Yet Another Photo-Shooting Trap
"A little bit to the left...there PERFECT! Now, stand still!"
He told you, as you both entered the old abandoned industry to find a few decent spots for the photoshoot you had in mind, as he pointed his camera at you, cunningly placing his foot on the old massive metal pressing cylinder, that was very close to where he instructed you to stand...
"You mean here? Like this?"
You told him back, as you stood there in your high heel pumps and elegant black mini dress, all dressed up like you were heading for a night out...
"And what was in that drink you gave me earlier? My tummy feels kinds weird..."
You continued, noticing an alarming grin at his face as his feet was getting a position like it was about to kick something very hard...
"Don't move a muscle, here we go, say cheese!!!"
He yelled, pretending to look through the camera, as with his foot his gave powerful foot thrust to the massive cylinder. The huge metal thing came towards you with tremendous rolling force, a loud splatting rubbery noise echoed and before you had the time to react, you felt an enormous pressure all over your body and it all went black for a moment...
After blinking for a few times, you realized that you have been flattened like a piece of rubber, spread out on the old industrial concrete floor, only a few millimeters in thickness like a cardboard cutout of your real dimensions, only a lot more spread and deformed. You could do nothing ,instead of blink around and moaning, as your limbs flapped around in a distressful effort to regain your senses and composure, making your whole image look so comical and cartoonish. In a few seconds you were able to lift your flattened half upper body in mid air, finally peeling your flattened self from the floor, as something very strange begun to take place...
A pressure started building up again, only this time it was not external, it was from the inside. Like something was inflating you back to normal. Added to this, your hands and legs went back to normal but stiff and you stood up in a straight forward position unable to move. Instantly your boobs shoot out to 5 times their petit size and your lower body started to being transformed into something way more bulky and rectangular. Your shoulders and arms swelled up like boxing bags and they bent right in the elbows to meet your over inflating rectangular thighs from below, your neck disappearing into your shoudlers as you became shortened way more bulky and wide, you were becoming the perfect arm-chair...
When it all stopped, you could not see anything but a huge pair of boob-pillows in front of you, as he came and sat down on your arm-chaired lap and hopped around a bit to see if you are comfortable enough...
"You look comfy as hell, feel the same way too... and about the weird taste of the drink earlier, i guess you know now, haha!"
He said as he relaxed himself on your over inflated hug, your mouth shut and moaning as you could not believe how you fell for this kind of things again...