Leanne's Photoshoot Part 2
Leanne's mouth and cheeks, instantly bloated outwards gaining their 3d form again as Leanne went wide eyed and maoned in distress from the pressure that was building up inside of her. Soon her entire body started filling up to her former size as she trembled and deformed visibly as parts of air started travelling inside of her rubbery body. Within minutes had her origina lvolume and shape once more, as her eyes starting darting around, like pleading Nicole to stop...
"Nuh, i don't think so, Leanne, some people want you really big, you know..." Nicole whispered, as she stepped backwards preparing herself to watch Leanne's over inflation, as Leanne mumbled loud MPMPHHHHHs way louder than before, her cheeks now almost the size of softballs attached to her face. Her over-inflation started kicking in, as her whole body expanded outwards with her curves and bellybeing the main inflating parts. Her boobs where almost the size of giant beachballs by now inflating like crazy, air leaking out vividly out of each over protruding nipple. Her ass and thighs were almost 4 times their original size and her belly was now almost the size of a weather balloon, air leaking out of her navle as well. Whithin a few more seconds, leanne was about the size of the half the studio, her inflating body extending for several feet in height and width, as she was becoming spherical, all her parts being absorbed into the gargantuan fleshy inflated ball she was becoming, her green dress fighting for its life, stretched around her at the thickness of a rope by now....
Nicole was clapping her hands all along the process, enjoying the progress that Leanne's inflation was making, as both girls heard the studio door opening...
"It's delivery time!" Nicole yelled to Leanne, who could do nothing more than scream muffled MPMHPHHs and inflate further as the air flow seemed to be endless....
![Leanne's Photoshoot Part 2 Leanne's Photoshoot Part 2](https://bodyinflation.org/system/files/images/leanne_s_photoshoot___part_2_by_hellresident_infl8-d8qumxh.preview.jpg)