Underwater Inflation
Christine, took the thick hose in her hand and looked at it in hesitation.
With a sigh, she stuffed it in her mouth and dived into the pool...
The underwater inflation contest was simple, the girl who would manage to stay below the surface the longer, will be announced winner. Christine was a little anxious, sine the girls before her had all done good times, and impressive sizes too... She had to do her best in order to win.
She quickly swimmed to the bottom of the pool and gave the woman in charge of the air flow a thumbs up motion. Instantly the hose bulged with air in all it's length and the first blast of pressure hit Christine so hard, that her cheeks bulged out to the size of melons , her eyes going wide and cross in the deep, and small streams of bubbles forcing their way out of her tight around the hose lips. She was determined to win no matter what, so she just stood there and took it all in, no matter how discomfortly she was feeling.
Her boobs started stretching her bikini, growing steadily by 2 cups per second and the air kept filling all the right spots in her body like her ass and thighs and kept inflating her bigger and bigger. By now her boobs where the size of over inflated beach balls and her tiny overstretched bikini - ripped apart by her enormous inflating balloon tits - showed no sign of stopping in size. Her nipples poked out like baseballs and the streams of air leaking through them from inside her body were forming steady fountains to the surface of the pool.
At this point she was feeling the tension to drag her up to the surface, to become more intense, and she kept swinging her hands and legs in the opposite direction, like swimming downwards...
Her efforts were becoming harder and harder, since her boobs kept inflating huge, now the size of giant exercise balls, and she tried to squeeze them all she could with her hands oin a effort to make more air leak from her nipples and the tension to the surface to become smaller... She was doing good and she was getting bigger and bigger still maintaining a decent depth in the water, who knows... maybe she would win that thing...even if they had to demolish the gym's entrance to fit her out of it, later in the evening...