Anna and the Tanker

Inflation Types:

"But i've seen the morphs! I know you like me that way!!" Anna wishpered to you while you took an evening stroll by the seaside cliff of her cottage. You just stood speachless in embarassment at her words when you noticed a long thick air hose on the ground, leading to the edge of the cliff and Anna picked the edge in her hand "I'll give you the best gift anyone has ever done to you, it's a good thing we are in the out today..." she grinned at you, before stuffing the thick hose in her mouth and started signaling down to the seaside with open arms. You just went a few steps further to witness a enormous tanker ship by the shore, that seemed to be where the hose was coming from. A loud honking sound echoed through the scape, and a loud mechanical hissing sound followed.  The gas hissed as it shot through the hose and into Anna's mouth very quickly, her entire body ballooned out in seconds. Both her boobs had inflated within seconds to the size of a pair of overgrown water melons stretching her black dress to it's limits and giving her a canyon of deepening cleavage sexiness, as well as her bloating thighs and buttocks that were now resembling bean bag chairs, she was getting really massive... The tanker's honk echoed again and this time the volume of the hissing sound doubled, as well as the air pressure forcing it's way into Anna's body, bloating her up even more huge at each passing second. She tried to smile at you the best she could with her face stretched and bloated up that big, while you just stood back in awe as her toes slowly started to lift off the ground....

Anna and the Tanker
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