Comedy Inflated Amanda Young (Jigsaw)
Here is a drawing of Comedy using her magic to inflate the female version of Jigsaw, Amanda Young (played by Shawnee Smith) in her Dead By Daylight attire, with the Billy the Puppet underneath her.
Scene Begin:
Amanda blown up like a balloon over Billy, the Puppet. She is stunned and taken back at what Comedy has done just by snapping her finger.
Amanda: What! How is this possible? What did you do to me, you crazy *beep beep beep*
Comedy (shaking her finger): Hey it's not nice to swear...there are kids watching this.
Comedy breaks the fourth wall and looks to the viewers.
Comedy: So, this is what happened? My brother and I come in here to play this game, and this lady tries to trick us with these devices. I am like oh sweet I love games, and I have a game as well it's called Pop the Pig. Shockingly, there was this person in a pig mask that came after us and I was like what are the odds that this would happen. Speaking of my brother, here he comes with his blade.
(See the next picture in storage here:
Comedy goes to the other side of the frame still pointing at the inflated Amanda. Her brother, Tragedy with his knife comes up.
Comedy: Hey, all you inflation fetish fans and artists out there. I want to play a game with you. My brother and I have a question for you: Decide yes or no to pop her?
They switch spots and a yes and no button appear in the frame. Comedy has her thumbs up for Yes and Tragedy, being him, puts his thumb down for No.
(See this picture in the storage here:
Comedy: Now, this game is called Pop or Not. The rules are simple, you just say Yes or No in the comments below! If all of you watch and follow our creator, and say YES! in the comments below as many times, then she pops! If you all don't like my creator's artwork and say NO!, which is totally tragic of you to even think that, then sadly say NO! in the comments, and she will happily deflate back to normal. Hope to play with you all real soon!
Amanda: Wait? What! No...No...No...Hold On! Let's make a deal! I'm sure Jigsaw will talk this over with you.
Comedy: Oh, we already talked to him and he is just sitting back watching all the fun happen.
Comedy walks over to Billy and waves hi.
Comedy: Hi Jiggy! You are so awesome! Big fan! Love these games!
Sitting in a control booth, Jigsaw (played by Tobin Bell) is watching these clowns terrorize his apprentice.
Scene End
Jigsaw, Amanda, and Billy are owned by James Wan and Leigh Whannell and distributed by Lions Gate Entertainment and Twisted Pictures.
Dead By Daylight is owned by Behaviour now
Comedy and Tragedy is owned and copyrighted by me, Violin100.
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