Brenda Joins the Parade
"Cut it out you little brat, you'll poke somebody's eye out with this damn thing!!!"
Brenda yelled to the kid in front of her at the crowded sideway as people were watching the Macy's parade cartoon blimps, floating in all their ballooned glory above the cheers of the crowd. She was kinda pissed off, that brat had an air gun and was shooting the people holding the strings, that was his stupid idea of having fun she supposed, and she was about to do something...
Right at the moment when a giant Sonic the Hedgehog blimp was floating above of them, Brenda took the gun from the kid's hands and tossed it over above the crowd, to the asphalt in front of them with force. Unfortunately the gun, backfired upon impact, sending a bullet straight into the blue belly of the inflated blimp, resulting in a disastrous deflation, as all people who watched the incident, starting cheering down and pointing fingers to the young Brenda who was trying to defend herself but to no avail, since the kid had long vanished and all the people saw her throwing the gun on the road. The mood was getting tight, the blimp had almost completely deflated by now, all the people in the strings and the crew ,cursing and yelling in desperation, when two of them quickly emerged from the crowd and walked towards Brenda in a menacing way...
"Hey you, Lady, you'll pay for this! Get her guys!!!"
The man in charge yelled, as all the other yellow dressed people, quickened their pace and finally got to corner Brenda down before she could escape. They grabbed her by her arms and dragged her to the middle of the road as people was cheering in excitement, things like "Get her! Make her Pay! Don't let her get away so easily!"...
"Please listen to me, you have to understand, that was NOT my gun, i tried to protect you people, what the hell is wrong with you?!?"
Brenda pleaded for mercy, as she was in no position to move due to the strong grasps of the crew on her hands...
"Let me go, now! You can't do this to me, you - MPMPHMH MPHMHPHPHHM MPMHPHPHHH!!!!!"
Brenda tried to protest more, when she was cut off mid sentence by a thick air hose being shoved straight into her wide open winning mouth from a guy in the crew. Instantly powerful hissing noises echoed throughout the road, and Brenda's cheeks puffed out like balloons as powerful streams of compressed air were being siphoned through the hose and into Brenda's body. She kept yelling in moaning in distress through the thick hose blocking her mouth, as the air rushed inside of her body, inflating her up like a balloon by each passing second. Her belly expanded tremendously as her boobs shot out to the size of weather balloons in seconds and her entire body was rapidly gaining a spherical blimpy shape, rising up into the morning air, resembling the size and shape of all the other blimps participating the parade, more and more as time went by...
"There Lady, one blimp out, another blimp rising, you'll pay for the trouble you've caused in the most gratifying way!!!"
The man in charge yelled with a laughter, right in Brenda's uprising inflating face, as all the rest of the crew were tying ropes on her ankles and wrists and wherever they could find a spot to do so, as she soon started ascending in the sky in a gargantuan size of almost 40 feet in diameter, resembling almost completely the grandeur of the rest of the blimps in the horizon , all shiny and overinflated as the guys pulled out the hose from her mouth and glued her lips together so she would not start leaking.
After all it was a long parading day that had just started, people were cheering, Brenda the new blimp was spectacular, and there was even a great smiling Bob Squarepants blimp coming, right behind her....