Teen Titans: Ever More

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Beast Boy was delirious with joy. No more being harshly criticized when he was just doing the best he could. No more being the "joke member" of the Brotherhood of Doom. No more having the only female member of his team be way out of his league. Most of the Teen Titans were newer to being a superhero than he was, and one of the girls was un-spoken-for. Well, he would speak for her soon, Beast Boy thought to himself, as he galloped the halls of the newly-built Titans Tower in stallion form.

Suddenly, in his limited forward vision, he spotted Raven, said boyless girl, right around a corner. Panicking, he transformed back into human form, which meant he didn't have enough traction to stop in time, and he barreled right into her. They slid down the hall for some distance before gently clonking their heads against the far wall.

When Beast Boy cleared the stars from his eyes, he found himself looking down at Raven's furious-looking face. "WHAT... do you THINK... you're DOING?!" she gritted from between her teeth. "Um... practicing the bobsled?" It was the funniest thing he could think of at the time.

As Raven's scowl deepened, Beast Boy's animal-sensitive hearing picked up a faint hissing sound. As he tried to determine its location, he thought he felt Raven's stomach bulge against his ever-so-slightly. "Do you smell gas?" He had meant to say "hear", not "smell", but it was too late. Raven's shocked face quickly gave way to a rictus of anger, with glowing-red eyes, and in an unnaturally deep voice, she intoned "GET -- OFF -- ME!!!". Before Beast Boy could comply, a burst of dark energy from Raven knocked him several yards down the corridor. By the time he came to his senses, Raven was gone.

Beast Boy cursed himself all day for blowing his relationship with Raven on the first day. But by the next morning, his spirits had improved somewhat, and he thought that if he apologized to her, he might still have a chance. Getting up early, he fixed her a yummy breakfast of tofu eggs and bacon and a nice tall glass of soy milk.

By the time Raven arrived in the lounge for breakfast, everyone else had eaten, and breakfast was both cold and rubbery from being reheated so many times. Finally, she walked in and fetched a diet soda from the fridge. As she approached the tables, Beast Boy noted that her belly did look slightly bloated, and her breasts also might have been slightly swollen. He knew this sort of thing happened to girls every so often, although he was fuzzy on the details. Then, remembering that Raven was a telepath, he averted his attention.

Seeing the place set for her at the table opposite Beast Boy, she grudgingly took a seat there and started choking down the awful breakfast. As she ate, Beast Boy attempted to apologize for embarrassing her yesterday. Alas, he kept tripping over his words and unintentionally insulting her. If he had paid attention to Raven, Beast Boy might have noticed Raven glaring down at her plate, or how she wasn't moving except for the unopened can of soda quivering in her clenched grip.

Just as Beast Boy was discussing the flatulent tendencies of various animal forms he had taken, the can erupted in a fountain of carbonation, drenching them both. For a few seconds, no one spoke. Then, muttering "that's it...", Raven made to get up. But despite her efforts, something seemed to be holding her to her seat.

Walking around to her side, Beast Boy found that her curvaceous hips had somehow become wedged between the parallel armrests of the narrow, spartan chairs the city had provided for the tower. Sensing an opportunity to do her a favor, he wrapped his arms around her torso and yanked upward. He might have heard Raven's grunts in the tune of "Let go of me!", but he was distracted by the sensation of her breasts against his arms. He was far from an expert in such matters, but they seemed oddly springy and resilient to him.

Beast Boy barely had time to register the sound of Raven's telekinetic powers before she squirted up between his arms and launched herself almost to the high ceiling. For a moment, she hovered shakily in midair before plummeting back downwards with a shriek. She landed with one inflated cheek on the table, and the rebound sent her spinning. Finally, she came to rest face down, with her cloak wrapped around her arms, completely immobilizing her.

Now Beast Boy finally got a good look at her backside, and it was something to behold. Twin volleyballs of perfection, they proudly protruded backwards and sideways, mocking her leotard's vain attempt to cover them. At their bottom, they joined with her thighs in dimples that could pass the "pencil test" several times over. And as Beast Boy gazed in awe, they slowly expanded before his eyes, with a hissing sound he didn't need special hearing to detect.

Most heterosexual men would simply have been aroused at such a sight, but Beast Boy had a childish, slapstick sense of humor, and he realized that he found this situation hilarious. He tried to suppress his laughter, but soon realized this wasn't going to happen and surrendered to it. The only response from Raven was more gradual expansion in her rear, which upgraded Beast Boy's appraisal of the situation from hilarious to downright uproarious.

After struggling with her cape for some seconds, she shredded it with a burst of dark energy before turning her attention to Beast Boy. He was laughing so hard he never saw it coming. An aura of dark energy enveloped him and yanked him off his feet. Raven looked... different. The first thing he noticed was that she was back to her "normal" proportions and was wearing her cloak again. Then he noticed that the cloak was red, and Raven had four glowing red eyes, and was wreathed in flames, and indeed the entire lounge was on fire and glowing with strange symbols. With a yank, Beast Boy was drawn forward until he was less than an inch from Raven's face. All he could see where those four horrible eyes piercing him. And then she spoke, with breath that roasted his skin and a tone that chilled him to his very soul:


The next thing he knew, something slammed into Beast Boy's chest and knocked him on his ass. When his vision cleared, Raven was standing in front of him, once again capeless and comically voluptuous. He saw now that her breasts had expanded to grapefruit size, yet were not sagging one bit. Gazing down at her endowments, Raven simply sighed and slowly walked out the door. Her ballooned buttocks undulated against each other as she waddled away, but this time, Beast Boy wasn't aroused one bit.

It took all of Beast Boy's courage to do what he did that evening, but he knew he couldn't just leave things as they stood. As he cautiously approached Raven's door, he heard chanting from within. Taking the form of a skink, he slid under the door. Raven was floating crosslegged at the other end of the room, at the foot of her bed, meditating. Beast Boy couldn't see her front from here, but her backside had shrunk down considerably from when she left. Still, she cut a very impressive figure with her cape off.

Suddenly, the back of Raven's leotard slipped between her bulging buttocks. With a squeak, she tumbled forward, hitting the ground on her hands and knees. As she tried to get up, Beast Boy realized that her head was stuck between the bars of her headboard. As she struggled and cursed, her ass and hips regained, then surpassed, their former glory. Between her thickening thighs, Beast Boy thought he could see the dark shape of her black-clad belly inching its way outward.

Finally, Raven freed her head from the footboard and staggered to her feet. Appraising her new figure, she went berserk, wailing, screaming, and pounding on her belly, which extended from her breasts to her crotch, and was the size you might expect on a woman pregnant with a very large baby.

As Beast Boy observed her tantrum, Raven suddenly began gasping and clutching at her chest. At first, Beast Boy thought she was having a panic attack, or even a heart attack. But when she turned around, he saw that she was clawing at the material covering her prodigious breasts, as though trying to rip it. Beast Boy suddenly realized that Raven had stretched her leotard to its limit, and no longer had room to breathe!

Beast Boy knew he should help her, but he also knew that if she caught him in her room, there would be hell to pay. He silently hoped that she would find a way to save herself, but when Raven's face started turning blue, Beast Boy knew it was time to be a hero. Skittering into the room, Beast Boy turned into a velociraptor and quickly covered the remaining distance. He then resumed human form, but maintained one finger as a claw long enough to make a precision vertical slit through the fabric between her breasts.

With a *WHOOMP*, Raven's bosom tore through the material. "Voluptuous" did not begin to describe these beautiful basketball-sized orbs, each tipped with a pert protruding nipple. Her slim torso was not nearly large enough to contain them, so each canted outward at almost a 45-degree angle, mashed together at the point between them.

Gasping for breath, Raven clung to Beast Boy's shoulders for a few moments, supporting herself with his body. After she realized what was going on, however, her grip became hard and icy. Getting as close to his face as her burgeoning belly would allow, Raven was about to utter a curse that would make him wish he had never heard of the opposite sex, or even sex at all. As Beast Boy quailed in terror, the tear in her leotard instantaneously expanded down to her crotch. A second *WHOOMP* resulted in them flying to opposite sides of the room. While Beast Boy merely suffered a sore tailbone, Raven's incredibly springy rear end bounced off the wall, pivoting her into the ceiling. Her equally resilient belly rebounded her into the floor, where she bounced on her ass again into another wall. Quickly transforming into a housecat, Beast Boy took cover under the bed as Raven caromed around the room, picking up speed, smashing lamps, toppling bookcases, and screaming obscenities in languages Beast Boy knew, didn't know, and didn't even know existed.

From what little Beast Boy could see of her when she hit the floor, Raven was not only expanding, but also distending. Suddenly, her scream of anger became a shriek of terror as she smashed through her window. "RAVEN!!!" Beast Boy yelled, resuming human form and running to the window. For a moment, he was at a loss when he couldn't see her falling to the rocks below, but when he saw the remnants of her leotard drifting down past him, he realized that she had fallen in a completely different direction. Assuming pterodactyl form, he flew up to where Raven was floating into the sky. She had swollen so much that her inflated parts were growing together, and she now resembled nothing so much as a lumpy weather balloon.

Landing on her belly, Beast Boy became human again. Under his weight, she began to sink. "Don't worry, Raven, I'm here to help!" "Get off me, you little pervert!" As she yelled at Beast Boy, he felt her curves expand under his hands. Their descent paused, and then became ascent again. "I don't know what's wrong with you, Raven, but you can't handle it on your own. I just want to help my friend!" "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP FOR ANYTHING, SO GET THE HELL OFF OF M--"

*CREEE-EEEE-EEEAK* As the sounds of her inflation grew more ominous, Raven looked terrified for a moment, before assuming a tranquil expression. "Beast Boy, I think it is time for me to explain something about myself to you. As you know, I am a witch. Most witches don't come into their full power until late in their lives, but for reasons I won't elaborate on right now, I had the misfortune of being an early bloomer. As a witch grows in power, her thoughts, feelings, and emotions begin to influence the world around her, and the most dangerous of those emotions is anger. If she has survived this long without being burned at a stake, she has no doubt learned to guard herself against abusing her power by maintaining a calm demeanor at all times. But as much as I would like to believe otherwise, I just don't have that level of control yet.

When you taunt me, or annoy me, or fondle me, you unleash anger within me, Beast Boy. If this anger were to escape my body, it would be a danger to myself and everyone around me, so I've trained myself to keep it inside. But suppressing emotions doesn't make them go away. The anger manifests itself as physical pressure, pushing within me, distorting my body, trying to find a way out. I try to dissipate it over time through meditation, but your chicanery made that impossible. And as you can probably guess, I am dangerously near my emotional limits. Allowing any release at this point would probably result in a complete emotional meltdown, and releasing this much anger all at once, even from so high up, would probably destroy the entire city. Do you see now, Beast Boy, the folly of your actions?"

Beast Boy could barely follow half of this, but he sensed that telling Raven would be a spectacularly bad move, so he just nodded. "Good. As for the solution, as I mentioned, emotional release of any sort is not an option. However, emotions can also be neutralized with an opposing emotion. The opposing emotion of anger is love, and even if I weren't hundreds of feet away from anyone I could conceivably love, I don't know if I even have the capacity to love. Fortunately, lust, in sufficient quantities, makes a passable substitute. Do you see where this is headed, Beast Boy?"

This much he understood loud and clear, but remembering lectures he had heard from various authority figures in his life, he had a reservation. "Um, do I have time to head down to a convenience store and pick up a condom?"

"PICK UP A CONDOM?! ARE YOU FUCKING KID--" *GROOO-OOOO-OOOAN* "That is to say, no, Beast Boy, you don't have time to buy a condom. By the time you got back, I'd be in the stratosphere. I'm not likely to get pregnant at this point in my cycle, but if I do, we'll just have to deal with the consequences."

With nothing else to be said, Beast Boy subsumed his costume into his body, while remaining in human form. Getting into position without falling off proved tricky, but he finally managed it. 45 seconds later, he was done, but more ominous noises from Raven clued him into the fact that she wasn't. Finally, he felt her shudder with release. Ominously, they continued to float upwards.

"Raven, what's going on now?" "I-I don't know, that should have been--"

All of the sudden, it was as though Raven was an inflatable pool toy that had sprung a leak. Holding on for dear life, Beast Boy rode her through a loop before they angled downwards, both screaming their lungs out. Balancing precariously on Raven, he tried to angle her towards the roof of Titans Tower, but as she continued to deflate, they lost altitude, and he realized they were heading for the windows. Quickly, he transformed into a bear and wrapped himself around Raven.

Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire got the shock of their lives when a green ball of fur smashed through the lounge window and skidded to a halt before resolving into Beast Boy lying on top of Raven, both completely naked. Momentarily at a loss for words, Beast Boy finally found something to break the silence. "That was... fun!" he grinned at Raven.

And for just a moment, Raven smiled back.

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