Mary the impatient
"What is wrong with you?" Jeanne yelled to Rachel "How are you supposed to fit that huge thing in the pooltoy's valve? are you stupid?" She kept yelling, pointing on the thick hose Rachel had in her hands. Mary just relaxed back on the grass and waited for the girls to get the pool toy ready for their water games today, but for her bad luck Rachel who happened to be the inflator, was at her first attempt at inflating a pool toy ever and quite inexperienced, and from what it seemed soon to have trouble with an angry and inpatient Jeanne....
"Are we done? i need to be floating in the middle of the pool and you guys are slowing me down, please hurry..." Mary tried yelling to the young girls from the grass nearby as she turned herself to a more relaxing position facing the sky, quite anxious and nervous on the way things were coming up. Both girls kept completely ignoring her in the middle of their argument, when Jeanne snapped and hit Rachel in the hand sending the hose flying towards Mary. "Are you guys done ye--MHPMHPMHPHMHH!!!" Mary tried to speak when for her bad luck the hose came and got shoved straight into the Mary's mouth, cutting her mid-sentence and making her go wide-eyed in surprise, the girls kept fighting more vivid at that point when one of them accidentally pushed the foot pedal of the air supply, making the machine come alive, sending huge amounts of pressurized air through the thick hose and into Mary. Her cheeks shot out, bloating up like softballs, while she kept MPHMHPHMPHHing in surprise, and the air started travelling down her throat and into her body and more specificaly her boobs, that shot out, expanding and inflating like rubber balloons growing bigger and shinier by each second, having already reached the size of beach balls within a glimpse, even exercise balls whithin seconds, stretching her white tank top shirt to it's limits.... The pressure was intense, Mary kept inflating up like a blow-up doll, having her legs completely shot out beneath her, as they were already the size of beanbag chairs making her ass the perfect matress for her whole body to slowly but steadily lift upwards, and forcing her to grab the grass with her hands in case she would lift off into the sky... she dangerously filled out the entire ground spot with her over-inflating boobage and curves. And the girls kept fighting, without paying any attention to what was happening just a few feet away from them. Even if they didn't realize that their Mary pool toy was ready all right by that time, maybe the loud upcoming explosion would make them come to senses....