
Amber the Water Balloon Girl

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

By Joe Monday


With the last of my moving boxes unpacked in the new apartment, it was time to take a break. The roof access was open to all of the tenants. While it didn't have any official patio setup provided by the building management, I'd been told that people often used it to set up planters to tend to houseplants or container gardens, or as a patio to relax on folding chairs with some drinks and a portable grill.

Average: 3.6 (11 votes)

Hose inflation on a ferris wheel

Another one of my unnamed oc, this time with some POV and in public. Check it out on Twitter:

Hose inflation on a ferris wheel
Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

Mistakes Were Made

Mistakes Were Made
by Joe Monday

Average: 4.1 (11 votes)
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