Does anyone know what happenend to CattyN's site?

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Does anyone know what happenend to CattyN's site?

I am really sad, that I wasn't able for days (week`s?) to get on his site...

Anyone here, who knows more?

Maybe even CattyN himself?

His work would be such a great loss..

He inspired me to think about deflation again. Such a wonderful picture "Inflation isn't all about blowing up", wasn't it? It helped me to a wonderful contact, with a lot of shared fantasies.


He quit. He's done with the inflation scene. The website doesn't exist anymore. I don't blame him. Sounds like he got heckled a whole lot.

His deviant art site may have some of his old stuff I beleive.

Edit: Never mind, all his stuff there is gone.


His deviantART site is mostly empty now. I have a lot of his stuff archived on CD though, so if you know what pictures you're looking for, I might be able to find them for you.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


He quit? Ouch. Because he was heckled alot? You mean people bothering him for requests or something? I feel bad then, because I asked him for two requests before. Although, this was several months ago. Like last year.

It's a shame to see you stop making art CattyN, whereever you have lurked off to.


He's selling all of his inflation artwork on CD's for $US20. It's a pretty good deal.


Bad news.

But thanks for the info.

Inflate123's picture

Yes, it appears that CattyN just burned out--every time he'd post something, he'd get showered in the standard "requests" (read: demands) that drive many of the artists and contributors away from this community. People start expecting content and then they start responding to your work with "Next time, do it this way" or "I like your stuff but when are you going to do it like this" kind of stuff. Enough impolite comments like that stack up and kill a person's desire to release anything publicly--what used to be fun and feel good suddenly becomes a chore and expected.

I'm really sorry to see him go too. I was glad to have bought a commission from him while he was active.


...somewhere lurking around....


Wheres the crying smily?
Its sad to see Catty leave, one of my favourite 'flation artists but those heckley bastards forced him to leave.
When will these people learn that artists release stuff at their own pace, and not just for the punters?

Aye, Catty's above me, Hello Catty!


:( Good-bye Cattyn.

I will mourn you now.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


to paraphrase MacAthur(Sic?), after being relived from command in korea (by ike, i think)in his farewell speech to congress, "old Body inflation artists (originaly soliders) never die, they just fade away."


Or should you say, FLOAT away...

Trick wrote:
Or should you say, FLOAT away...

:mrgreen: (sorry, closest thing to a LOL emoticon i could find) yes, that would be more accurate.

it's sad really, evrywhere he goes and does inflation art, he gets heckled by alot of people. recently, according to his lastest journal entry at DA (probably his last)and coresponding posts, he tried to get into a weight gain site, PAWG i think, just to check it out. he got flamed badly. in one case, some people, and i qoute, " wanted pictures of an uber fat girl... who has health problems... and is slowly dying." (the triple periods were added by me) he openly said he thought that was sick (my opinion too,i'm not into fat wonen. nothing against the overweight, but who would want some one to be like that?) and got flamed about it. he figure that Bi/B2E and WGers just don't get along.

may CattyN rest in peice, and may be long the last bastion of his work.

matt wrote:
he figure that Bi/B2E and WGers just don't get along.

Not wanting to start a fight here and don't want to inflame passions, but I find this to be a true statement. It's something a lot of people don't understand...but being into inflation does not translate into being into weight gain (I've finally got my family & friends educated), but you can understand how the lines can get blurred to the uninitiated.

From experience, though, I can say that I've dealt with exactly the same situation as CattyN has in this regard, and he/she has my understanding. You're not alone!

P.S. I miss CattyN's site but I'm glad it's showcased here. Awesome stuff!


It's sad times when people have to insult one another over such a simple thing as WG or BI...

Though, I have to say, anyone who wants to see someone "slowly dying" has some issues to work out.

I've seen this happen to a lot of artists, and if there is anything to prove the point that unrequited requests are bad, this is it.

Mentalyinsane's picture


The name's Noitalfin,


I saw what happened on that forum. It's really sad, as it was my second home for a long time, untill it started to get overrum but idiots.
The thread CattyN was flammed was the same they were flamming another artist that gave up drawing because of the many jerks in that comunity.

I agree that BI and WG have nothing to do with each other, but its not true that they can't get along (me and many others artists draws both).

And about the healthy problems... thats simply sick... and I say it even liking to make drawings of HUGE girls, both with BI and WG.


...lurk lurk lurk...


I have a feeling CattyN was inferring health problems because people wanted him to draw girls that weighed over 600 pounds. I'm pretty sure I recall him saying he doesn't like drawing WG, anyway...


I am not generally a "rude" person from what I know, but what I am about to say will probably be considered rude by most, especially Cattyn, you have been disclaimered people! I have the utmost respect for anybody who decided to draw and do this kinda of stuff, and I can understand why some of you can get burnt out. But with that said I would suggest for your own good Cattyn just don't even read anything in the community anymore, and stop even caring, it seems to me that you are stressing yourself out more by coming back and complaining about why you hate some people who are on this "black list", just give it up, don't come back, and from experience, go get shit faced and pass out. But honestly you seem more pissed off now then you did when you were still drawing inflation art

Mr. T

Don't climb the tree if you can't run naked through the kitchen.


Honestly, I don't see why BI and WG don't get along. If you think about it long enough, it is basically the same thing. But the health problem thing is enough to just about kill anyones intrest in anything. That is so weird. The person that asked him for that must have serious problems (necrophelia :P). But CattyN, if you read this message, if it is ok with everyone, to post a response?

Daggerguy wrote:
I am not generally a "rude" person from what I know, but what I am about to say will probably be considered rude by most, especially Cattyn, you have been disclaimered people! I have the utmost respect for anybody who decided to draw and do this kinda of stuff, and I can understand why some of you can get burnt out. But with that said I would suggest for your own good Cattyn just don't even read anything in the community anymore, and stop even caring, it seems to me that you are stressing yourself out more by coming back and complaining about why you hate some people who are on this "black list", just give it up, don't come back, and from experience, go get shit faced and pass out. But honestly you seem more pissed off now then you did when you were still drawing inflation art

Mr. T

I'm not even gonna bother explaining myself to you. LURK LURK LURK! SO MUCH LURKING I HAVE TO DO!

chrisman234 wrote:
But CattyN, if you read this message, if it is ok with everyone, to post a response?

hmm? response to what? The incident? It was pretty basic. Someone took some screen caps of a girl on one of those talk-shows where they show people worse off than ourselves so we can feel good. The girl in question was gigantic and it was a question of weither or not she will live or die because of how fat she was. The RESPONSE to these screen-caps were along these lines: "MORE!" "I wish MY girlfriend was that big" "Damn that's sexy."

I thought that was going a bit overboard, since no one was considering her health and i felt that posting her pics to oggle at them was rather dispicable. I said so. I got flamed.

Personally I don't mind WG, but it's just not my forte. I've also noticed that alot of people confuse WG with Inflation and that annoyed me when people start requesting WG pics when I clearly state that inflation is my thing. Every now and then is ok, but i'm just not a fan of it. I prefer weight-LESS! ^_^;



Maybe daggerguy had a point though Catty. You don't really have to worry about people flaming you. Every artist has a right to draw only what they want to draw and if they disagreed with you disagreeing with their own interpretation of WG then so be it. I think most people in the community would rally behind an artist who was getting flamed for not doing a request he disagreed with.
Glad to see you're still lurking in the shadows though, after you said about having financial difficulties and you gf not approving of inflation I thought you'd gone for good.


Eh, you don't have to explain yourself to me, heck I don't even explain myself to me half the time. Just trying to give constructive critisism,don't mean to be hating just trying to help, but i gots to work for's the money in about 10 minutes uptown so i'll just say the peace out then.

Don't climb the tree if you can't run naked through the kitchen.

CattyN wrote:
Personally I don't mind WG, but it's just not my forte.

If it isn't your forte, just don't do anything with it. :D Just do the great CattyN inflations and we'll all be happy. 8)

AlecDeluxe's picture

Did I read that he has a CD of his work for sale? Is that offer still on, and where can I get it? LORDY, I love his stuff!

I want to pop so much I could burst!

AlecDeluxe wrote:
Did I read that he has a CD of his work for sale? Is that offer still on, and where can I get it? LORDY, I love his stuff!

yeah it's still for sale. Butcha gotta get ahold of me first. I'm not posting my e-mail here. LURK!


Hmm... CattyN, once great, proud artist, now proud lurker of It's great to still see that you're around. :D

Personally... I never ask for any requests from any artist, since I think people should do it themselves. It'll make the artist happy, and the requester the chance to learn how to draw.

And I agree that WG and BI is two totally different things. But like what CattyN said: "I prefer weight-LESS"

EnsignMinneapolis's picture

I think this whole situation is also in regards, at least to my experience, the DA trolls harassing and trolling on the inflation community's varous sites/pages/forums/etc...

It seems since places like POE, and Something Awful like to poke fun at us, it's been very hard to even display our stuff to fellow community members.

I miss the days of Jessica's anime expansion club. I miss the days when Funky's post some new stuff at Suitinflatey.

Of course, this could all be chalked up to a relative newb speaking to the wind, but that's how I feel.


I dunno about that... I've never been bothered by anyone who didn't like Inflation. My bothering was by people WITHIN the community, not outside of it. True there were a few incidents like SomethingAwful, but I've never had anyone complain that I do inflation art on DA before.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture
CattyN wrote:
...but I've never had anyone complain that I do inflation art on DA before.

Do a drawing of a busty muscle woman, trust me, you'll get some then.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.

HeavyMetalRox's picture

[Post redacted by LVK]

Nothing good can come from reviving this thread.


MixMaster (not verified)

Holy necro post Batman!