Trying this RP thing

Hi! I would like to try some rps! I'm a male, and only into female inflations (can't stand male inflations), so I'd mostly like to be the inflator. however, as rp means "role playing", i'd be willing to play the role of a female character as an inflatee. I perfer full body inflation, and i love puffy cheeks. i tend to like a more cartoon aspect of inflation, such as the "bang and reform" stlye of popping. There is one method of inflation i really like that i don't think gets a lot of usage, breath holding inflation. really cartoon-like, the girl holds her breath, turns colors, puffs up her cheeks, inflations, then pops, only to be fine. that is something i'd like to usse in an rp. However, desipte all this wall of text, i'm pretty easygoing, and these are all just sugestions. i'd just like tp rp with someone. if your intersted, pm me, or add me on Yim: pistonpcl.