I'm down to rp.

Hello, looking for people who play females (doesn't matter your irl gender) for a somewhat longterm rp. If we did it every day we'd probs get it done in like a few weeks at most. I like breast inflation/expansion and hourglass as well, but I'm really looking for some gradual butt expansion. Btw, I play females or futa, whichever one you prefer. Here's my idea for the rp:

We go to college or are highschool seniors, I'm the new girl, and you're a girl with a very strange condition. You have a giant ass (that's also extremely sensitive) that will grow gradually over the next few months or year until it stops at around the time it sticks out about 5 to 7 feet behind you. The story starts when it's already huge, sticking out about a bit more than a foot behind you. You're constantly made fun of and teased, you have basically no friends, but when we meet, we start to form a relationship. Btw no matter what size, you'll always be able to walk and move around perfectly fine, because when have these stories ever been realistic lmao. Also I'd prefer your character to be the bossy, strict, by the rules type, but you can be anything you want.

I like partners who are fairly descriptive, at least 3 sentences a post, 2 sometimes is okay though. Also, I'd like to consistently play, people who don't message me for like two weeks get on my nerves. 

This is just one idea, we can do any idea that we can both agree on, inflation, expansion, whatever. See ya, I prefer to do discord, message me and I'll give you my discord name.