Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show
As she so vividly portrays race, Grey's Anatomy DVD religion or cultural background should, has no place in love or career. Burke and Christina did a phenomenal interracial couple, MI5 DVD and yet the race was never an obstacle in their relationship. Instead, their stiff competition and many different quirks played an important role in how they wore Lost DVD their relationship.South Park DVD Some couples have been trained and some have been beaten this season. I think Addison and Alex has never been a real opportunity. The Simpsons DVD Could have been a great couple and interesting. Izzie and George have been pathetic (again, poor Callie). I do not like this couple as a couple, who were great friends. I would like to The Office DVD see the end as a romantic relationship and try to get back to friendship than before. I like Callie and I love working with Sara Ramirez was the character of Callie. Callie is one of the few characters who did not become completely pathetic.