Cosplay Trouble on the "Looner" level
"Can we just for once have a normal cosplay get-together, without you ridiculing yourself with your naivety? God, Samantha, this is getting really tiring, Isabelle has been treating you like this for almost your entire life since puberty... And oh boy, your new shape is getting massive... I think i 'll just have to pull a lot harder for that jammed hose to pop out of your mouth, but damn it's tiring... You don't mind hanging on there, now do you?"
You yelled, after your futile attempts to pull the hose out of Samantha's mouth, after Isabelle tricking her once more into putting an air hose in her mouth. Samantha, that stupid girl, like she didn't know how these things usually end up, and had she not known how merciless Isabelle could be, without not even caring if they were in a public cospaly event of not...
"Heeee!!!! This is so much fun!!!! What an awesome balloon-Jason i've made out of you, Samantha!!! It's the first time i'm inflating you in this outfit, isn't it?!"
Isabelle yelled in ecstasy, as she kept pressing her Freddy-dressed sexy body on Samantha's ballooning one, still having the powerful tank active on the side that was siphoning compressed amounts of air inside Samantha's dressed up body, as poor Samantha kept getting bigger and bigger, massivly curvy and overpuffed all over, her cosplay outfit stretched around her pneumatic body impossibly, let alone that she was being ridiculed further in front of all the other event attendees...
"What was that? Are you really enjoying yourself? Damn, you are such a bitch, Isabelle! Told Samantha to pick someone else to accompany her to the event and keep away from you, since i was certain that you'd make something childish and stupid again, now here's what we get... Now, Samantha dear, i just hope you really like the experience of having your boobs and thighs blown out and expanded by hundreds of gallons of air that runs through you at the moment... You had to come with her, you stubborn girl! I must say you had it coming... "
You yelled again, firstly at Isabelle then at Samantha, after a few more futile pulling attempts to get the hose out of the inflating girl's mouth. Samantha was getting so inflated and ridiculously sexier, all her curves overly inflated into balloney orbs and spheres, impossibly stretched cosplay costume, rubbery puffed out skin, all a big massive curvy sight, like a huge love doll that someone forgot to uplug from the pumping machinery...
Samantha tried protesting a bit, as she was watching Isabelle enjoying herself...
"Oh, really? You think she'll just stop inflating you? The more you protest, the more that bitch likes it, don't you get it?!? Geez, Samantha, i've lost count as to even how many times you've been through this, always 'cause of Isabelle! This is not going to stop, and you will never get enough lessons to stop trusting her... I'm out of here..."
You yelled in frustration, after abandoning all efforts to pull out the damn hose, and started walking away...
"Oh, that escalated quickly... I think i'll go and apologize to him, in a bit tho... Can't stop inflating you yet, this never gets old, Samantha!!! I just love inflating you... YAY!!!
Isabelle whispered in an apologetic tone, since she just made you really angry and had a few regrets about it, before quickly snapping out of it and coming back to her ecstatic senses, by turning the valve on the air tank even further fuller...