Big and Round, New Hire 2

Big and Round, New Hire 2
Average: 4.7 (102 votes)
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ordinary nostal...
ordinary nostalgia inflater's picture
Absolutely amazing, the

Absolutely amazing, the reflection is great and before and after is just breath taking. My hats off to you sir

bellyexpansion (not verified)
My ideal girlfriend...X3

My ideal girlfriend...X3

the best  sequel of big and

the best  sequel of big and round... xD

Inflate123's picture
Absolutely one of my

Absolutely one of my favorites of all time.

No idea who created this one,

No idea who created this one, but I think it may be my new favorite. Great work!

Zdemian.  He has a DeviantArt

Zdemian.  He has a DeviantArt page, but he cleans some of the older stuff out from time to time.  You may have some luck finding his inflation-themed and oversized-female-form-themed images on Inflatechan or similar.

Formerly known as unknown.

Ah, thank you.

Ah, thank you.