Here at Svenson Studios, we are always striving to bring you the highest quality content and as such are often asked how we are able to take some of those seemingly impossible photos we post. Wonder no more! Say hello to Mandy, our art director and chief photographer, on scene and loaded out during a recent photo shoot.
Mandy is sporting our new T261 Integrated Highdive Pack (now available at our website), featuring an FAA compliant VHF comm/nav radio, a transponder, and an emergency CE-Helium tank. On top of the pack are two Svenson Microturbine jet engines mounted on swivel pylons, each capable of 200N of thrust for maneuvering and rapid altitude changes. The kerosene reservoir in the pack is good for up to a half hour of engine run time at a 100% throttle (and much longer at lower settings). Around her right wrist is the 3 axis engine controller and palm throttle.
For this shoot, her camera was a DSLR with a 24-70mm f/2.8G Standard Zoom Lens. Attached to her hat is a SvenPro Helio7 movie camera. And though she will occasionally wear a chest rig to carry more photo equipment, it requires her to inflate to a much bigger and more unwiedly size to handle the extra load so she tries to minimize what she brings along.
A quadcopter with FPV capability was originally used for these kinds of projects but it was Mandy's idea to start tagging along with the model to get better results. When the ground support crew started humorously referring to her as the "new drone", she went out and had a t-shirt printed up that she now wears when on assignment.