Breast Inflation

Busty Kiki

A picture of my OC couple Kiki and Izar Yumi being adorable together. Kiki's got her breast super-inflated, and one of them's now her boyfriend's cozy bed. Cute!

Kiki and Izar Yumi, and Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Busty Kiki
Average: 2.2 (6 votes)

A comic

Inflation Types:
A comic
Average: 3.7 (11 votes)

A making it Big

Inflation Types:
A making it Big
Average: 3.6 (11 votes)

inflation- the morning show

Inflation Types:
inflation- the morning show
Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

Dairy Lab

Inflation Types:

Out in the middle of nowhere, there was this farm that had open slots for employments. This punk brunette Goth girl named Kelly was on her way for an interview for the job openings at this place. She read that this job promises high payments and this immediately catches her attention.

Average: 2.6 (8 votes)


Average: 3.8 (19 votes)

Storm in a B-Cup

Sexual Content:

Storm clouds had already begun to gather as the crowd filtered out of the club. It was just after 3am, kicking out time, and the distant sound of thunder crashing echoed through the streets.

Raindrops began to fall, lightly at first, onto the little groups of people waiting for their friends to join them.

The sound of chatter started to drown out as the rain began to fall more heavily, much to the dismay of those just stepping outside.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011

A while ago as I write this it was a friend's birthday, so I made him a gift picture to celebrate. This is the friend's female self enjoying a cake-shaped P-tank and the swollen figure that comes with it.

Female Marioblade64 (c) Marioblade64

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011
Average: 2.6 (5 votes)

Helium And Marcy

And here's something I did before "Blonde Balloon".

This time, my OC Marcy is inflating herself with helium and seeing how it would work in her next big act in the circus. All signs point to a positive outcome!

Marcy, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Helium And Marcy
Average: 3.4 (12 votes)

Blonde Balloon

I originally drew this in a journal, but then decided to scan it and do the whole process of inking and all. I must say this looks even better than usual.

Anyway, enjoy a bloated blonde bombshell!

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Blonde Balloon
Average: 3.4 (11 votes)
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