Motherly Love

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The girls were full. Their bellies were heavy and had become wedged between their chairs and the table.

Dani looked at Krista and rubbed her bulging tummy while mouthing, "I'm so full. Is she gonna stop?"

Krista looked at their mother, Shelly, who was preparing more food. "I don't think so." she mouthed back at Dani, who appeared to be in some pain.

Meanwhile, Shelly spun around with two platefuls of food. A cheeseburger, french fries, spaghetti, a hot dog, two cookies, some chips, and toast were all piled on each plate. Shelly set the plates down in front of the girls and motioned for her daughters to dig in. Krista faked a smile, then picked up the cheeseburger. Dani began nibbling on some chips.

"Oh, come now," Shelly scolded Dani, "go ahead and start with the bigger stuff." Dani groaned and raised the hot dog to her mouth. As she took a bite and swallowed, she felt her already stuffed belly bulge. Krista watched while sipping her water. She too was starting to think that they'd never finish all of the food. However, Shelly motioned for her to continue, and Krista obeyed.

After about five minutes of straight eating, the girls had barely made a dent. Shelly had returned to the oven to cook the next course, so her back was turned. Neither of the girls could eat another bite, so they took the time to massage their massive girths. While rubbing her own gigantic belly, Krista noticed many stretch marks on Dani's stomach. She surely couldn't take much more. Krista too had developed some signs of heavy binging. Her tummy was kind of pink and very tender.

Due to their analyzing of each other, neither of the girls had noticed that Shelly had turned to check on them.

"How dare you stop!" she scolded. She grabbed a funnel and a full bottle of soda and walked over to Dani. "I'll teach you to disobey me!" she yelled as she shoved the funnel into Dani's mouth. Shelly opened the soda and began to pour it into the funnel. Dani had no choice, she either started drinking, or she would drown.

Dani held her belly as the liquid poured into it. She tried to sit cross-legged and cradle her expanding gut with her feet, but she became too large. Tears rolled down Dani's filled cheeks as creaking and groaning noises emanated from her dangerously huge stomach. Shelly laughed as she poured the last of the soda into the funnel.

Dani's belly appeared tight and shiny, and Krista worried for her. The last inch of soda began to fall from the bottle and Shelly stepped back. Tight, squeaking noises arose from Dani's over-pumped belly as she started to slurp it down.

Krista thought that Dani was going to be able to take it, but just as she swallowed the last of the soda... BANG!!! Dani's belly exploded sending soda and food flying everywhere!

Krista was shocked. She had just witnessed her mother over-feed her sister until she actually exploded!

Shelly grabbed another bottle and approached Krista. "No, no, look, I'm eating!" Krista pleaded. She shoved a handful of fries and half a cookie into her mouth, but couldn't swallow. She was too terrified. "Eat!" Shelly yelled, holding up the funnel. Krista gulped down the food and continued gorging herself.

By now, Krista's belly was nearly as big as Dani's had been before she'd burst.

"I can't take anymore, I'm going to explode!"

She felt her massive tummy groan in protest and she could feel that it had begun to pulsate slightly. She rubbed it with her hand, feeling that her skin was tight as a drum, and shiny from sweat.

"Finish it!" Shelly's voiced boomed, and she laid down a plate of pasta. Krista knew she couldn't eat any more. She had to be careful breathing too heavily, how was she ever going to finish all of that pasta? However, she also knew that if she didn't eat, Sherry would probably just stick her with a pin, and that would be that!

She had to try. She picked up the fork, stuck it into the bowl, and raised the pasta to her mouth. Her stomach rumbled, warning her not to consume the food, but she put it in her mouth, swallowed, and


Just like Dani, Krista had gotten to big for her britches and popped like an over-blown balloon! The kitchen was covered in food, soda, girl, and Shelly was just as messy.

"Well, I guess I should clean this up... I wonder if that neighbor girl is hungry?

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