
Date Written: 

Warning: Inflation vignette. Being a dose of very silly fantasy in a very few words (100, to be exact).

The train moves with slow brushstrokes, yielding Dartford as a smear of yellow light. Through dark and sleep and motion, whispers drift to my detachment.

"Tried it with helium last night."

"Shit." A pause. "How much....?"

"Enough. Got rather...umm....perky."

"You mean...?"

"Uh-uh." The voice inhales memory. "like a balloon."

"Seriously? Omygosh..."

"Hey; your idea ..."

"Yeah.. but there's fantasies and..." Suppressed giggles share confidence. "Really, really up?

"For hours. The same...sensations. Lighter than air hon..."

"Wow....could we...outside? I mean; it wore off; right?"

"Nearly. New bra."

"I noticed..."

"Shhhh! That girl's waking up..."

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