"Damn Mary! Don't you know how to knock?!? Jeez!!!"
You yelled, as the cheeky brunette rushed into your room to surprise you...
"Oh, sorry John....what the fuck? what's that?!?"
Mary told you, quite surprised at the sight on your huge screen, where all your female friends, were digitally morphed into huge inflating ballooney shapes of all sizes and in various situations...
"It's the girls... and they are all sexified and inflating... so is this what you are into...? and why am i not in them...?"
Mary told you quite annoyed, while you started detecting a slight pinch of jealousy in her voice...
"Well Mary, that's my thing alright, and i'm really sorry you had to find out that way..." you tried to calm her down...
"Oh John, cut the crap already, i repeat, why am i not among them!!!"
Mary yelled louder with a definite sparkle of jealousy in her voice this time
"You think i cannot handle this? you think i would not make a sexy balloon? is that it?!?" she continued...
"Well i have this tank right here, it even has a hose if you wann-...."
You tried to propose to her when suddenly you were cut off by her boisterous grab on the hose...
"Give me that shit, i'll show you all!!!" she exclaimed quite angrily, while she stuffed that huge purple hose in her mouth and stroke a proud pose in the middle of the room beside you.
"MPHMHPHM MPHM PHMPHMHPMH!!!!" she tried to yell, pointing the tank's valve to you, like she was desperate to be inflated, waiting for the air blast in her mouth.
"As you wish, Mary..." you grinned and whispered as you turned the tank's valve to full blasting mode, sending a generous amount of air through the hose and into Mary's awaiting mouth. Her cheeks instantly shot out like softballs while her eyes went wide on the pressure, her curves instantly started filling out her black spandex tights and brown tank top, making look even more curvy and inflated buy each second. Loud hissing sounds filled the room while Mary's MPMPHHMHPHHs from her struggle with the incoming air inflating her body, were heard through the open window to almost the entire neighborhood, and she kept getting bigger and rounder. Within a few more seconds her boobs had reached the size of beach-balls extremely pressurized inside of the overstretched by now thin tank top and her thighs and ass resembled beanbag chairs, still with now sign of stopping down in volume and in size anytime soon... You couldn't help but just staying there enjoying the sight, kneeled by her side while the stretching rubbery sounds from her clothes and her body, kept filling the room louder and louder, and slowly lifting up your camera towards her. Looks like the collection would be a lot more richer today...