Morgan in the Water
Down in the depths of the sea lies a maiden who is part-mermaid. She lacks the fins and gills of a full-blood but is no less powerful as she has mastered the power of bubbles, swelling them as strikes her fancy--in the water, within others, or within herself. Rumors say she was once a sailor, daughter of the famed MacNamaras, whose ship was destroyed one stormy night while following in her parents' footsteps. Yet in defiance of expectations she survived, blessed by the merfolk below to breathe even in a forbidding environment. It was then that she discovered the art of creating bubbles, a skill only further honed by training with her saviors. To this day, she surfaces once in a while to connect with friends from above before returning to the deep. If you see her then, do not be alarmed by her long green hair or inflated body--she is very friendly to those who show kindness and courtesy in turn.
Morgan Marina and art (c) Joseph Staleknight