Gas Suit

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“I’m sorry ma’am, but we don’t have that type of suit in stock right now,” the woman said as Anne was lowered her head. She had come in asking for an extra-large rubber suit capable of being inflated without bursting, yet thin enough for the wearer to experience every touch and feel through the rubber. “In order to accept the stress of being inflated, the rubber must be extraordinarily thick and resistant. Otherwise…”

“I understand,” Anne said. The saleslady paused. “On the other hand, I do have an associate that specializes in custom-made outfits. Perhaps she can help you; just leave your number with me and she’ll contact you…’


Anne, Betty and Tom were in bringing drinks in to the local Inflation Fetish Society (IFS), some thirty strong. Just last night Anne had called everyone to come to her house to see something special. They were of both genders and mostly 20’s-40’s, yet all were drawn together for their love of inflation. Right now they were talking shop—artists, pumps, and so on. For that reason everyone was quite surprised when a puff of smoke appeared—and she was there! All 5’9”, 46-28-38 of her, clad in skin-tight black latex sans mask. She smiled.

“Call me Sam. I’m looking for an inflation party,” as she strolled around. People only now noticed the two tanks on wheels she was pulling around, while others noticed the suitcase in her other hand. “Now then, I’m here courtesy of your friend Anne, here.” She pointed. “Annie wanted a suit that is at once super sensitive and strong enough to be inflated without bursting,” as she opened her suitcase up. “I believe I have the answers to your prayers right here.” She pointed at a woman and gestured at the new suit she held up, smiled winningly. “Many of you overeat, trying to acquire that full feeling. Others try dangerous air pumps, still others use water enemas.” She ran her hands over the woman in her suit, caressing her figure’s curves. “But it isn’t enough, you want more. You really do want to inflate massively without killing yourself.” The modeling woman buttoned the top button and gasped as the suit suddenly vacuum sealed itself, contouring completely to her every curve.

“Observe,” ‘Sammy’ said. “There’s an opening in the belly of the suit for easy inflation as well as openings in the bottom of the suit if that’s your style, but today, we’ll go straight to the mouth. Open wide,” she said to her model, and inserted a tube into the woman’s mouth. “There’s no glue on this, so you can spit it out whenever.” With that, she opened the valve on the tanks. “Just breathe in,” she sang out.

The woman (let’s call her Wanda) couldn’t believe it. In moments she had acquired a 50-inch waist, and was still expanding. “The secret is in the magic. The moment all buttons are done or the zipper is up, the suit’s magic converts you into a type of living balloon, still alive and functioning, without any side effects.” Wanda didn’t care. She was fuller than she had ever been before, her arms filling out, her legs were filling out, and she didn’t care. She felt no pain, no discomfort, just an incredible near orgasmic feeling of fullness and mild stress.

“This suit is tested up to twenty feet in diameter; no amount of inflation will make it burst. It even works with water!! And yet,” she paused as she ran a finger over Wanda’s belly, causing her to moan in ecstasy, “it is still sensitive enough for your partner to help you enjoy yourself.”

“But it is still just rubber,” someone said. Wanda’s body was now a sphere some twelve feet in diameter and still expanding. Her limbs had disappeared and her head was starting to shrink into her body.

“Correct,” Sam said. “No amount of inflation can make you burst, though you can be made to burst. If someone approaches you with a pin or even a match, watch out! And like rubber, it is still vulnerable to extreme heat or cold, growing brittle when exposed to cold and losing its stretching properties to great heat. Finally, I warn you against inflating too much, because the suit does have a limit. It may no longer expand, but it will retain more air or whatever medium you are taking in. The resulting pleasure and pressure may cause the inflatee to want to burst, even trying to take matters into her own hands!! Other than that, you can indefinitely inflate without fear of bursting-assuming you don’t make yourself burst. There are three more features worth mentioning.” She gazed at Wanda as the two tanks ran out; she nearly filled the room as people backed away from her. “The suit creates in a special valve in your throat plus a duplicate in your nether opening, that opens whenever you want, allowing you to exhale and deflate in any emergency, for those days when you want to be discreet. Be warned that if you blow too much too fast, you’ll fly all over the place. The suit also removes the need to breathe air for obvious reasons.” She looked at Wanda and anchored to the tanks. “Exhale now, dear. Keep in mind when you exhale, you can’t stop—it’s all or nothing”

“Now for the final demonstration,” Sam said as she ignored Wanda’s windstorm. She started to inhale deeply. And deeper…deeper…

Now people gasped in astonishment, for Sam was inflating! Not as fast as with an air tank or water hose, but nevertheless inflating.

“The possibilities are endless! My going price for this suit is $1,000. Any takers?”


Deanna, Cindy and Bill were trying out their new suits. It cost them a little bit to acquire the new gas tanks and still more to rent out this hunting lodge, but the believed it would be worth it.

“Does Wanda know you’re here?” Deanna asked him.

“No. Far as she’s concerned, I’m going to another plant for training,” he answered with a grin. “She doesn’t suspect a thing. So who goes first?”

“I do,” said Deanna. At 5’9” and 180 pounds, her curves were accentuated by the suit’s rubber. She thrust her belly out and pouted. “Got what I want?”

“I have what you want right here,” Cindy cried and started breathing in as fast as she could. Only slightly smaller than Deanna, her belly soon started to swell appreciably. “Quick, she’s gaining on me--hurry!” Deanna cried as Bill connected hoses to the women’s bellies and turned the valves on the helium tanks full blast. “Hey,” cried Bill. “Save some for…me,” he said as the tanks quickly ran out, filling Cindy and Danna both to completion—two beautiful shiny rubber-clad balls, some twenty feet in diameter, floating in mid-air, only stubs showing where ands and feet used to be. Bill looked down and saw a rather large erection protruding from his pants.

“I don’t suppose you thought to bring any string, Bill?” Deanna asked.

“Nope,” said Bill. “You’ll just have to deflate normally.”



“You ever wonder what the limit of the suit is, you know, where it won’t inflate anymore but will still absorb a medium?”

“Only one way to find out. Now, bitch,” said Cindy, “Let’s see how big you can really get.” With that, Cindy started inhaling as fast as she could, her paunch pushing against Deanna’s bulk. Deanna, no slouch herself, started breathing faster and pushed back.

“If you ladies will excuse me, I have to take care of this and scrounge up some extra tanks,” said Bill, turning to leave. They heard him go through the door, followed by a muffled crash and a falling sound.

They didn’t care. They were too busy inflating themselves and pushing each other around and were some twenty-five feet in diameter (and beyond the suit’s safety limits) when Deanna cried, “Cindy, stop! I just realized we’re in a hunting lodge!”


“This place is filled with deer antlers and stuffed bears with claws! And there’s a roaring fireplace as well! We can’t deflate ourselves without flying about the room! We could hit something and explode!”

“Mmmmmm…and your point is?” Cindy asked, still inhaling as fast as she could to get bigger. “You know, Deanna, it’s only a matter of time until one of us hits a wall and starts pushing the other person…somewhere.”

Deanna got a bad feeling about where this was going and looked behind her. Sure enough, there were enough deer heads, bears, possums and the like to populate the Black Forest.

“You wouldn’t, Cindy.”

“She doesn’t have to,” said Wanda. Deanna screamed in fear as Cindy said intelligently, “HUH?”

“I’ll do it for her…matter of fact, I’ll do for you both and Billy too, cheating bastard that he is. I have bad news for you, ladies, but I caught on to your little shin-dig quite some time ago. Those tanks didn’t hold helium, they held hydrogen.” She walked up to Cindy (Oh please, prayed Cindy), pulled her down (Oh please God prayed Cindy), and planted a deep wet kiss on her navel (Oh YES YES YES YES) as she pulled out another pair of tanks. “And the two of you look just ripe right now. How about it, lover,” she cooed in Cindy’s ear. “Want to inflate some more?”

“Bitch, stop teasing me and PLEASE get on with it!”

“Never let it be said I don’t do requests—or girls.” With that she pulled Cindy down and inserted both tubes into her mouth. “Oh, Cindy, I put glue on the tubes, you can’t spit them out,” she said. “Deanna, I have other plans for you, so you’re coming with me,” as she opened the bay windows and pulled Deanna with her. She tied her down outside and went back in. Going up to Cindy, she pulled out a sharpened foot-long match and ran her finger over Cindy’s turgid, taut belly. “Lessee, I think your navel is right about…here! Either I’m gonna get it right, or you’re gonna blow!!” Ignoring Cindy’s moans of pleasure, she jabbed the match in a bare 1/16 of an inch.

Miraculously, she didn’t blow.

“Well, well, I got it right. First time for everything.” She turned the tanks on full blast and waited. “Hmm, you’re about 25 feet wide and the ceiling’s only 30 feet tall; guess I’ll move you somewhere appropriate,” and dragged her in front of the fireplace, and tied her down. She stroked Cindy’s belly. Cindy moaned in pleasure.

Twenty-seven feet. She stroked Cindy’s belly. Cindy moaned.

Twenty-nine feet. She stroked Cindy’s’ belly. Cindy moaned.

Ceiling. Cindy stopped expanding upwards and expanded outwards as the tanks ran out. Wanda lit the match, gave Cindy a playful kiss, and left, leaving Cindy to (barely) look at her belly…

Wow. It’s finally going to happen. All this pressure in me, this gas, has made me into a lovely explosive balloon, and I’m finally going to realize my dream of explosive release. Oh, this feels so good, can’t wait for that beautiful little flame to reach my body and do its explosive work. I can feel my body vibrating from the pressure, just yearning to be let out like a living thing and my body is the prison. Come here, little flame. Closer, closer, oh you sweet little flame, you must be only a couple inches away now ‘cos I can’t see you now, my tummy’s in the way, I can only wa—what’s that? A curl of smoke? IT WENT OUT? NOOO! WHAT AM I GO—oh. I forgot. I can still inhale and inflate.

And that gorgeous fireplace is right in front of me. Breathe in, breathe in, yes, I can feel myself expanding forwards towards the fireplace and its lovely flames, it feels so warm and inviting, yes, breathe in, oh, I want to SCREAM in ecstasy right now, it feels that good, yes, breathe in, breathe in, come on, belly, push that nasty iron mesh curtain away, I’m soooo big, come on, I know we stoked you with oak and pine before this happened, just one little spark to land on m—

And with an explosion beyond words, Cindy and the entire hunting lodge exploded.


Deanna woke up tethered to the floor by a rope going to her foot. Around her mouth was what seemed to be several layers of duct tape, and something had closed off her ass. She was inside some type of warehouse, was still about twenty-five feet in diameter and feeling nothing but bliss as someone’s hands and mouth roamed all over her body and belly, especially her belly. Her body still had some original shape, but her butt, breasts, and waist here huge, while her arms and legs had about a foot of length left.

“Hello, Deanna,” said Wanda, “good to see that you’ve woken up. Oh, don’t think I’ve forgot Bill, my special ‘friend’ is looking to him right now. Ah, here she comes.” Deanna was barely able to swivel her head, but saw Bill in a matching inflation suit being wheeled out by none other than ‘Sam.’

Sam said, “You see, Deanna, I could explode you real quick, but that wouldn’t be any fun, oh no. We’re going to play a little game. Seeing’s how your body has actually retained some of its original shape, we’ve set up a little maze and attached a little motor-driven propeller to your back and ass. It responds to your mental commands. On the other side of the wall are several corridors lined with sensors that will track your progress. If you keep moving forward, fine. If you try to turn back, the sensors we implanted in you will activate the sparker we placed in you, and …”

“The last thing you’ll hear will be several clicks, then BOOOM,” said Wanda.

“Exactly,” said Sam. “At several points you will come to an intersection and have to choose either left of right. Choose well and you keep moving on, choose poorly and…”

“The two gas pellets we placed in you start to activate and you start to inflate!” said Wanda.

“Exactly, if you’re lucky enough, the final exit will give you your freedom. Oh, I forgot to mention, there’s no lights, but since you can’t reach your mouth right now to take the duct tape off,” gesturing at the little stubs she had for hands and feet, “I guess the point is moot. Choose wrong and you’ll just have to keep going to the next intersection and hope the growing pressure doesn’t pop you. Oh, and we’re keeping you tethered in case you try to chew through the tape and expel your gas to escape. Not that we think you’ll want to,” poking her body and running their hands over her. Deanna moaned and groaned with pleasure and bliss. “If you don’t make it, just think of this as our good-bye present to you.”

They pulled Deanna to the start line and said, “Go!”

What am I going to do? Let me think for second. Uh oh, I feel myself inflating, and while I like it A LOT, I also want to stay in one piece. Forward it is—mmmm, I rather like this. I’m floating or flying parallel to the ground like an airship, the feeling of being full combined with the ability to fly wherever I want--so full, so full, want to be bigger—STOP THAT SHIT! Got to get out of—oh. I’ve bumped into something like a wall. Hmm. One way is as good as the other, left it is. Hmmm, I don’t hear anything but the little propellers—make way, air ship coming through!—oops, another wall, left again, NO! I’m getting bigger…fuller…fuller…so full…stop it! Can’t stay still, got to keep moving forward, another intersection, what the hell, right I go, so far so good, another wall, go right, sheese, is this corridor ever going to end?...another wall…so left, NO! I’m inflating again! Got to go faster, left, right, left again, damnit, I’m inflating again, I’m nearly brushing the walls, if I can’t move, I’ll just inflate, and getter bigger…and …fuller…and fuller…maybe they forgot the suit can’t burst…


Forward, now left…damn, I’m no longer inflating but the pressure is increasing…the suit must be defective…whoa, a breeze! The exit is this way, I can get out after all…oh, all this pressure feels SO good…so unbearably full of pressure…going to stop for a moment…ohhh, the pressure is so intense…want MORE…the hissing has stopped! I’ve emptied the gas pellets so I can’t get any more pressure, but they can still explode me…


Yaaaayy, I’m going to be free, free and…I’m out! Out! Free to expand as much as I want! My GOD! How did I get out, I must be forty feet around…deep breath in, deep breath in, ohhhh, I almost want to blow, to explode as a beautiful ball, heh, I’m a beautiful ball right now, a big, black, shiny wonder ball, an absolute sphere, maybe Wanda will forgive me for stealing Bill from her…wait, the breeze is picking up, shit, I forgot, I’m lighter-than-air!! The wind can blow me anywhere! Uh-oh, those are high power tension lines I’m headed for…not good. I’m still tethered, just how long is that rope…if I hit those wires, the static charge will ignite my hydrogen and I’ll burst…would that be so bad??? No! Got to avoid them…fly low, lower, lower, under them, did it, made it...hmm, updraft, I’m floating up, up and awayyy…what’s that tugging—oh, I’ve reached the end of my tether and the updraft is pushing me up…I wonder if I’ll float up and my increasing inner pressure will make me burst, oh, a girl can only hope…I’m above the power lines-- my tether! It’s nearing the power lines, have to fly down, go down, fly down, no use, I’m still lighter than air…all I can do is watch as I float higher and drag the rope with me, I’m still tethered and still grounded, oh, the rope is coming closer…closer…closer…it’s only a few feet away…oh I hope I go BIG…can’t wait for the electrical charge to go through me —

The building shook from the resulting explosion. Wanda turned to Bill. “That just leaves you…Sam! Bill has escaped! Didn’t you inflate him?”

“No, but don’t worry,” Sam said as she spied his figure running in the distance. “He won’t get far.”

Bill would have ditched the suit, but there were no other clothes available and there was a surprising lack of vehicles around; no houses in sight; only a distant road and some power lines indicated civilization. How did we get here? He wondered. He slowed down and saw a figure in black flying toward him. He didn’t know how he knew, but judging from the curves, it could only be Sam. She landed in front of him. “Going somewhere, sugar?” In reply, Bill started to swing at her. She blocked with a forearm and kicked him in the head, knocking him into a nearby pond. Without pause, she dove in after him.

Bill was still stunned and trying to stay afloat when he felt something delightfully warm and curvy against the full front of his body. “Honey, why are you trying to fight me? I only want what’s best for you.” Still struggling, Bill saw her lips part. “Come on, baby, and give me a kiss.” A small silver capsule appeared between her lips. In spite of his struggles, she leaned forward and pressing her lips against his, inserted the capsule into his mouth. She pinched his nose and mouth shut and pushed him under the water.

Bill felt himself start to expand as the capsule started to do its work. This cannot be good…no problem, I’ll just rise up and spit it out. He felt himself start to rise and got ready to spit it out…

and met the back of Sam’s full, curvaceous ass descending on his face. He got the smallest of breaths before her ass and inner thigh muscles locked tight around his nose and mouth. She didn’t know it was unnecessary, as he had the bad luck to swallow the gulp of air he got…and the capsule.

I don’t know who or what this chick is, but her ass on my face is sooo hot…the gas is filtering throughout my body…wonder how it felt for Deanna and Cindy, mmm, they were right, you don’t have to breathe when you’re wearing this suit, wish I had remembered that earlier…wait…

Sam released her grip of Bill’s unlucky (?) face and flew off a bit to watch him come up for air. “Gaaah, what was that for… and why did you stop?” Sam clapped a sticky layer of duct tape over his mouth in reply.

“That was for dragging Cindy and Deanna into this affair, Wanda brought me into this she heard about the ménage you were having with them. As to why I stopped…well, for starters, I was given carte blanche regarding what to do with you. I’m going to let your own appetite be the result of your destruction,” she said as she pulled his sixty-inch girth out of the water and flew back to the hideout. “Cindy and Deanna had a run-in with hydrogen, but you…you’re just full of air, plain old ordinary air.” She set him down outside the building as Wanda came out to look. She said, “Your desires and appetite are going to lead to your own demise. Sam and I are challenging you to a game of control. From now on, you’ll only inflate as you get sexually aroused. You see, Bill, you’re only about five feet around, not much at all.

“But Sam here is part witch, part demon. I’ve hired her to satisfy you in every way possible; the catch is, as you inflate, I’m going to be standing here with this knitting needle here,” holding up a foot-long pin. It glinted in the sun. “Since my body couldn’t make you happy, hers should. But as you get bigger, you’ll approach this needle of mine, and you’ll feel it against your body. That’s when you’ll know how close you to are bursting. But I’m not going to thrust it into you. Instead, I’ll let you choose what happens next. Sam, if you will.”

“I’ll commence with what I call ‘cleavage corruption,’” as she pulled him to within inches of her. Slowly she ran her 46-inch bustline over his face, chuckling as a loud hissing sound became quite audible while his belly grew outward…

Mmmm...heaven, I’m in heaven, don’t know why I’m tingling all over, but I am, and the rest of me feels good, too…oh God, she’s kissing me, she’s running her lips down my chest, down my belly, lower…her nails are sharp little prods of pleasure in my flesh…the suit is squeaking, or my body is, can’t tell which…I can’t see over my belly at all, but I know she’s there, I can feel her, she’s left off my lower parts and wandered back up to my belly…didn’t know my tummy could be so sensitive…my body’s absorbing my arms and legs now, I’m getting huge…oh yess, she’s running her nails over me, poking and prodding me, threatening me with instant destruction…holy moly, she’s nibbling on my belly oh so slowly…will I stop inflating? Can’t move my arms at all, I’m getting so big…so big…bigger…bigger…I’ve fallen on my butt now, my limbs have been completely absorbed by my body, Wanda’s putting some type of pole under me so I lean back at a 45 degree angle…ohhh…CRAP! What’s that…a pin? Am I that big already, I know I’m spheroid but I can’t be that big…too much pressure, can’t stop…so full of air, I need a release, ohh, damn you, Wanda, stop moving the pin over my belly and tempting me that way, gotta think gotta think…okay, just don’t think about all the lovely air that’s thrusting against every square inch of my body trying to get out or about this blond hottie rubbing her body next to mine or Wanda tempting me with her needle. Just daydream about something else—finances! Mortgages! Politics!

Can it be? I’ve stopped inflating…ohh, I’m so close to letting go, Wanda’s positioned the needle right over my belly while she runs her hands over me…what’s this, Sam’s mounted my belly, I’m that big now, she’s facing away from me…I can see her round bubble of an ass and she’s sliding down to my face, sliding that lovely ass of hers to rest on my face…I’m gonna close my eyes as I anticipate letting go with an enormous explosion…she’s on my collarbone and laughing, the hissing sound is back, she feels so good, she’s on me, on my face, I feel Wanda’s needle, I can fee—

Sam and Wanda were thrown back about three or four feet from Bill’s explosion. Sam looked over at Wanda. “You okay?”

“Yeah. They got what they had coming to them.”

“Yes,” said Sam as she grinned. “They did. Which brings me to what you have coming to you.”

“I know, I knew the price I had to pay when I hired you—you saucy vixen, you.” Wanda purred as she anticipated what was coming. Samantha walked over to her and took her hand. “Don’t worry, honey, you’ll feel real good…


“Well, at least you didn’t charge me for the suit,” said Wanda as she admired herself in a mirror. “Too bad I won’t enjoy it long.”

“I’ll stretch it out as long as I can—or you can, for that matter. But the final rush will be entirely up to you,” Sam said. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

Wanda removed the mask. “A forty-foot long liquid propane tank? Where did you get that?”

“Got my contacts. Got the hose here, you want it in your mouth or…”

“Uh-uh. Other opening,” as she turned around and bent over. Sam swiftly inserted the hose and kissed Wanda. She went to the tank and turned it on halfway.

“Ummmmmm,” said Wanda. The cool gas entered her body and her 32-inch hips immediately began to swell. Wanda couldn’t help but run her hands over her butt. “Sam, you have an evil grin on your face. What’s going through your mind?”

“Wait,” said Sam. Wanda’s hips grew to sixty inches, finally slowed as the gas filtered up into her waist, completely accentuating her newfound curves. Her belly started billowing from her petite twenty-two inches to startling eighty inches around. She lovingly ran her hands over body, lingering on the breasts and tummy while Sam massaged her inflated butt and making her squeak. Her waist line finally slowed, forcing the gas into her 32 B breasts. 34C, 36D, her hands loving cupped her swelling cleavage…

“How big am I going to get?”

“Dunno—pretty big before the finale, if you can take it. That reminds me, I have a special game in store for you.”

By now, Wanda’s figure was a curvy 80-70-80 when the hissing stopped.

“Oops, the first part of the tank ran out. No prob, it has five sections,” said Sam as she proceeded to turn the other four valves.

“Oh, YESSSSS,” cried Wanda as her tummy billowed out rapidly and then her entire body went in all directions. In moments her limbs had been absorbed into her body; Sam put a pole under Wanda before she fell over, she wanted up upright for what was coming.

But then, Wanda stopped expanding--she was a good thirty feet in diameter. She screamed in ecstasy as Sam ran her fingers and lips over her badly swollen body. Still the gas came, and now Wanda’s body was visibly vibrating from the intense pressure. “Ughhh,” she cried. “The gas is still coming in, but I’m not getting any bigger. Damn, Sam, that’s twice today.”

“Hmm, must be a design flaw. Good thing the suit was free.”

“Oh, please, Sam, soon, soon! No, NOW, Sam, now! I can’t take any more pressure!!” cried Wanda as her body started to give off a low-pitched hum. Sam took out a brush, can of paint and painted a perfect bulls’ eye on Wanda’s belly.


“Not yet…”

“Please now!”

“Almost there...”


“Right…about…now. There, you’ve emptied two hundred cubic yards of gas into your body. How do you feel?”

“Like an incomplete orgasm!”

“Okay, sweetie, now to tell you my game. I’m a bit of a movie buff, you know, of Star Wars.” Samantha threw her hair back, revealing a pair of very sharp vestigial horns about three inches high. She spoke an arcane word and a bloom of fire enveloped her body. “I’m going to pretend to be Luke Skywalker…”

“And I’ll be Darth Vader?”

Sam smiled. “Don’t be silly,” she said and flew off and up…and up…and up…

What’s she doing? She can’t leave me here…I promised to pay the price and she’s leaving…oh, I’m so completely full, the bliss is incredible, but it lacks something, that special release…please come back, all I can see of her is a spark of orange-red and…oh, she’s turning around…she must be 10,000 feet up and she’s turning around…she’s diving, she’s coming fast…she’s headed straight for me, oh yes, its so clear now, I’m not going to be Darth Vader.

I’m going to be the Death Star.

And as Samantha came in at 200 mph, Wanda thrust her belly out to properly greet her.

Sam thought I’m actually going to do it. I’m going to detonate her and actually be inside her for a brief moment and be part of it…and her. And that’s the way she wants it, to be a beautiful large sphere of shiny black begging to be burst, to be released, to make the ultimate total transformation…

Five hundred yards…three hundred yards…one hundred yards. Before the distance between them was crossed, Wanda received a thought from Sam…


And then Sam hit her—and scored a perfect bulls’ eye.

The resulting fireball was over a hundred yards wide; the crater, about thirty feet deep…

And then Sam flew out of the fireball. Whew, that was close; I didn’t think I’d make it through that. Now to go home and check my answering machine for more jobs.

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