Female Inflation

Usual Afternoon

Inflation Types:
Usual Afternoon
Average: 2.6 (5 votes)

Kaylee's Coffee Conundrum

Inflation Types:

My name is Kaylee. I'm 26 years old with long auburn hair and brown eyes. I have a slim frame and stand at 5ft 3in. I just got off my break at the bakery I work at and am currently finishing off my coffee on my way back. The bakery is located in a supermarket, so I do have to walk around some patrons on my way back to my post. Today is my last day here before I move on to another job, so I don't really care that people see me drinking coffee while on the clock. I look over and see Ryan talking to another coworker. They seem to be passing some glances at me. I sigh.

Average: 3.3 (12 votes)

Big Mood

Sexual Content:

The voice in the back of her head kept telling her that she had made an enormous mistake.

It was either due to carelessness, desire, or curiosity that it happened: While spending time alone with a tank of air, her hand lingered on the valve just long enough for it to be pushed away by her swelling belly, out of reach. She grew, larger than she had ever been before, perhaps unwisely, as her breasts billowed and her stomach pushed them up to her face, blocking her view.

Average: 4.4 (11 votes)

Burst Tease

Inflation Types:

Sonia was always a strange one, but we didn't know how strange until the five of us were together one day and the topic of secret talents came up. Cherry stems were tied with a tongue, fortunes were told with Tarot decks, and then she piped up, asking us if we wanted to see "something cool." We said yes, not knowing what were getting into, and she grinned and left the room, coming back with a bike pump connected to a long, trailing hose.

Average: 4.4 (16 votes)

Nami’s fate: Sangue passare

Nami’s fate: Sangue passare
Average: 3 (5 votes)

Nami Inflatality

Nami Inflatality
Average: 2.6 (5 votes)

Elf Floats, Pt.1

Inflation Types:

It turned out a lonely, stormy evening outside and within the Pneumatown aquatic recreation center it'd be no different. Beyond the tinted windows that normally let in sunlight from outside, the world was dark and gray. Thick clouds obstructed the sky and lightning flashed in the distance as heavy rains had just started coming down. They pelted on those windows as heavy droplets, creating a loud pattering that'd be the only sound in the otherwise empty indoor pool area.

Average: 4.5 (8 votes)

Blue Vocaloid Crossover

Inflation Types:

The current world record for the biggest inflated person is 200 feet (61 meters). The record for the biggest person to inflate during a show is 25 feet (7.6 meters). Three vocaloids look at these numbers and come up with a plan. Miku, IA, and Luka get ahold of their respective agents and talk about the possibilities of breaking this record. They are informed of the dangers of inflating with an audience while full of adrenaline and other emotions.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Viomira's New Friends

Viomira found it. She finally found it! The lost island of Prhys. She was overjoyed. This was a remarkable discovery. She could easily go down in history for finding this place. But that was not why she went searching. Viomira is an elf with darker skin and black hair with small red highlights at the tips. She is wearing her favorite Lime green dress with squiggly white stripes. Her lavender eyes scanned the shoreline, taking in the view. Off in the distance, on one of the beaches, she spots two figures. One of them was waving her down. She took her boat in and docked it by the figures.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Mistakes Were Made

Mistakes Were Made
by Joe Monday

Average: 4.1 (11 votes)
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