Female Inflation

Sandra's Balloon Store: Loona

Sandra’s Balloon Shop was extremely successful, at it had every right to be – after all, it provided a must-win recipe of original balloon colors, creative shapes, a large selection featuring all sizes and, of course, the lovely, alluring saleswoman and owner, Sandra. In recent weeks, the store had been continuously flooded with customers and Sandra knew that it was time for expansion.

Average: 4.1 (7 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.8 (6 votes)

Amy and the Malicious Balloons

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Amy came home from work and sighed in relief, finally, weekend had come. Amy squealed in excitement as it was today her little party was going to take place. She made all the preparations: Drinks, music, attire and the latter. She decorated her appartment and cleaned up well but stopped as she remembered something. Balloons! Every party needs em, and she had none, well, her secret stash of balloons she got over from the net but she would never use them! She looked at the clock, as she did so, Amy felt a chill run down her spine and her heart sink.

Average: 4.2 (10 votes)

Amy's Expansive Day

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Amy yawned as she got out of bed. Her suit, now her new body, made her feel more comfy than ever, as if there were pillows under her skin. She made her way to her closet, opened it and checked to see what she would wear. She wanted to go out like she was now, naked, but that would attract unneeded attention. She picked out a green tank top and her usual blue jeans. She got an idea and wanted to try it out. She had seen it on cartoons, maybe it would work with her. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and blew hard. Nothing happened though. "Darn it!

Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

Special Suit, The

Inflation Types:

Amy giggled in excitement. "It'll be here any minute now!" She said. She walked back and forth in her livingroom, waiting impatiently for her order to arrive. Amy had long pink straight hair, about avarage weight and height of an 18 year old. She was one of those girls who didn't have all the fine features a model or anything like that had, but was still pretty cute, and boys wouldn't mind dating her but she usually didn't in fear her secret would slip out as she was really bad at keeping secrets. She loved balloons and inflating things, just about anything at that.

Average: 3.8 (6 votes)


Average: 4.3 (32 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.8 (25 votes)

Interview Diabola

Warning: Inflation fiction follows with partial, (ok, full), nudity. The character of Bellydemon belongs to another author! Please don't be mad! I'm just borrowing her!

Average: 3.3 (9 votes)


Inflation Types:

Warning: Inflation fiction follows. Stuff gets inflated with helium. Specifically breasts. Female breasts. They get very large, and very bouncy. More than bouncy, in fact. If you’ve read the disclaimer this far, then this sort of stuff probably turns you on. Tsk! No accounting for taste!

Average: 4.4 (26 votes)


Inflation Types:

Warning: Short inflation fiction with anthro-themes. So if reading it brings you out in spots don’t blame me. Blame Seritaph instead, who gave me the idea for this one.

Average: 4.2 (17 votes)
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