"What is happening to me?!?"
Joyce yelled in horror, as her whole body felt stiff and her sides stuck on to it and started becoming plumper and rectangular...
"Oh nothing serious, hope you enjoyed the juice i gave you cause you are soon to become a part of my living room..." you yelled back at Joyce, your grin obvious as you observed the start of her transformation with great enthusiasm.
"What did you fucker do to me?!? What is going on with my body??!?" Joyce tried to yell looking wide eyed at her body in horror as her lower body was plumpening into a thick rectangular base of balloony flesh and her arms thickening like inflatable rafts sticking to her sides in a bent position. Her boobs expanded outwards various sizes her original size and inflated to the size of big pillows as her cheeks puffed up and her neck disappeared within her vast cleavage, it seemed she was becoming an inflatable armchair...
"Damn i'm pissed, it worked but you are an armchair i must have given you the wrong pills, all i wanted was a sofa!!!" You yelled at Joyce, who was now completely transformed into a curvy armchair right in front of you, unable to move at all.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Turn me back you fu---!" Joyce tried to yell but was cut off mid sentence as you shoved the thick air hose in her mouth.. "There now, i'll get you fixed in no time, a Joyce sofa coming up!" you told her as you turned the air valve to max and Joyce started expanding again at your feet...