Back to RPing

Hey all. I haven't rp'd in a while and am looking to get back in to it. It's something I really miss. 

My profile lays out what I'm in to and I'm pretty open to all kinds of things. I have the writing and descriptive powers to accomodate all kinds of imaginitive scenerios too since writing is what I do for a living. So I'm down for whatever, really. Popping is kind of necessity though, whether it's you or me. ; )

A lot of people think I'm a furry because of my username, but I'm not. (Though I don't have any issues rp'ing with furries if that's your thing)

Guys and girls alike are welcome. Hit me up through a message on here, or SolarFox19 on Kik. If neither work for you, shoot me an email at and we'll work something out.
