M inflator/inflatee seeking new female partners

Hi all,

Just in the mood to RP again, and looking for new female partners. I can be both inflator and inflatee, and like others who can change up depending on mood.


Cum, liquid, gas, spontaneous inflation

Belly, boobs, cock and balls, blueberrification, full body

Popping (clean, with lots of buildup and panic preferrably, but am also willing to make it non-lethal but should at least be unpleasant)

Pumps, magic, blowkiss, just about any method of inflation other than what is listed in dislikes.



Stuffing, overeating. (shoving a hose in someone's mouth and pumping into their body is fine with me, but I'm not a fan of actually eating to inflate.)


Just send me a message on here if you are interested in talking more :)