I'm The Queen Of The World
"What are you saying? How can people get off with this kind of thing? And how would that even happen in reality...?"
Donna yelled at you at the edge of the boat, full of questions, as both of you were talking about sex tastes and fantasies on the boat's deck for the last couple of hours. The conversation had long taken a really weird turn and Donna was really trying to appeal to you, impress you actually, so she was willing to do anything at that point to get you to like her. You kept mumbling half words out of embarrassment after that weird confession you did to her, embarrassment quite obvious, as she seemed more eager to take the situation in control at that point...
"Well, i really want to try this out, since you like it so much, heh... I mean come on, what other girls may have in abilities that I luck?"
The swimsuit dressed teen responded in arrogance, grabbing her boobs and squishing them together forming a deep cleavage on her greenish bikini top, as she sure sounded seriously stubborn about this, but you were still in silence...
"Here's a hose, i guess it goes here, to help these grow large and shiny... damn I'm gonna look so good after this, can't wait!!!"
Donna continued, quite excited on this she was about to try out, as she firstly pointed to her lips indicating where she would stuff the hose and afterwards to her boobs and ass, shaking her hands back and forth like simulating the amount of expansion they are gonna withstand. At that point you took the hose and shoved it firmly within her lips, stopping her rant from echoing, as you turned the scuba tank's valve to full blasting mode...
"Alright Donna, you asked for it, hope you are the rubber girl you say you are...here goes nothing..."
You said with a hesitant smile, no longer able to withhold back your urges, as you turned the valve to full siphoning mode, making Donna's eyes go wide in distress from the powerful wave of pressurized air hitting her mouth and sending her cheeks bloating outwards like balloons. Donna kept moaning as the air was indeed inflating her up like a balloon. Within seconds her formerly petite boobs, shot out to the size of fleshy balloons, stretching even further her poor bikini top, as her lower half was sporting some extreme curves of inflated thighs and balloon ass and kept stretching her black bikini bottom around it quite much as well...
Rubber noises as well as moans and hissings kept echoing in the sea area around you, as you kept recording the scene with your camera for Donna to watch it later on, since you knew what a curious girl she was, just right in time before her boobs ripped open her bikini top and she started floating upwards towards the sky on top of a calm sea. And you kept recording the whole process in awe, speechless as you were grinning on the possibilities of Donna's new-found abilities, and you were already planning on setting up an inflation site dedicated to her inflatable attributes...