I'll Be There For You
"Wow!!! Look at her go!!! How does she do that? She's... she's... inflating... like a balloon!"
Monica yelled at he top of her lungs, as all the three of them, Monica, Phoebe and Rachel had jut returned home from their evening workout at the gym. On their way back, Rachel and Phoebe kept talking about some weird stuff about balloons and inflation, half words actually that got Monica's attention, too wacky things to actually pay any further attention since she jut kept listening to them, grinning and laughing at how stupid that talk was...
When girls got back, Rachel, without wasting anytime at all, took a thick hose out of her closet and dragged a large helium tank that was connected to it by the middle of the room. She shoved the hose deep in her mouth and signaled Phoebe to turn the valve to the open position, as Monica kept observing and laughing at how stupid all this looked, and what a foul Rachel was making out of herself, when along with the hissing, Monica's laughter seized too, and shit got serious at that point...
Rachel was indeed inflating up like a balloon, mostly her curves, her boobs and her ass and thighs, were expanding in volume and size, like an extra curvy love doll. First Monica was in awe, to see Rachel's cheeks bloat out to that size, almost 4 times larger than any blowfish face attempt she had tried before, and then she got excited at the sight of her boobs inflating like party balloons, stretching Rachel's tank top tight around them, forming a vast cleavage of ballooney titflesh, as her thighs and ass had the same fate, expanding and rounding out like balloons from beneath her, now the massive thick size of truck tires, as Rachel kept transforming into a inflatable girl with curves than even some of the most famous pornstars would be jealous of...
During the whole process, Phoebe kept watching with a grin from the side, like she was familiar with this whole thing, like she had seen it again, and like she was up to something further, as Rachel kept waving her arms around into a cartoonish fashion along with muffled sounds from her mouth and rubbery hissing coming from all over inflating body, accentuating how baloney she looked and groping her pneumatic curves, before she ducked with effort past her gargantuan orbs that were her tits and picked up a second air-hose from the floor, while taking out her own hose from her mouth...
"Had my fill allright! Time for you, Monica!"
Rachel suddenly screamed, streams of pressurized air escaping her mouth and widening her eyes at Phoebe, who quickly wrapped her hands around Monica's neck, tightening around her before she could react at all, bringing her into a leaning position forward, as now Monica's backside and ass, were fully exposed to the inflated Rachel behind her. The inflated girl quickly pulled Monica's shorts down enough for her ass hole to appear ,just in time for her to shove the thick hose inside of it with full force, and turn the valve of the other air tank to full blasting mode as well...
"YEEEELP!!!! Get that thing out of me!!! Phoebs, you bitch, let go!!!!"
Monica started screaming in horror, as the thrust of the hose into her tight butthole and the extreme force of pressurized air that started flowing into her ass, shocked her and pissed her off way lot. She kept fighting with Phoebe's tight hug to let go, but she was locked in there, and since she knew Phoebe was the strong one of the batch, her thought and worries kept intensifying at each passing moment, as well as the alarming size of her ass and thighs, as well as the rest of her curves...
Poor Monica kept protesting, swearing and yelling in vein, as her butt and thighs were now the size of a beanbag chair each, huge and puffy, stretching her tight spandex black shorts around them impossibly, as her boobs kept inflating at the front, now the size of a beach ball each tightly packed and squeezed between her and Phoebe's tight hug, as bulges of tit flesh kept appearing everywhere, the hissing sound from both balloon girls intensifying in the room, nipples leaking air streams and Monica's screams louder and louder as time went by, as she stood there bent over and inflating, as Phoebe didn't let go and the inflated Rachel, kept the hose tight within Monica's air-leaking butt hole...
"You see Monica... We've done this lotsa times! Today was Rachel's turn to do the start, but we had to experiment with someone's butt as well, and what a better subject that our closest balloon friend...YOU! Hope you are comfy down there, there's plenty more to be stuffed in you, before i let go or your sweaty neck...hahaha!"
Phoebs yelled in excitement, along with a little evil laughter added to it, as Monica kept moaning and protesting at the extreme pressure of air that was being siphoned into her body from her ass, inflating her like a squished balloon tightly around Phoebe's grasp, as Rachel kept enjoying her newly inflated curves from behind, not as curvy as Monica was about to be though...
I'll be there for You!, Commissioned Work 2015.