Remotes: Density

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Katie and Leanna discover a mischievous application for fire suppression pellets, but argue over how far they should take their prank.

Excited like a child on Christmas morning, Katie tore at the wrapping around the small shoebox and as she opened the box, her and her best friend, Leanna peered in, awestruck at what they might be able to do with the box’s contents. Inside were twenty small capsules, like medicine capsules each in its own blister pack with a small simple black device on which were a red and a green button. Leanna took out one of the packs and tore it open, carefully holding the black device and the capsule in her hands. Katie picked up a small piece of paper that had fallen from the blister pack and read the instructions written on it.

‘Fire Safety Helium pellets – in the event of an accident injecting this inert gas into enclosed spaces such as petrol tanks and vehicles will greatly minimise the risk of explosion. To use simply put the pellet into the at-risk vessel and push the green button on the remote control to steadily decompress helium from inside the pellet, to release all the helium in one quick blast push the red button. Warning, only release helium this fast in urgent situations, there is a risk of the capacity of the vessel to be exceeded causing a dangerous explosion. Not for human consumption.’

Leanna put the pellet into her mouth and handed the remote to Katie, she stifled a giggle as Katie hovered a finger over the red button and puffed her cheeks out to indicate what could happen. She spat the pellet back into her hand and dropped it into a red balloon, tying it at the neck. Katie pressed the green button and with a whoosh the balloon inflated, faster than they had imagined and floated up towards the ceiling. Katie inflated the balloon on the ceiling until it was about a foot and a half in diameter.

‘I’m sure there’s far more gas in that pellet than that’ Leanna said ‘Those things are designed to fill, like, oil tankers’

Katie smiled at the thought of having this much power and hovered her finger over the red button again.

‘Let’s see what this thing is capable of then’ she said and pushed down on the red button.


The balloon inflated beyond its limits so fast the girls barely saw it expand before it exploded raining red latex down on them, they also felt the blast of the helium fill the room they were sitting in.

‘Hee hee, that’s a lot of helium’ Katie giggled, her voice high pitched from inhaling it.

‘Well then’ said Leanna, as the pitch of the voice lowered back to normal, ‘shall we complete our love cake surprises?’

Leanna picked up the box with the rest of the pellets and walked through into the kitchen, where there was an aroma of freshly baked cakes, she put on a pair of oven gloves and opened the oven, taking out a tray full of small pink fairy cakes with numbers on the top. She laid them down on the kitchen table with the box and her and Katie started to tear open the blister packs and push the pellets into the cakes, for each one, they took a sticker with the same number on it as the cake and stuck it to the corresponding remote control. Then they put all the cakes into the box and the remotes into a carrier bag.

‘We’d best get going’ Katie said, ‘We don’t want to be late for the cake sale’

The girls hurried out of Katie’s house and jumped into Leanna’s green VW Beetle.

‘To the school!’ Katie giggled.

Katie and Leanna’s high school was only five minute’s drive. They were sixth formers, both 18 and had agreed to bake cakes for a sale the 5th years were organising. They had decided to include with their cakes a special ‘lightening formula’ which was the helium, so that they could claim the cakes actually made you lighter.

Katie was a petite blonde, very attractive but her best friend, Leanna, whom she’d known for years was a tall, busty black haired vixen and often hogged the male attention, the pair of them had always been known for pulling pranks and this was the first one they’d done since the time they hid all the chairs from the school hall, so everyone had to stand up for an important conference. Usually the headteacher was quick to assume that Katy and Leanna were behind any wrongdoing and the pair of them spent more time in detention than they did in lessons, they were both still very bright and were ready to leave to go to University, before they did they wanted one last big prank together.

The two girls arrived at the sale and set up their stall, with a sign that read:


A swarm of sixth form girls and the younger female teachers quickly gathered around the stall, intrigued by the outrageous claim and wanting to try it for themselves. While Katie sold the cakes, Leanna was discretely noting the number of the cake and writing on the remote the name of the girl who had eaten it. Within almost no time, the cakes had all been bought and eaten by most of the girls who now stood around about to pack up, Katie and Leanna had successfully implanted the helium pellets into twenty different female students and teachers and with the labelled remotes they had the power to make any girl fill up with helium, just like the red balloon had done. One of the girls, a cute leggy brunette called Sam approached the stall looking puzzled.

‘Those cakes were so good’ Sam said, beaming ‘but are they really gonna make me lighter?’

‘Of course’ Leanna said and produced some bathroom scales from under the table, handing them to Sam ‘why don’t you try and see?’

Sam placed the scales on the ground and stepped up onto them she looked at the reading, looked a little disappointed and looked over to Leanna.

‘It’s no different, I’m still 8 stone 7’.

At this point Katie reached into the carrier bag and took out the remote labelled ‘Sam’. Without anyone noticing, she pushed the green button and smiled mischievously at Leanna.

Both girls noticed Sam’s stomach swell out slowly, pushing out on her pink top and making her look bloated.

‘Oooh, I’m feeling quite bloated’ Sam exclaimed rubbing her distended stomach ‘It just came on all of a sudden.’ But when she looked down at the scale, she squeaked with delight.

‘Oh my god, you were right, I’ve lost 5 pounds’ She shouted to all the other girls that could hear.

‘Katie and Leanna’s cakes work, I’ve lost weight because of them!’

The other girls just scoffed at Sam, she wasn’t known for being particularly astute.

‘Yeah, right’ snapped Miss Calland, one of the younger teachers ‘can’t you see they’ve just fiddled the scales, you haven’t really lost weight.’

Julie Calland was in her mid twenties, not long since out of college, and attractive. She was quite popular with the students but she didn’t tolerate Katy and Leanna’s sense of fun and was always the one to put a stop to it, which was just what she proceeded to do.

‘OK people’ she called, ‘we’ve had our fun, it’s time to get back to class’

All the students milling around the stalls turned and headed back into the school building and filed into their respective classes, Katie grabbed the bag of remotes and her and Leanna followed a group of them into Miss Calland’s A-level Maths class.

Miss Calland locked the door as she usually did to keep the students in and stood at the front of the class, she wore a white work blouse with a grey suit and tight pencil skirt which showed off her shapely rear when she turned to write on the board.


She then walked down the rows of desks with a stack of worksheets, handing them out in a bored, systematic fashion. Leanna whispered to Katie who was sat at the same desk.

‘Did Miss Calland eat one of our cakes?’

‘Yes, yes she did’

‘Shall we fill her up with helium, like with Sam, see if we can make her light enough to float, then she’ll believe in the power of our cakes?’

‘God, she’ll blow up like a balloon before she floats!’ Katie responded, and then giggled ‘let’s do it!’

Underneath the desk, Katie rummaged through the bag until she found the little black remote labelled ‘Miss Calland’, She glanced over her shoulder at the teacher, who was now slinking back up towards the front, attracting the attention of the boys she had just passed. Katie and Leanna exchanged a slight smile and Katie pushed the green button.

At first nothing seemed to happen, Miss Calland continued walking towards the front, but then she rubbed her stomach, obviously feeling the bloating. Katie kept the button pressed and Miss Calland stopped in her tracks. Her normally flat tummy was now visibly distended and the girls could see it pushing outwards and slightly upwards as the pellet inside pumped the helium into her.

‘Keep going Leanna whispered, this is funny to watch’

Miss Calland was looking confusedly down at her bulging midriff unable to understand why it was blowing up. Her stomach had inflated to the size of a volley ball; she rubbed it tentatively and glanced up around the room looking panicked. The eyes of all the students in the room were fixated with her predicament, especially Sam, who was rubbing her own bloated stomach obviously making a mental connection between what had happened to her and what was happening to Miss Calland, she remained quiet however.

‘She is inflating!’ Leanna gasped to Katie, ‘We’ve turned her into some kind of Miss Calland balloon… inflate her more, see how big the bitch gets.’

Katie reached for the green button again; across the room Miss Calland was just about to say something when she caught her breath and her stomach began expanding again, this time there was an audible hiss as she inflated. She placed her hands both sides of her expanding belly and tried to push it back in again, but it just squeezed like a balloon being inflated and then rebounded when she let go. Katie kept her finger on the button and Miss Calland’s stomach continued to swell up, it was starting to bulge out from underneath her blouse and strain the bottom buttons of the garment when…


The bottom-most button of her blouse blew off, affording her ballooning abdomen more room to grow and it surged forward like it looked like she was full-term pregnant, though somewhat rounder. Miss Calland managed a nervous smile and trying to give the impression that nothing was wrong she turned to face the class.

‘I think something I’ve eaten disagreed with me’ but everyone could hear the nervousness in her tone of voice, ‘but it’s OK, I can carry on as normal.’

Even as she spoke her stomach was still getting ever bigger and she moved uncomfortably as she turned and walked back towards the blackboard, giving her tummy another tentative rub. At that moment, with another POP, the top button of her skirt exploded off her, quickly followed by the next button of her blouse and with an almost audible whoosh her belly bulged forwards. This time she didn’t try to remain calm at all, she spun round and walked quickly towards the door mumbling

‘ooooh, hang on, I must be excused… sorry about this class’

Katie and Leanna could see as she tottered away from them, towards the door, that her inflated midriff had become quite wide, almost too wide for her to fit through the door. However Katie still held down the green button and the girls could see her widening from behind so that when she reached the door she was too wide to fit through. She bumped against the sides of the long doorway in advance of the locked door, and then looking quite panicked she reached round the sides of the frame with her feet and hands and tried to pull herself through. She was still blowing up and there was no way she would be able to squeeze through. She was breathing heavily as she gave up trying to fit through the door and let go. Unfortunately for her, she had expanded while in the doorway and was now stuck, she began using her hands to push herself free instead and after a couple of seconds she fell backwards away from the door and landed on her bottom. She pulled herself back to her feet with some difficulty created by her ballooning stomach, but as she rose back upright something different began to happen.

Miss Calland’s stomach was still blowing up like a balloon; but as she straightened up her slender thighs began to plumpen and the bloated shape of her stomach crept upwards as her whole front inflated. The further expansion caused two more buttons to blow off her blouse, revealing the bottom of her ample bosom and her skirt began to unzip as her crotch pumped up beneath.

‘Oooooh, ugh’ she moaned and rubbed her hands down from the front of her hips down her inflating thighs. Then she turned towards her desk and went towards it, her bulging thighs causing her to waddle rather than walk. As she waddled in front of them Katie and Leanna could see her once tight, shapely rear burgeoning out, like two balloons, inflating in her panties and rubbing together as she struggled to walk towards her desk.

Katie giggled, not for the first time, and whispered to Leanna.

‘I didn’t think she’d blow up quite so well, she’s proper blimping up’

Leanna returned an expression of mild concern and whispered.

‘I’d be careful how far you push her, blowing her up so much could do her some real damage. What if she goes pop?’

‘You worry too much.’ Katie replied, still holding down the green button.

As Miss Calland swelled up further, more and more of her body that had previously remained slender began to fill out, the whole of her legs right down to her ankles ballooned up, and her bloated thighs were now pushing each other apart, making it impossible for her to walk and reach her desk, on which was her mobile phone. Further up, her breasts and the tops of her arms began to increase in volume, with her already generously sized breasts become even more ample, inflating from a D to a FF and causing the bloated teacher to squeal like a girl as two more buttons popped from her blouse. All the meantime her abdomen was rounding out like a ball, three feet in diameter, straining her clothes, and she could no longer rub it with her hands as her swollen arms were now being pushed out to her sides by the expansion. She was now almost immobile, only able to bounce uselessly on her feet and let out little frightened squeals, not actually moving. As her whole body blimped out, her ass continued to widen and her breasts pushed outwards, so her nipples were clearly visible, and rose up to her face, muffling her slightly as she shouted for help.

‘mmmph Help!’ she cried ‘I don’t know what I’ve eaten but I’ve never had this much gas before, someone help me!’

She was cut off with a bang, as the final button at the top of her blouse blew off, at the same time the stitches under her arms gave way and popped open, the front of her blouse fell to her sides, exposing her giant breasts, now larger than any pair Katie and Leanna had ever seen, underneath her plain white bra, which still held. With pained creaking sound and a pop Miss Calland’s billowing butt also caused the bottom stitches of a seam which ran up the back of her skirt to burst apart. Miss Calland squealed again and then she arched her back, pushing out her stomach and causing a couple more stitches on the front of her skirt to give way in a series of pops, and she looked up to the ceiling and rose onto her tiptoes, the hissing was still audible.

‘I think the helium’s starting to make her float now’ Leanna whispered to Katie, ‘maybe it’s time to stop releasing helium into her, before she explodes like the balloon at home’

‘No’ said Katie, ‘not yet, she’s still got a long way to go, the balloon only burst because I pressed the red button, I won’t press it and explode Miss Calland.’

‘Really’ argued Leanna, ‘I think you should, she’s starting to strain, I don’t want to be responsible for the case of the exploding maths teacher.’

As the girls argued, at the front of the class, the Miss Calland balloon they had created rose gently from the floor, squealing and squeaking and waving her hands and feet frantically; the other students watching were still glued to their seats locked in with no option but to watch. Miss Calland tried to scream again as she rose slowly towards the ceiling.

‘I’m floating, help! Please someone get help, the keys are in my mummph!’

She was preventing from telling anyone where the keys were as her cheeks suddenly puffed up with the gas as it struggled to fit itself into her, filling up more and more of her body so she looked like a living parade balloon, hovering, rising slowly and shaking her hands and feet.


Leanna gasped at the sound of stretching rubber coming from the teacher at the front of the room.

‘That’s it Katie, she’s full enough, any more and she could burst!’

‘No, it’s not her, it’s her skirt and bra stretching’ Katie retorted.


The seam at the back of Miss Calland’s skirt burst apart revealing her swelling ass cheeks further and further up and showing that her white panties had gathered up in the crevasse between them; at the same time half the stitches holding the front of her bra together popped, the rest hung on resolutely.


The inflated Miss Calland was giving off a sound of stretched rubber again, Leanna was convinced that she was about to explode any second and snatched the remote from Katie.

‘We’ve had our fun, let’s leave it, we don’t even know how to deflate her again’

‘How do you know I want to deflate her again? They’ll never catch us, we can do what we want.’

‘Well I don’t want to get into trouble’ Leanna argued, but then smiled ‘It’s still fun to do, I just don’t want to inflate anyone beyond their limits, someone could explode’

Miss Calland had stopped getting bigger, and the hissing had stopped, now she was just floating slowly towards the ceiling at the front of the class, looking down helplessly at the transfixed audience.

‘She’s stopped blowing up’ said Joanne, who was the head girl and especially bossy, Katie and Leanna hated her. Joanne got out of her seat and walked over to the blimp woman that was Miss Calland.

‘I’ve got to find the keys so we can get help’ she said, and reached up to grab Miss Calland by the ankle and pull her back down, she ran her hands over the shapely curves of the inflated woman thighs and ass, looking for the pocket which contained the keys, but they weren’t on Miss Calland herself, Miss Calland continued to try and give instructions to Joanne, and waved her hands as if trying to indicate something.

‘Mmmmph, Pmmph!’

‘The keys aren’t here, they must be in the desk’ Joanne said and let go of Miss Calland, who floated upwards again, tilting over so that her abdomen, which contained most of the helium was pointed towards the ceiling, she squeaked in terror and looked towards Joanne with a terrified look in her eyes.

Joanne was rummaging through the desk drawers and Katie took the opportunity of Leanna’s distraction to snatch back the remote, immediately she pressed the green button.

‘Noooo’ Leanna whispered and tried to get the remote back, but Katie held it away from her.

‘Stop fighting you two and do something useful!’ Joanne snapped at the girls, before turned to notice Miss Calland was inflating again.

The hissing had begun and Miss Calland was looking more panicked as her inflated body swelled outwards again.


Miss Calland’s body was making strained sounds like an overinflated balloon as it struggled to hold the pressure. Miss Calland began waving her hands and feet again, as her pumped up belly reached towards the ceiling.


Joanne stood firm on the spot, before redoubling her efforts to find the keys, looking on the floor under the desk.


More of the stitching on Miss Calland’s skirt burst off, revealing more of her immensely inflated crotch, bulging under her stretched white panties, and the rest of the seams under her arms exploded, causing the whole of the blouse except the arms to fall off her and drift to the floor. Miss Calland was now almost round, 6 feet in diameter and floating only a couple of inches from the ceiling. The high pitched stretching sounds were now coming every couple of seconds and were joined by low rumbling groans, that sounded like something was going to give.

‘Please please stop!’ pleaded Leanna to Katie under her breath, ‘She’s going to blow!’

Katie didn’t reply, she just smiled devilishly, Miss Calland tried ever more forcefully to scream for help.



The stretching sounds were getting slower and lower, and Joanne went from looking under Miss Calland’s desk, to cowering under, it, convinced apparently that the cause was lost.

Miss Calland was just about to bump the ceiling, Katie still held down the green button and the teacher’s body widened slowly as the pellet pumped the last helium into her that it could manage with the pressure inside her.



Miss Calland’s body finally gave up the fight, and she exploded with a loud sharp bang, into thousands of shreds of clothing, which spread lightly across the room. All that was left to suggest that she had existed were her high heels which were blown towards the desk when she burst, hitting it and falling to the floor; and the section of blouse which had fallen off before she exploded. The rest was just tatters, the terrified, inflated teacher was now just scattered shreds of clothing across the classroom.

‘You see what you’ve done now?’ Leanna squeaked quietly to Katie from the helium in the room.

Katie appeared in shock at what she’d done ‘We’re going to have to cover our tracks somehow’ she said, her voice wavering.

‘If any of these girls get on to us, we can threaten them with the same fate as Miss Calland!’

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