The Maiden and The Blacksmith
Gunilda was lost in her reading under that thick oak on that wonderful spring evening, that when she finally lifted her head skywards, she could see between the leaves that the sun was already setting... She shot up hastily, quickly cleaning the dirt and the leaves from her bright greenish/blue dress and barefoot she tried to make way through the forest to get back to the village before it was too dark, after all the forest was a very dangerous place for a cute girl like her to wonder after nightfall...
Between bushes and trees, she started making out some wooden walls in the horizon, not too far away, as she kept running to make it in time. Not paying much attention to where she was at that point, she thought it would be safe to seek refuge there for the night, even if it was not her village, something that would prove to be quite a stupid decision in the end.
After finally making a climb on the fence she found herself in a different setting than her home. She knew at that point that she would have to go unnoticed and not draw too much attention to herself, all else she would be in serious trouble, so she moved in silence and made her way around through tents and fireplaces and various tools of metallic forging, till she finally saw a small barn that might help her for the night. Without thinking further she started running to the barn though before entering she saw a wooden bucket full of fresh water that was laying a few feet away, and although she knew it would be too risky to try and drink, she had no option due to the devastating thirst she was going through at that point. Gunilda picked up the heavy thing and gulped down noisily, not paying attention to the heavy pacing behind her when...
"Well, well, well!!! A little thief!" A deep male voice echoed close to her, as before she had the time to react at all, a masculine fist grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up into the air before turning her towards his way, still suspended in mid air, both Gunilda's hands trying to make the man's tight grip let her go, but to no avail...
"Hurry up, lad! We still have a dozen swords to forge tonight...and bring the large bellow this time, we need some strong puffing for this one..." A old man's voice echoed a few away, as Gunilda froze in terror at the sight of her captor. He was a tall and muscular blacksmith, dirt and ashes coming down from his long curly beard and long hair, as his face was so angry to the point of growling at the pretty girl's face for daring to drink his water...
"You heard the man, little miss! He needs the big bellow... i think i have the perfect use for such an intruder like your kind..." The blacksmith whispered to Gunilda almost grinning, as he threw her in the ground in front of him. Before Gunilda had the time to fully get up on her feet, a thick bellow edge was forcefully stuffed in her mouth, as she went wide eyed in surprise before the man started to operate the device like a maniac. One powerfull thrust after another, the furious blacksmith sent massive powerful amounts of air into Gunilda's mouth, sending her cheeks bloating outwards instantly, as she just stood there, her face stuck to the bellow, unable to move, just moaning in distress as the blacksmith kept siphoning air into Gunilda's petit body, inflating her up bigger and bigger. Her midsection grew wider in seconds, like she was carrying full term triplets as the air kept ballooning all other parts of her body as well. Her breasts bloated out to the size of several feet, as along with her expanding mid-section her dress was being stretched tighter around her, by now way over the height of her ass and legs that had the same and even larger fate as she started to lift skywards with her face still pressed to the man's tool from beneath, she was getting huge all over...
Gunilda spent the rest of the evening as a blowing device as her rubbery body was being constantly inflated and deflated for several times, being used as a big sack of air for the fire, unable to move or utter any word at all since her mouth was contantly stuck to the bellow's edge or siphoning air out of it with incedible speed...
"Good work, lads!" The old man echoed again, as the work was already more than enough for the day, swords and various metallic tools being piled up aside the blacksmith's wooden bench... "We'll have an entire army stock ready in a few days..." he continued, as the blacksmith ceased inflating Gunilda once last time, before tying his balloned prisoner from her ankle to a wooden pole in the ground besides his tent, a batch of dirty work garments stuffed deep inside her puffed mouth to prevent her of loosing any air till the morning...
"Good night, little miss, you'll have my bellow in your mouth by sunrise, i promise!" The man laughed out at the balloned Gunilda, before entering his tent for the night...