Looking for RP! (Inflatee looking for good writers)

Hello! It's been a long while, so I figured I would poke around again. I'm looking for people interested RP!


What I'm looking for

-One-off RPs where I'm inflated until a big kaboom!

-Long-term stories with lots of worldbuilding, that happens to have inflation as a major or minor plot point. Popping in this would be optional.

-Maybe a mix of both? Experiment!

-Furry characters OR humans, though I lean toward the former. Can mix them.

-Female partners. Don't care what you are IRL, but I like what I'm playing with to be a lady!


What I love

-Lots of playful teasing. A soft dom does wonders.

-Forced inflation if the goal is popping.

-Teasing/willing inflation if it's more long term romantic interest-likes.

-Air inflation the most. Especially with hoses!


What I don't like

-Gorey explosions.

-Most forms of weightgain.

-One-liners or perpetual short posters. I love detail! Depth! I'm not asking for a novel (though that'd be nice) and I know not every line can have an extreme amount of detail, but two lines in the heat of inflation leaves so much more to be desired.


About me

-Though I have a furry picture, I'm more than happy to play humans/play with humans.

-Online most afternoons/evenings weekdays, have weekends off entirely.

-I have lots of various ideas, both for popping and for long term concepts.

-Discord RP or F-List RP. I will share the link to whichever privately upon request!