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This story involves a very large woman becoming much larger. If you don't like that sort of thing, feel free to skedaddle.

Kara was a big beautiful woman. Besides that, she was confident, good looking, and making a killing on the Internet. She had her own pay website where she delighted in showing off her enormous, jiggling body to thousands of fans-all 600+ pounds of it. Her skin was a dark, rich tan with no blemishes or misplaced creases to speak of. Her round face was gorgeous: she had dark brown eyes and hair to match which cascaded just past her soft broad shoulders. Kara's arms were a fan favorite, large and pillowy down to her elbows where her thick forearms took over and ended in pudgy hands. Her hips were very broad: she needed special chairs-or two without arms pushed together-to be able to sit down. Surprisingly, her chest, stomach, and rear were all in proportion, each bulging pleasingly in their respective directions and bouncing tantalizingly when she moved. As for mobility, she tended to get around in a motorized scooter most of the time to keep the weight off of her knees, poor things. When she did stand, it was with great effort and took some careful positioning and leverage. Her fans did love to see her waddle though. Her giant legs swinging around eachother was more than enough to get her entire body to quaking just the way they liked it. Kara was more than happy to oblige. She loved her body and she loved her "job". One of her personal favorites was using her massive body to smash or squash things-people, cans, balloons, you name it, she broke it or made it wish it was broke. This next one was going to be a challenge though.

Kara sat taking up entirely too much of a two person love seat in nothing but her blue silky bra in preparation of the next shoot. She looked down in curiousity at the open package resting on her giant naked belly. The mailman had dropped it off earlier and Mel had checked it before bringing it to her. Sometimes fans sent things that were somewhat innapropriate (including marriage proposals) and Mel was her buffer between them and her as well as the cameraman and sometimes standin for the videos. It was purely a business relationship which seemed to work best for the two as there was never any drama between them. The item in the package however was very appropriate and she was looking forward to testing its mettle. As she wrestled it out and set the box aside (waaaay aside as she spread out quite a bit when she sat) she flipped the limp item over with her thick hands. To all appearances, it was a normal pink balloon. Only three things differentiated it-the fact that even limp it was almost two feet across and also that it was way heavier than any balloon she had ever held before. Lastly, flattening it out, Kara noticed that the balloon was still almost half an inch thick.

"Mel, who sent this one?" Kara asked Mel sweetly in the next room. He was loading the camera and preparing props for today's video.

"Couldn't tell you. No return address," Mel said in between various bangs and clumps as he went through boxes. "I thought we might change gears and use it today if you don't mind. The girl you were going to squash called in sick."

"Not at all. Actually, it looks like it might be fun. Can you bring the compressor out here? I think this is way too strong for either of us to try blowing up by mouth."

"No problem babe. Just a sec... Here it is." Mel reappeared with a small but sturdy box like compressor and plugged it in. "Would you mind taking care of that? All the damned camera batteries are dead. I've got a spare back at my house and I can be back in half an hour. Should give you two some time to get aquainted," he said with a smirk. Mel knew Kara wasn't going to wait for the cameras to get started on the balloon. Secretly he'd already prepared extra props for tonight in case she busted it before he got back. Never hurt to plan ahead.


With Mel gone, Kara got to work on the balloon. Out of curiousity, she put it to her lips and blew, extending it to about two feet but not any further. It had reached the edge of its natural size but wasn't going to go any further without help. Kara had already anticipated this, pinching off the nozzle of the balloon and pulling it away from her full lips. She placed it on the end of the compressor and turned it on. It wheezed to life, straining with difficulty at the mysteriously strong balloon. Finally, it gave and started to slowly expand. Before Kara's eyes, she saw the pink sphere increase in size until it was almost four feet across and obscuring most of her vision. At this point if she stood next to it it would probably go up to the nipples on her swaying breasts. The balloon ceased growing at this point but the poor compressor soldiered on for several more minutes. She was about to turn it off when it to Kara's amazement it coughed its last cough and died, the balloon besting it. Luckily the nozzle of the balloon was still flexible enough to tie off as the rest of it was almost rigid. When she wrapped her large arms around it as best she could and squeezed, it barely gave at all. Kara smiled and immediately got to work as Mel would be back in twenty minutes or so and she wanted some one on one time before they turned on the cameras.

First, she pushed the balloon into the middle of the sparsely decorated room. She was going to need some room for what she had in mind. Secondly, she began the arduous task of getting to her feet. She began shifting her body forward until her large rear end was almost at the edge of the small sofa. She pulled her thick calves underneath her center of weight and pushed with all her might down at the floor. Slowly, ponderously, she rose to her feet. The next part would be harder. With great effort, she lifted her right leg enough to get her foot on the sofa. Thank goodness it was of antique manufacture and was built quite well. The other item of good luck was that they'd had the foresite to nail it to the floor. Otherwise, what she was going to do would be impossible without breaking it in half or falling over backwards onto her considerable rump. She grabbed the back of the love seat and pushed off with her left foot. Sofa creaking, Kara perspiring, she finally hauled herself into a standing position on top of it. She waddled carefully around and reached over her breasts and belly to roll the giant balloon towards her. Thank goodness she'd already had Mel lotion up the insides of her legs. That was a regular precaution as her gigantic legs touched down to the knees and any kind of motion set them to rubbing which became quite uncomfortable very quickly. Tonight it would be especially helpful as she wasn't sure how well they would take to being rubbed up against whatever tough rubber the balloon was made up. Finally, the balloon was close enough that she though she could attempt a mount. Unfortunately, her giant belly which nearly reached her knees was never going to allow her to get on that way. She spun carefully back around, careful not to fall off and careful that her swaying hips didn't send the balloon bouncing back across the room. When she was facing the wall, her heart began to quicken. If she didn't do this just right, she was going to tip off and crash to (and possibly through) the floor. Luckily the room wasn't that big and the wall opposite her would stop her from going over backwards. She just needed to make sure she had enough momentum to keep from rolling back forward into the couch, probably conking her head on the way down. With a few deep breaths and a prayer to whatever god might be listening to a six hundred pound woman about to mount a four foot balloon, she leapt backwards, her legs spread. 'Bullseye' she thought to herself as she flung her chunky arms around for balance. Besides lightly bonking her head off the opposite wall (her cushiony back had absorbed most of the impact), her hurculean effort had achieved very satisfactory results. She now sat straddling the giant balloon, it's once perfect sphere shape smooshed down into a flattened oval between her huge legs. Kara looked down at the stubborn object, surprised it had made it this far.

"My name is Kara," she giggled to the pink mass between her legs, "You killed my air compressor. Prepare to die." Kara started bouncing up and down using the back wall to steady herself, gingerly at first, then with increased vigor. A couple of times, she swore her pudgy toes almost touched the floor but the balloon withstood the savage beating she was laying on it. That was when she noticed a peculiar feeling between her legs. All that pressure downwards on the balloon seemed to be pressing it slightly upwards into a very sensitive area. The feeling was enjoyable for Kara so she started to wobble herself around on top of it, her lotioned legs sliding without difficulty. The tough rubber pushed up and in slightly, exciting Kara further. Finally, she resolved to kill two birds with one stone: she would attempt again to break the balloon, enjoying every minute of it as it gently rubbed her. She started pounding up and down again, harder and harder as the monstrous balloon flexed under her weight. Every time she went down, she swore the feeling of pressure was getting a little stronger. Finally, after a particularly hard thrust downward, she stopped suddenly-but something was wrong. The feeling of pressure did not leave as she sat still. Rather, it seemed to slowly increase on its own. Kara squeezed her giant legs together as much as she could under the circumstances and realized that while she sat still, she could feel the balloon slowly sliding upwards against her lubricated legs. At the same time, a new pressure, this one located under her huge stomach, was starting to increase in intensity. She reached both hands into the fold between her upper and lower belly and realized that a pressurized globe about the size of a volleyball was slowly expanding underneath. Kara quickly put two and two together and realized that the tough balloon, with nowhere else to go and definitely not breaking under her deluge was finding a place to go-and that place was her. She also realized that stalling by squeezing her legs together wasn't stopping it, only slowing it. As the volleyball pushed her hands further and further apart she considered her options. She could push herself forwards and off the balloon but this would probably end in all 600+ pounds of her breaking her neck on the sturdy loveseat. she could continue to squeeze her great legs together and stall until Mel returned but that was a good fifteen minutes away and she didn't think she had that kind of time. The last option was to break the balloon one way or another. She doubted she could reach around her large belly effectively enough to get a fingernail on it. The only way she could see to get it to blow was to continue to bounce and do it for all she was worth.


Over at his place, Mel was not a happy camper. "Where the hell are those damned batteries," he muttered to himself. There was a black duffel somewhere in his house that had spare batteries for the camera and he was not finding it. "Goddamnit, I'm gonna be late."


Kara was officially starting to panic. The fold between her upper and lower stomach was beginning to push outwards enough that it wasn't as much a fold as a slight valley as her stomach firmed up. The pressure-and pleasure-was mounting to indescribable levels. She started to slide down the wall as the balloon worked its way further and further into her body. She started as she noticed her feet touch the ground on the way down. A little further and she might be able to stand on her feet enough to keep the balloon from working any further in. She also realized that not only was she sliding down the wall, but being pushed away from it as well. Exploring with her hands, she realized that not only had her stomach expanded to the point that her crease had completely dissapeared and it bulged out rediculously firmly in front of her, but her back had also ceased to have any fold to it at all. Her torso was quickly rounding out front and back as the balloon dissapeared further and further inside her. Despite being worried about the physics of the situation, the feeling was intense as she felt the thick rubber slide in and in and in. Kara cooed and closed her eyes as she continued her rythmic bouncing, less worried now about popping the balloon than getting as much as possible inside her. The pressure increased and pushed the walls of her torso out further and further until finally... Kara found her feet resting on the floor. She stopped and assessed the situation: Her entire torso ballooned rediculously in every direction-though the large amount of fat from her stomach gave emphasis to her front end and her large breasts still rolled back and forth as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Speaking of her breasts, her bra had thankfully split down the middle and she took the opportunity to peel it off. When she lay her arms down they sat at a 45 degree angle along the vast expanse of her torso. There was still a good two foot of balloon underneath her but she would have had a hard time seeing it underneath her impressively increased girth (not that it wasn't impressive to begin with). She realized that her pressurized middle might not be able to take much more of this, pleasurable or not. Suddenly the phone rang and Kara realized there was no way she was going to reach it. After a few rings the answering machine kicked on and Mel's voice came to her muffled from a different room.

"Hey, babe. I can't find the batteries. I'm going to let one of the dead ones charge up. Be there in about another 30 minutes or so. Sorry."

"Sorry? You have no idea how sor-ohhh..." Kara stopped talking as her legs gave a little, the balloon creeping further up. "Ah, what the hell," Kara decided as she realized there was no way she could hold out for another half hour so why not enjoy it. She pushed up as hard as she could and didn't resist on the way down. The last thing she remembered was her bottom hitting the floor as she orgasmed harder than she ever had before.


Mel worked his key into the door and entered Kara's home. The seat she had previously occupied was empty and a large object occupied the wall across from it. A large object with giant, pillowy arms, legs, and- "Oh my god... Kara?"

Kara snorked a little as she woke back up from her blissful reverie (and light snoring). "Mel?" she whimpered, slightly muffled by her massively increased bulk.

Mel took stock of the situation. Kara was completely round from under her double chin to about halfway between her hips and knees... yet she still had her large fat deposites; stomach, breasts, rear, etc. to differentiate from one section to the next. "What the hell happened to you?"

Kara bobbled back and forth a bit to test her mobility. "You know that huge balloon?"

"Yeah..." Mel said. He had a pretty good idea what had happened while he was out. He walked up closer to her and touched her side. Her torso was still soft and gave when he pushed on it. Yet, there was obviously a tense pressure under the layers of fat.

"Well, I, um... swallowed it. Sort of."

Mel brought his hand away from her body and rubbed his eyes. Why him? "You want me to take you to the hospital or something?"

Kara bobbled again. "I don't think there's any way I'm getting to my feet, I doubt you could carry me, and I don't think I'd fit through the door anyway. Also, I don't think this is covered by my health insurance... I think we're going to have to figure this one out here."

Kara had always been pretty practical and she was dead on the money. Mel realized it was his turn to be practical and get them both out of this mess. With the size of the balloon, he doubted there was any way they were going to squeeze or pull it out. They were pretty much going to have to find a way to puncture it without injuring Kara. Well, it had gone in a hole and he should be able to get at it from there. "Kara, I think I have an idea but there's no way we're going to be able to do anything about it in this tiny room. I think I'm going to have to roll you into the kitchen."

Kara sighed and looked down at her rigid yet bouncy torso. Her arms and legs still moved but there was no way they were going to be much help. She resigned herself to her fate and rested comfortably against the wall while Mel shifted furniture in the kitchen around. She had an idea of what Mel had in mind and she wasn't relishing having the tough balloon popped while it was still inside her. The shockwave of something so pressurized being suddenly punctured was going to be pretty intense. Finally, Mel's head appeared over top of her large breasts.

"Here we go," was all he said as he worked her away from the wall and onto her side. It wasn't easy as she certainly hadn't gotten any lighter and her size at this point was massive and bulgy. At least the kitchen doors were double, he thought. Still, she had to bend her knees to fit as he rolled her through. At last he had her positioned on her back in the middle of the room, her legs and arms dangling towards the floor, her breasts rolling off to either side, and her belly heaving with each breath. Her fat rear allowed her to lie without rolling off to either side and Kara's heart started to race as she anticipated what was coming up.

Mel walked out of the room and came back into view holding a sewing needle. "I hope you've learned a valuable lesson here."

Kara sighed, not for the first time in the night. "Yes Dad. Would you get on with it please? It's cold and I doubt any of my clothes will come close to fitting me right now." Mel smiled and walked out of view again. Kara felt his hands push her thighs apart enough to get a clean shot.

'And my parents thought I should have gone to college,' Mel thought. He pried Kara open just enough to fit the needle in without damaging her in a sensitive area. "Ready? On three. One, two-"

Kara winced as he thrust the needle in. The balloon didn't pop, but she could hear air escaping. The tough material must have only punctured instead of bursting as she had imagined. She was about to breath a sigh of relief when Mel interrupted her.

"Uhoh," was all he said.

"Uhoh? What's uhoh about?" she asked, genuinely concerned. She did feel a bit strange but considering the circumstances she didn't think much of it.

Mel was one concerned camera man. After delicately puncturing the balloon, a woosh of air had puffed out caused him to blink his eyes. When he opened them, he realized something was wrong when he didn't feel air coming out any more. Stepping back and looking at Kara's bloated tan body in the center of the room, he noticed something curious. He could hear the whine of air escaping the balloon but Kara's area had clamped back shut as soon as he had let go. It was flowing out of the highly pressurized balloon and back into Kara-except this time it didn't have half inch rubber walls to hold it in. It seemed like the balloon itself was blocking any air from moving upwards and her giant legs and ass were becoming, well, more gigantic by the second.

Kara noticed something was wrong when she started to tilt backwards. At first she thought it was her body deflating but she quickly realized that her legs were no longer dangling and she couldn't bend them. If she had Mel's view, she would have seen that her legs were now giant pressurized barrels all the way down to her feet which were also joining in. Her rear was in proportion and the two beachballs were starting to lean her far enough back that her head touched the floor. "Mel, I said what do you mean but uhoh?!"

Mel had no idea what to do. "You're blowing up, Kara! How much air was in that thing?"

"I don't know!" Kara squeaked as her giant globe of a body started to even out. The balloon must have shrunk enough to allow air into her upper body and not only did her pillowy arms stiffen up into thick sausages but her breasts jumped and perked up too. "A lot! The compressor blew."

Mel though Kara might be in for the same at some point in the near the dead compressor and the pressure needle was stuck in a position off the guage. "Shit," was all he could manage as he came back into the room. Kara was in for some trouble alright. Even laying on her back the top of her less and less jiggly belly was above his head. Her enormous arms and legs started to get sucked in by her impressive torso. "I'm not leaving Kara but I have no idea what to do here."

"Think of somethi-mphpht!" she blinked as her face suddenly puffed out a couple inches in every direction, blowing her already fat cheeks up like a chipmunk. Her body started to make ominous creaking noises as she slowed down in her growth. Thankfully she didn't have a overhead fan in this room as her stomach had almost made it the whole eight feet up to the ceiling. Her anatomy became simple and simpler as she groaned outwards, her fat features spread over more and more surface area. Even her puffy face and balloony feet and hands started to get sucked in. Finally, with one last whoosh, the balloon ran out of air.

Mel walked over to and around the massive sphere that was named Kara. He could still make out the various parts of her body but the were definitely spread pretty thin. He touched her tight skin. "Kara, you ok?"

"Mpfhpth," was all she could get out. She could barely open her eyes from all the puffiness in her face. Her blown up lips were even pressed together too much to get them open to any signifigant degree. She could feel her shoulders pushed up and around her head almost up to her ears. Luckily, she seemed to be holding together.

Mel had an idea. He had to roll Kara around a little bit despite her muffled protests to get to the cabinet he was looking for. Thankfully the feeding funnel they used for a couple shoots was sitting right where it was supposed to. He walked around Kara until he was between her balloon feet and carefully inserted the funnel.

Kara squirmed a bit as she felt the plastic tube slide in but breathed the closest thing to a sigh of relief she could manage under the circumstances as she felt the pressure slowly subside.

Kara lay on the floor, once more back to her relatively normal size. Mel helped her get to her feet and she promptly hugged him, squeezing her large breasts and belly up against him. "Remind me to give you a raise."

"Hell, I'm just glad you're ok," Mel said. Besides being a little sore, Kara wasn't any worse for the wear but he and Kara decided to put a hold on today's shoot so they could both settle down a bit. As he waved goodnight and walked out the door he thought to himself that nothing he saw after today was ever going to top that. He decided he was probably going to write a story about it tonight to get it out of his system. A friend of his was into that sort of thing and maybe he could post it somewhere it would be appreciated.

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