Samus's new suit

Samus was captured by Ridley. "I knew I shouldn't have used that laser",said samus. While Ridley was gone Samus was trying to escape her cuffs. " I thought this tool would come in handy", said Samus taking the tool out of her boot. Finally samus has escaped her cuffs and was looking a way out when she stumbled across a what looks like a bodysuit. " it feels like rubbery material" thought samus. The suit was actually a neoprene/rubber material which was very stretchy and hugs the wearer like a second skin the suit was also inflatable. Samus put the suit on and took off but what she never saw was that the suit should never be exposed to heat inflated or not. While samus was running through the forest she stopped to see what the valve on the suit was for. She turned the valve and the suit began to inflate." what the" said samus. The suit kept inflating until the suit was 2 feet in diameter. "So this suit is inflatable I could use it to stay afloat if I get tired or something else" said samus. She turned the valve again and her suit deflated back to normal. Samus began to run again. While samus was running she began to feel like its getting hot out so she stops at a lake to get a drink. While samus leaned over she fell into the lake. The suit has acted like a wetsuit keeping her dry. She got out of the lake and still she felt hot. So samus opened the neck if the suit to see if it was her sweating but she didn't feel a difference. "Why is so hot" yelled samus. So samus ran as fast as she could when she came across the heat source a lava flow. " what how am I supposed to cross this" screamed samus. Samus was beginning to sweat and she felt her suit begin to get hot too. Hiiisssssssssss " what this can't be possible" yelled samus as her suit began to inflate. " no no no stop inflating" screamed samus as her suit kept inflating. Suddenly the ground under neath her collapsed and samus fell towards the lava. " i got to get away from this lava " said samus. So samus begin to run when suddenly her suits back pocket filled with a little lava. " ouch " screamed samus as she tried to get the lava out of her pocket. Samus began to run away from the lava while her suit was still inflating. Samus was getting slower and slower while her suit was getting bigger and bigger. " Wait a minute my suit has a valve why don't I put it into deflate mode" she said. She did but nothing happened the suit just kept inflating. " why don't I just turn it the other way" said samus. She turned the valve the other way but that just made the suit inflate more. " shit no stop inflating" screamed samus. The suit didn't stop inflating and now samus is immobilized and she can't even bend her fingers. All of a sudden the suit stopped inflating after it was more than 40 feet in diameter. "how can I get out of this suit now" she yelled. Out of nowhere a metroid appeared and headed samus's direction. But the metroid didn't see samus and flew right by her.  " if I could rock in this suit it should roll into something sharp" thought samus. Samus rocked in the suit when suddenly the suit began to roll. Samus was rolling towards a spiked Rock. The suit hit the rock but nothing happened. " no no no" screamed samus. Suddenly samus was trying to reach the valve with a stick. Instead of turning it the valve broke off revealing a button. Samus has no idea what the button is for but she rolls into a stick pressing the button. Instantly there is a loud hissing sound as the suit begins to deflate. " finally" huffed samus as she became back to normal. Samus walked when she spotted her ship and took off.