Wind Spell Mishap
"Silly lady, I knew it from the first moment i saw you, your resistance would be futile and childish, haha! Now let's see what's in your leather bag, shall we?"
Gunilda yelled on top of an already defeated mysteriously looking lady, with a long black cape and dark clothes covering her body as Gunilda held tight her powerful grip around her neck as she had pinned the wondering lady to the ground, after a short and easy for her fight at the edge of the dark forest. That wonderer was an easy target for Gunilda who had been stalking her for hours before finally setting her an ambush at the right spot, and she overpowered her easily since the wonderer was no much for Gunilda's martial thieving skills.
"Oh, what do we have here then? A wind spell, is it? That will be fun... Let's see how much breath you hold, haha!
Gunilda yelled again on top of the struggling woman, who was fighting for its life but to no avail since Gunilda had long pinned her down, and she already pulled out an old scroll out of the leather bag and started chanting at an old mysterious language. Instantly the forest trees started buzzing as the winds started gathering around them and natural hissing started echoing at the forest opening as strange light blue whirl of windy magic started gathering on top of the two girls, like an invisible weapon that was arming itself for the attack, when...
The force hit, but to Gunilda's unhappy surprise, this particular scroll was a trap that the wonderer had set there for this exact purpose. It had a protection spell that who ever started reading the spell would eventually be the one who would fall victim to its wrath...
Gunilda tried to scream, as a powerful force shut her mouth and worked a shipon for the entirety of the gathered winds to start entering her body. Her tight grip around the wonderer's neck loosened, giving her opponent the chance to finally escape, as Gunilda's hands shot out in surprise and her cheeks bloated outwards like balloons from the pneumatic force that was forcefully entering her slim body. She stood up in alert, as her entire body started filling outwards like a balloon that was being rapidly inflated with air. Her boobs shot out to the size of beach balls in seconds as her limbs puffed up incredibly too, and her mid section was steadily increasing in diameter and size by each second.
In a matter of moments, Gunilda stood there all inflated up to the size of a small village house, as her glance was that of pure horror, endless amounts of magically enhanced winds, still inflating her body with no signs of stopping, as she had fallen trap to the spell that she had earlier pronounced...
"Stupid thief, i guess you will have to hold your breath...way more than me in the end... haha... now taste the wrath of the wind Mage!!!"
The mysterious dark girl stood above the scroll and kept chanting loudly in that ancient language, at an attempt to increase the spell's intensity as Gunilda stood there inflating all round and helpless, a victim to her own stupidity, as she knew too well in panic that this was not going to end well...
At the top of a nearby hill, two peasants almost dropped their weed pipes in horror, as they noticed a strange gargantuan flesh colored blimp rising up from the woods, getting larger and larger at the morning sun, as they both run back to the village to warn their loved ones of something huge and wicked, coming this way...