rubber suit

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rubber suit

Is there anyone out there who might know someone who could help make a rubber suit for me? I'm more into the exaggerated features than the round thing, maybe something like the larry latex pictures.


Maybe I should be more specific - I'd like something preferably full-body, able to be filled with air or water, maybe seperated into the bottom, stomach, and breasts, to be custom-made or molded maybe? I don't even know where to start with a thing like this, so any artists or manufacturers would be good to know.

Inflate123's picture

Making it will be very hard. But you can have something made for you, for a fee. Check DarkSide Creations in Canada and Cocoon in the UK. Both are online. I used to have an inflatable suit but Cocoon--it was expensive but they could probably do what you're looking for.


I've been curious to wear an inflatable suit. I really want to know what it feels like. I'd like to find out, but the cost keeps me at bay. Also I'm worried that after trying it on, it wouldn't meet expectations and then the buyer's regret would sink in with a vengeance.

I too prefer the 'puffy' greatly exagerated body feature look than the big round ball look. The 'oversize inflatable catsuit w/ socks' at Darkside is closer to what I have in mind. But not quite there. The standalone price is 1k. I imagine a custom would be double or something.

Sticky site lover

I would like a rubber stretchy wetsuit so I can inflate it with air and float in water and all that good inflation stuff


I have experimented for years with home-made inventions, none of them particularly good. If you do find a source for this type of thing, be sure to share your assessments of it with the rest of us. -Latecomer