Flat Stanley gets inflated
Not an exact copy of Tomi Ungerer's sketchy illustrations for the first classic printing of "Flat Stanely", but close. Ungerer has the hose for the bicycle pump twice as long as what I drew--which is damned long for such a thing. First published in 1964, Flat Stanley has undergone a revival with revised art which I absolutely reject in favor of the old style. As the story goes, Stanley Lambchop is a normal boy who is flattened overnight when a heavy bulletin board falls on him. He adjusts to his new shape and becomes a celebrity and a hero, but eventually tires of being paper thin and one night his younger brother Arthur digs out a bicycle pump and restores him with some forceful pumping. Stanley's pajama buttons burst off and it looks like he won't quite return to normal because of a foot with poor circulation, but at last, the stubborn foot takes on air and Stanley is a normal boy again.
![Flat Stanley gets inflated Flat Stanley gets inflated](https://bodyinflation.org/system/files/images/Lambchop%20Bros.preview.jpeg)
Ignoring the fact that their are both male and kids, this is really good