White noise
Joseph laid there in the once empty room as he slowly filled it with his inflating globe of a body. Silently listening to the soft hiss of the hose as it continued to fill him. It was the only sound in the room, besides the occasional creaking of his stretching skin and another noise which he couldn't quite place. It had been quiet for what seemed like ages now. The pressure inside him was really starting to mount, and he wondered where he was at. Kelsey was supposed to be monitoring the pressure valve on the gas tank, but she hasn't said anything yet. In fact she hasn't said anything for a while now. When they had started she was so loud and excited; shouting out numbers from the gauge and pocking his skin. Now though, there was nothing. Joseph knew she was still there, he could feel her on top of him with the tank. Joseph wanted to get her attention, to say something, but the hose was fastened too tightly in his mouth. He couldn't even move to shake her off. All he could do was wait until she turned off the air. Joseph started getting nervous as he felt himself press against the back wall. He had never gotten this big before; never thought he could. The pressure inside him was overwhelming at this point, he didn't know how much more he could take. He scrunched up his face and tried to take his mind off of it all. The stretching, the hissing...and then he heard it. Coming from above him, barely audible above the hissing. Snoring.