Beyonce Makes It Big
“Where is my f**kn blimp, already?” Beyonce slowly whispered in an intense tone, back at the guys where they operated the props of the show, obviously quite irritated that the huge balloon blimp that was already to be hoovering above her show and was an exact copy of her figure, was not even yet plugged to the pumps… It was a huge organizing mistake, and a lot of technicians would loose their job that day for sure, but the pump had malfunctioned and the crowd was already starting to leave the gig space, disappointed that the huge prop that was so discussed for days is not yet in place, since the show was already toward the end…
Beyonce could not allow it, her fans being disappointed would be a heavy stike to her career and mostly her ego, since she would be humiliated and even hit the news as a fraud artist that makes promises that does not keep, only to raise her hype and income…so, she had to act quick!
In an act of madness, and quite infuriated that the show was falling apart, she kept the rest of the musicians play some tunes and she moved backwards towards the backstage. The first thing she noticed was a huge thick air-hose that led to the helium tanks that had been inflated earlier for the decoration of the stage, and she picked it up with a fierce determination trying to do something to not let things completely fall apart. She moved back to the center of the stage, the thick hose still in her hands, as she waved to the crowd and all the spot-lights were pointed on her…
“And now it’s time for the big surprise of the show! Crank it up, boys!” She yelled in enthousiasm, as she forcefully stuffed the thick hose between her lips, doing the only thing that could probably save her ass at that point, not giving them a prop-blimp of herself, but actually trying to inflate herself to that size…
The technicians cranked the valve of the helium tank to full blast, and Beyonce’s cheeks instantly shot out to the size of softballs as her eyes went wide from the pressure building up inside her mouth and that was travelling down to the rest of her body parts. In a matter of seconds her boobs where the size of exercise balls and her thighs resembled tire-tracks as all her curves and body parts, straggled for space, steadily expanding and inflating from the inside of her full body black spandex outfit, stretching rubbery balloon sounds and hissing, echoing throughout all the gig field from the microphones close to the inflating Beyonce…
Her plan had worked, the crowd was ecstatic, yelling and taking snapshots and filming the scene as the singer kept inflating herself up with helium bigger and bigger sexier and curvier by each passing second, a slight smile trying to form on her over stretched lips and over blown face as she was watching her plan unfold with epic success…
Beyonce would def make it really BIG that night, and she would def hit the international news as well…