twelve feet across.

I stopped everything at this time once more, for the last time. "Give me one reason why you should live and I'll let you go right now." Her face was half absorbed into her body and couldn't move. Her lips and cheeks were so swollen that should could only moan. "I thought so." I said as I mashed all the buttons down at once. Donna, the bane of my existence, my most hated and desired adversary, grew tighter and fuller than was possible. I felt her rock hard skin one last time and exited the barn in a hurry, my hand still down on all the buttons.

Later, it became known that Donna had not died in the car crash. Her whereabouts are unknown at this time.

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