short message for Axel Rosered

Hi Axel,

Latecomer here (newbie member and fan). I'm sorry if this is not the most appropriate way to contact you, but please bear with me. I admire your artwork for its cleverness, humor, and economy of line and have used several of your pieces as jumping-off points for hand-sketched morphs, which I do for myself as a way to learn the form and practice poses that I cannot cleanly execute on my own. I would like you to critique them in advance and either grant or deny permission to post, based on the critique. I would be willing to send scans of them to you for this purpose.

In any case please note that I would take care to clearly attribute the basis of the morph with a "tip of the hat" to you in the artwork itself, so that anyone seeing it would realize that it is not an original work, but that of a fan who thinks highly of your stuff.

As a newcomer, I do not know what the standard etiquette or form is for circumstances like this, and if you have any general advice or guidelines to share along these lines I would be most grateful.

I can be reached directly via

Best regards,
