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The moon was full and bright as the three young women moved through the shadows. They were each dressed in black, and armed with eggs, shaving cream, and soap. It was Devil's Night, the night before Halloween, and the three high-school seniors were out to commit some devilry of their own.

Valerie, the leader of the three, glanced back at her two companions as they neared their goal, a tall, old mansion set on a hill, outside of town. She pushed a strand of thick, auburn hair back under her black felt hat as she smiled mischeviously, her blue-grey eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Her lithe, slender body moved with the same ease here as it did when she lead the cheerleading squad during football games. The black of her outfit hugged the fine, full curves of her long-legged, large busted frame.

Behind her came Betsy. Smaller than Valerie, but no less lovely or big breasted, Betsy had long black hair which she let flow freely over her dark eyed, sultry features. She smiled back at Valerie as she crept up closer.

Alex was the last one of the group. Barely five feet tall, the young Eurasion had long blond hair, blue eyes, and the kind of body that could melt stone. All she had to do was look at a boy with interest, and he would be her slave for the day in the hopes of getting the big breasted beauty into his bed that night.

The girls crouched behind some bushes a few scant feet from the house, confident they would not be seen. Their black clothing melded with the shadows, making them one with the darkness.

Besides, it was just one old lady in the house. What could she do?

Valerie nodded, and in unison the three girls drew back their arms, and launched a volley of eggs at the nearest window. They hit and broke apart with a satisfying smack, egg yolk slowly oozing down the glass as the girls giggled softly. They were reaching into ther bags for more, when a soft voice came from behind them.

"Now that was not very nice, not very nice at all. I just had those cleaned this morning."

The shocked girls spun about, and dropped the eggs in their hands when they saw the old lady standing behind them. She looked like anybody's favourite granny. Soft, gentle blue eyes, nicely plump wihtout being obese, white hair pulled back in a soft bun, and the kind of smile that seemed to beg you to come inside and have tea and cookies. She wore a black, flowing dress, and carried a cane that seemed to long for her, rising past her shoulders. The clear crystal at the top glimmered slightly in the moonlight. Even as the girls stared, several black cats came around her legs, purring softly.

"Dear, dear. What am I going to do?" The old woman seemed to be speaking to herself, then she glanced down at the largest of the cats, the one with clear grey eyes. "What do you think I should do Melchior? This is the third time this week, and every year it is the same. Young people picking on the elderly, not respecting them or their privacy at all."

She turned to the girls, her eyes still gentle, but now rather sad. "I am afraid I will have to make an example of you three." She said softly as she raised her cane slightly. The gem flashed for a moment, and Valerie heard the woman say. "Why don't you girls come inside?" Then everything went black. Valerie blinked, and found herself seated in a large, comfortable living room with Betsy and Alex. All three of them were sitting on a large, soft couch, with cups of tea in one hand and a cookie in the other. The old woman sat across from them, quietly sipping her tea as though nothing had happened. She looked up and smiled at the three girls when she saw them looking at her.

"Drink your tea my dears. It is very good I assure you. My own recipe." Valerie brought the cup to her lips, despite the small voice in her head that screamed for her not to. The taste was wonderful, not to sweet, not to bitter, with a slightly earthy flavor in the after taste. A glance at the other two showed them guzzling their tea greedily, drikning it down like there was no tomorrow. Valerie thought this was odd, until she realized she was doing the same! It was as though she could not control her muscles, and she kept drinking and drinking, taking down more tea than the cup should have been able to hold. Valerie felt a thrill of fear rush up her spine,especially when she saw the old lady watching them with a smile that was almost wicked, despite still being oddly gentle. "Now my dears, I think that will be enough." The old lady said softly. Instantly, the girls stopped drinking and put their cups down on table.

For a moment, all was still. Then, Alex gave a small squeal of surprise and poited at Betsy with a shaking finger. Valerie looked, and gasped when she saw Betsy's face turning a deep, rich orange color. She looked at Alex, and saw her skin taking on the same orange tones as Betsy! Valerie quickly looked down at herself, and saw that her skin was turning green! "What's happening!? What have you done to us!!??" Cried Alex as she stared down at her now orange body.

"Oh, just a little something I whipped up for the next hooligans that tried to damage my home." The old woman said with a smile, a smile that broadened as all the girls' hair started to turn green, even Valrie's. "Now, I think I should put you out back before the next stage of the spell takes effect." The woman said as she gestured with her staff. A white flash, and instantly they were outside, in the old woman's stone enclosed back yard. "Now, this should do nicely." The old lady said with a satisfied smile.

Suddenly, Vallerie felt something happening to her feet. She looked down, and screamed as she saw her toes pop out of her shoes. Only, they didn't look like her toes anymore, now they looked like the roots of a plant! Her feet still looked like feet, but her toes were now plant roots, and even as Valerie watched in stunned horror, they rushed forward and delved into the ground.

A scream from Betsy and Alex brought her attention back to her friends. She gasped at what she saw happening to them. Both girls were now a rich, bright orange color from their head to their toes. Their hair was now a rich, dark green, and even their fingernails were orange in color.

But what made them scream, was the fact that their bodies were swelling, blowing up like balloons! In moments, both girls looked full term pregnant with twins. Their clothing popped and ripped as their bodies continued to swell. They groaned as they felt themselves swelling, felt the pressure growing inside them. Alex gave a squeal as her shirt popped open with a series of rapid fire popping sounds, spraying buttons everywhere. Her smooth orange belly surged forward like a balloon, her hips widening and expanding as well. Her thighs were now as thick as her swelling waist, making her stand in a wide-legged stance, and her arms were puffing up rapidly as well, taking on a cone-like shape and endinding in tiny hands.

Betsy was swelling even faster, her sweater stretched and stretched till all the individual fibres could be seen over the swelling globe of her body. She was now completely spherical from her neck to well past her crotch, and growing even larger. With a soft ripping sound, her sweater tore apart, leaving her completely naked.

Valerie stared at her friends, shocked and awed by the sight before her. Then,she felt her hair growing down her back, felt it flow past her legs, and into the ground. She suddenly felt it pulling her backward, and she groaned as she was slowly pulled to the ground. As she fell to the earthy floor, her hands flew wide, and instantly, her fingers took on the same root-like quality as her toes had. They surged into the ground, rushing into the earth seeking nutrients and water to feed upon. Valerie groaned loudly as she struggled and writhed upon the ground. Her efforts were in vain, she was trapped, bound to the earth by her own plant-like body.

Desperate cries brought her attention back to her swelling friends. Betsy was now an almost complete sphere, the only thing left of the once slender cheerleader were head, hands and feet. Other than that, she was an orange globe, perfectly round, her skin slightly shiny in the moonlight.

Alex was in an even worse condition. Her feet and hands were gone, only her orange head remained, now slightly rounded itself, topped by her green hair. Even as Valerie watched, Alex made a strange coughing, almost gagging sound, and her toungue emerged from her lips. It was thick and green, and even as Valerie watched, staring in awe, Alex's head tilted back as her hair flowed up to meet her toungue. Hair and toungue met and merged as Alex's head was absorbed into the swelling, orange globe of her body. In moments, Alex was gone, and in her place stood a gigantic, round, pumpkin, perfect for Halloween.

Coughing, gagging sounds from Betsy made Valerie turn her head, just in time to see the same thing happen to her friend. Now, Valerie lay on the ground, her green body rooted in the earth like a plant, and her two friends were huge, round pumpkins.

"Yes. Yes, I think that will do nicely." The old woman said with a smile as she stroked the side of one of the pumpkins. "Your friends turned out very nicely, even better than I had hoped." She came over to stand beside Valerie. "Now, what about you?"

Valerie heard a sudden gurgle in her belly, and felt a surge of pressure flood into her. She looked down, and saw her once flat belly starting to grow! It swelled and expanded before her eyes, making her look several months pregnant in the matter of moments. A green, seamlike line ran down her belly, starting at just below her breasts and extending down to her crotch. Valerie had no idea what it was for, but she felt a surge of fear as it darkened slightly at the same time as her belly started to grow.

"Yes, thats it...grow....grow...." The old lady watched her closely, excitement in her eyes as Valeries belly continued to swell and expand.

Valerie writhed on the ground, her body rustling like a plant in the wind. The pressure was incredible, she tossed her head from side to side, writhing and twisting wildly as her belly grew and grew. Soon, she looked full term with twins, then triplets, and still her belly grew. She groaned as she felt the pressure inside her increasing by the moment, filling her till she thought she would burst.

The old lady reached out a hand to stroke her swelling belly, smiling softly as she did so. This was turning out even better than she had hoped, and it wasn't over yet!

Valerie cried out from the pressure as her belly swelled to the point that she could have been carrying full term dectuplets, and still it grew. Her belly was now a huge round ball, easily 8 feet in diameter, the skin shiny and smooth, like a pea pod that was ripening. The dark line running down the middle of the swollen mass grew darker and darker by the moment.

"Wh...wh...when...wh...will it stop!" Valerie screamed as she stared at her gigantic belly. It rose before her eyes, swelling into a mountain of gravidity. She groaned and cried out beneath the growing mass, her writhings forced down to shakes and shudders as her belly became to large for her move at all.

"Oh, I think you should stop growing about now." The old woman said with a smirk. "You should be fully developed by now."

Sure enough, Valerie's belly stopped growing. She was now laying beneath a belly fully seven feet high and nearly that wide. The dark green line ran down the center of her belly, making it resemble a ripe pea-pod ready to pop.

"Now my dear. I believe it is time to deliver yourself of your burden." The old lady stepped back as she spoke, standing fully 10 feet away from Valerie's swollen, bloated body.

Valerie wondered what the lady meant. Surely she wasn't pregnant,was she? She hadn't felt any movement inside her body.....

"NNNgggghhhhh!...." Valerie threw her head back as an overwhelming surge of pressure spread over her body. A ripple passed over her gigantic belly as she felt muscles contract within. Another surge of pressure followed, then another, till Valerie was writhing and straining in an effort to give birth to whatever was in her body.

The dark line running down her belly started to quiver, droplets of liquid started to pop out along the line, dribbling down the taut swollen mass of her belly. She felth something happening as she writhed and twisted, groaning and crying out with exertion.

The dark line quivered again, then started to spread apart. Slowly, it started to open, spreading wider with each contraction. Webby, stringlike mucus joined the two parts for a moment as it parted slightly at first. Then, with a scream of effort from Valerie, her belly split open like a pea-pod, and in a flood of orangey fluid, a massive pumpkin rolled out of her, coming to rest next to the other two pumpkins.

"Well, I think you have learned your lesson." Valerie heard the woman say as darkness overcame her...... Valerie woke with a scream, sitting upright in her bed amidst sweat-soaked sheets. She was in her pajamas, in her own bedroom, safe at home with the morning sun coming through the window.

"It was just a dream." She sighed gratefully as she fell back on her pillows. Then she saw the note by her bed, writton on green paper. She opened it, and read. Well my dear. I hoped you have learned your lesson about being so destructive, especially to your elders. But if you have not, the spell will occur again next year if you and your friends try to act up again. The letter was signed, "The Old Lady on the Hill."

Valerie's eyes widened, and she quickly pulled open her pajama top. There, beginning below her breasts, and running down the center of her body was a very faint green line.....

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