A New Attraction
"Wait... Isuzu! Cut out the crap, this is not a joke anymore!"
You grab the hose in an effort to try to pull the floating girl downwards - who you had the pleasure of working with at the theme park balloon stand - back down to the pavement, but the longer the pump operates, the harder and harder it's becoming for you to do so. Isuzu Sento's body is becoming so full that your weight isn't enough to anchor her down anymore, leaving you with little to do but try to keep hold and hope for the best. The fact that you are so light of the ground that your shoes are sliding along the pavement like Isuzu's pulling you along also isn't helping at all, either. It's an effort you are not quite willing to give up on yet, though, as Isuzu's pulling steadily higher into the morning air...
Isuzu herself is looking completely overblown. After willingly sticking a thin hose in her own mouth so she could really feel how a balloon feels like, the pump had been switched on and the hose wedged into her mouth. As her cheeks and lips puffed outwards, she found herself stuck, but as the realization of her body going well beyond normal bounds, and the wonderful sensations that came along with all that, left the girl all too happy to just let it happen. It's only been a couple of minutes since this all started, her body filling with surprising speed, and still ballooning rapidly. There's no way anybody up or down the theme park could miss the spectacle anymore with her at her current size, and the number of people watching the weird female float-sized balloon drifting along as it is growing...
Isuzu Sento is certainly hard to miss, with a pair of breasts so large that no porn star could ever hope to match. Sporting boobs that could easily outclass a pair of weather balloons together, the classy red jacket she was wearing, stretched across them is looking rather distorted. Amazingly, the fabric is holding on quite well, the shinny gaps of ballooning flesh between her front buttons protruding vividly, only to start revealing a vast midsection of ballooning flesh from beneath, so much ballooning skin showing to point out that the enormous belly is definitely real, and definitely inflating bigger...
It's a sight that distracts from the comically bloated face she's now sporting. Wide eyes sit on top of puffy cheeks each big enough to fit a softball inside, and the equally large backside protruding out behind her is gigantic, with the fabric of her skirt stretching far, far further than it realistically should. It's like everything about her has simply turned into incredibly stretchy rubber. Her thighs have swollen up like balloony divots, stuck on her enormous lower body, even as boobs and butt and belly push through the hot air balloon sizes with reckless abandon...
The hundreds of liters of air inside of Isuzu are making her light enough, that she's floating up from the pavement ever higher. It's enough that soon you are forced to let go of your inflating co-worker as your feet leave the ground. When you land, you quickly recover to watch Isuzu, and her massively gas-expanded body rise up into the sky...
"Why did you have to be so stupid, Isuzu! On the other hand, I think the theme park just got a fancy new attraction!"
You call up after the Isuzu Sento balloon above you, throwing two thumbs up towards her...